
Customs to Ecuador (updated 2017)

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Whether you are tourist, resident or ecuadorian citizen, this is a comprehensive list, updated to 2017, of items you can bring tax free with you to Ecuador.

To watch the video and have access to this list click here … TO-ECUADOR

Before coming to Ecuador, you should check this comprehensive list of items you are allow to bring with you to Ecuador whether you are tourist, resident or ecuadorian citizen, Notice: this only applies when you arrive throught aiports or borders to Ecuador.

    Clothes
    Toiletries
    Personal hygiene items
    Jewelry and home decorations
    Books, magazines, photographic material
    Food and items for kids;
    Tools you use in your profession
    Also bring no more than one portable tool for domestic use that is not part of your profession.
    Sports, circus, and artists clothing
    Medicine and vitamins.  But remember medicines should be accompanied by a national or foreign medical prescription and vitamin supplements can only be up to 4 kg
    Assistive devices for seniors or disabled people, for you if you need one but also for a relative. They can only be intended for one person.
    A maximum of two blood pressure cuffs, thermometers, and glucometers.
    Cds and Dvds you can easily carry with you.
    A maximum of two pets
    A maximum of two musical instruments and/or musical accessories that can be easily carried by you
    A maximum of three different sports equipment and/or their accessories easily carried by you
    Toys and/or their accessories that can be easily carried
    Only for passengers older than 18 years of age, a maximum of three liters of alcoholic drinks, 20 cigarette packets, 1 pound of tobacco and 25 units of cigars or cigarettes.
    A maximum of six digital memory cards
    Only up to ten video games
    Kitchenware, but nothing electric
    Portable electrical appliances for personal hygiene such as: hairdryer, hair straightener, electric shaver. But remember this
    : you can only bring one of each device per passenger, or two per family
    A maximum of three home electric devices
    A maximum of 300 milliliters of perfume per passenger or 600 milliliters of perfume per family;
     A maximum of 1250 milliliters per passenger or 3000 milliliters per family of beauty products.

In addition to the before, all passengers can bring to Ecuador as personal effects up to one unit, new and used of the following portable devices for personal use:
    Cell phone, 1 new and 1 used
    Camera, 1 new and 1 used
    Video camera, 1 new and 1 used
    Video player, 1 new and 1 used
    Satellite phone, 1 new and 1 used
    Tablet, 1 new and 1 used
    GPS for personal usage
    Laptop and/or its accessories, 1 new and 1 used
    Electronic calculator, 1 new and 1 used

If you are coming with your family, keep this in mind: cellphones, cameras, video cameras, video players, satellite phones, tablets, GPS, laptops, and electronic calculators your family group can only bring one new unit of each of these items (fast), and each member of your family group can bring one used item.
For both single passengers as well as family groups traveling together, you will be allowed to bring as personal effects only one new or used unit of the following items:
    Television up to 32 inches
    Monitor screen up to 24 inches
    Desktop and/or its accessories of domestic use
    Desktop printer of domestic use with a value no more than US $300,00;
    Binoculars
    Telescope
    Projecting apparatus and/or screen for domestic use
    Phone or fax
    Drone up to US $500,00 in value.

Remember to travel smart: Pack light, secure, and follow these instructions.

See also

Living in Ecuador: the expat guideHow to adapt to the expat challenges of everyday life in EcuadorCost of living in Ecuador in 2025Tourist trip 180 noncontinuous days in EcuadorCanadian Certified Lawyers in Ecuador

A drone up to $500,000? Whats that all about? With or without air to surface missles?


You added an extra 0..

It is $500

la veta

Thank you for this great information. Can you let me know how to acquire a National or Foreign medial prescription form to provide my Physian? Does this prescription need to be apostle ?
Can you give me an estimate of the duty fees on electric kitchen tools, small mixer, food processor, and pressure cooker. Thank you for your time.


la veta wrote:

Can you let me know how to acquire a National or Foreign medial prescription form to provide my Physian? Does this prescription need to be apostle ?

Dear La Veta,

There is no need looking for such a form.

Have your physician in Denver write up a prescription for your meds and take it to a prescribing physician in Santa Elena.

The Santa Elena doc can then verify the names of the meds as used in Ecuador and transfer the potency and dosage information to a list on his stationery or prescription form.

Many meds do not require a prescription in Ecuador.   Mind-altering meds known as psicotrópicos y estupefacientes can be authorized by a specialist in Ecuador on a form known as a receta especial.

No apostille is needed in this process.  Just take the receta to a pharmacy that sells what you need.

If possible, bring up to three months worth of meds from the U.S. so you don't have to refill stuff on a deadline.  Customs will understand if you do this and have your prescription list handy.



la veta wrote:

Can you give me an estimate of the duty fees on electric kitchen tools, small mixer, food processor, and pressure cooker.

Non-industrial kitchen stuff that fits in your carry-on luggage will probably clear customs without special fees. 

Do not pack borderline items in their new-looking original boxes, which could indicate possible re-sale intentions. 


la veta

CCCMEDIA- Thank you,


I am coming by myself and am bringing a shipping container.  We’re can I find a list of what I can bring in a container.  I have to decide what I want to keep, what to sell and what to buy.  I own lots of items of good quality. 
I found out I can bring a nice farmhouse sink and my favourite kitchen faucet that is touchless as well as indoor and outdoor appliances. There must be lots of things I am not thinking of a list would be nice. 

Also when coming through the boarder by plane what type of food can I bring with me?

Thanks for any clarification


Dear Shadow Girl,

Welcome to the Ecuador forum.

Your can bring just about anything that doesn't present an obvious danger (explosives, machine guns).  Used cars are specifically prohibited unless you are a returning citizen of Ecuador.

It is unlikely you will find an official list of what is permissible, containing words like "farmhouse sink" or "touchless faucet."  The list would be too long.

If you exceed the number of permissible items in any individual category, SENAE will charge duty fees.

If you try to bring everything, you might pay $15,000 US to the shipper, the port, for destination mileage fees and a laundry list of other fees.

Anecdotal reports have told us of damaged items, missing items, storage fees, unanticipated charges and other Expat nightmares related to first-time shipping. 

Instead of shipping a container, many Expats pack up to half a dozen suitcases, pay the airline for excess baggage charges and call it a day.  This works best if you have a definite destination for all the stuff so you don't face the logistical challenge of moving it around.  If going the suitcase route, contact your airline in advance to see if they limit the amount of excess baggage that would be permissible.

This post only scrapes the surface of all the responsibilities you would assume -- and scenarios you may encounter.  For a fuller picture, google: customs regulations ecuador .. and shipping your household goods to ecuador cuencahighlife.  The latter is an essay by an Expat named Charles Phillips.  It is eight years old, yet is still a brilliant write-up highly recommended for someone considering a container move.

First-time Expats should be certain they will be moving to one location in La República for many years before committing to a full-on container shipment.  They also are advised to be certain that Ecuador -- including the specific place they choose for residency in Ecuador -- is right for them.

Consider using an Ecuadorian immigration attorney from start to finish to supervise the myriad aspects of such a project.



There are also regulations about timing, when it comes to shipping in a container. We shipped ours in almost five years ago and the process was seamless (we used an Ecuadorian shipping firm, well versed in the technicalities). Our only hiccup was the mad dash to get it packed up and shipped to the country before our deadline. There are several sites that list the limits on certain household items (to avoid paying duty, but this list is ever changing, as are the laws. As cccmedia recommends, make sure you are ready to stay here for an extended period of time before going to the cost of shipping down a container.


is there an update to this list for November 2018?

I did find this: … eropuerto/

Psalm 119:54

How about 30 unopened jars of Nativa coconut oil and 30 unopened jars of Ambrosia honey packed in a suitcase?
I like honey and coconut oil.
Also maybe 30 unopened jars of peanut or almond butter?


I have no input on what is allowed. But I know that I arrived late at night and they just waved me through but checked other passengers. And I had lots of luggage. I must look honest or something

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