Recommendations for kitchen and bathroom suppliers

I'm relocating to Malta with my wife in April next year. We already own an apartment, and we would like to update the kitchen. Does anyone have any experience of doing this. I'm specifically interested in:

1. Experiences of how long this process can take in Malta from ordering to completed kitchen.
2. I want to move an internal wall to make the kitchen slightly bigger. Do kitchen fitters get involved in this minor build work?

Thanks in advance.


Moderated by Bhavna 7 years ago
Reason : Free advertising is not allowed on the forum. Please register your services in the business directory.
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Sabiha Malta residential design and decoration wrote:


Hi, a reminder that advertising or offering paid services is frowned upon here on the forums :) If you could simply answer the questions that were posted, I'm sure that would be useful and appreciated. ;)

Romaniac Experts Team

Profuse apologies. I sent e mailed pictures of my private residence which for insurance purposes and the value of my Maltese heritage home and to protect its contents for insurance purposes I was not prepared to post them publicly on this forum. I shall of course register appropriately but do not offer my services necessarily for a fee as I am an advisor and this instance provided advice free of charge. Again content noted and thank you for bringing this to my intention.