Visa for nanny

Hi guys!

I searched the forum, but couldn't find anything relating to my question, sorry if it's already been posed.

I am moving to Belgium in October. I wanted to be an au pair, but unfortunately am 26 and too old. I have looked at visas, but am a bit confused..

1. Are the requirements the same for a nanny as an au pair visa-wise? I am hoping I can have the family who wants a nanny apply for the type B visa, but I'm not sure if Belgium considers a family a "company" who I can have a contract with.
2. If the requirements are the same for a nanny as an au pair and I couldn't do that, I would then consider going to school. I plan on learning Flemish; would attending a Flemish language course be considered enough school to be granted a visa? 

Thank you!

The language is Dutch.

There is no such thing as nanny visa.

Michelle, sounds like you don't really have a plan in regards to employment in Belgium and I would highly recommend you don't come here without secured employment.  As Schoolmum stated there is no "nanny visa."  No plan for employment, don't know the language which is Dutch not Flemish (the people are Flemish not the language they speak)=not good.  Some do refer to the language as "Flemish", but that isn't correct.  I recommend you stay in the states.  There really isn't any high demand for nannies here.