How to make friends in Bombay

We have been talking about loneliness when you are abroad, let's now talk about how to make friends (locals or expatriates) when you're living in Bombay :top:

Which are your best tips to meet people and to make friends in Bombay??

Thanks in advance for your participation

please tell me when you get to know :D

thats difficult..if u r in college or work then its easy..else try sittin in a cafe and wait for someone to approach u..but u wud hv to deal with the hazard of street side romeos who consider themselves hunks approach u as well

Its difficult to find a true friend. May be he/she a wolf/cheat in disguise. Really if u r in college or work then its easy..else try sitting in a cafe and wait for someone to approach u..but u would have to deal with the hazard of street side romeos, specially the younger one age 20-30 who consider themselves hunks approach u as well and destroy you. You can believe a person by mixing with him for some times, though there is no guarantee.

If you're looking to make expat friends the easiest way is to join up to the Bombay Expats group on Facebook. They currently hold weekly Expat nights at Vie Deck and Lounge on Juhu Beach, on Thursday nights.

Selwa, if you're married to an Indian guy (I recall you mentioning you were, in another post), there's a special group for you too (I'm part of it)! Message me for further details. You'll find a wonderful group of people living in Mumbai and married to Indians. :-)