Good Dentist Speak English in Nakhon Ratchasima Area ?


Is there anyone in the Nakhon Ratchasima Thailand  Area that can refer me to a good English Speaken Dental Service ?

Your suggestion and help would be greatly appreciated.

Best Regards

I wish you all the best as it's like looking for a pin in a hay sack.

Bumrungrad hospital in Bangkok which is well known among foreigners here and overseas uses their own translation staff.

At times, one need to be very careful talking to Thais as it's very common for Thais not to ask questions if they don't know or understand. For them it's shy to say don't know or don't understand.

They will just smile and nod their head. So just beware when you talk to Thais in English and get their confirmation.

To understand you does not mean agreement so make sure your words is clear.

Hello Rejoice,

Thanks for the info as I'm aware of things like that been here a while now :)
I was looking for more direct info / points of contact with Dentist :)

Best Regards

Its been 5-6 years since I live in Korat but there was a female doctor at St. Marys Hospital dental clinic that spoke English.

Hello Straydog,

Thank You !!! :) I'll give it a look see :)

Keep the info coming folks !!! :)

Best Regards
Cheers !! Bob

I had the same dilemma last year when I was having a hard time looking for an English-speaking dentist in Korat for a root canal. I don't know but I got worried and ended up going to BKK to have my root canal treatment. Have it done at Thantakit Dental Center. Dentists and staff spoke English fluently. Happy that I never had any problem with communication and with my dental treatment. I totally agree that communication in this area is integral. Hope this still helps. Cheers.

Hello ,

Thanks for the info , Bangkok is a 3.5 hour commute , Though I did find a Chinese Dentist in Nakhon Ratchasima that speaks good English and is local , good work and reasonable.

Best Regards
Bob T.
American  Citizen / Retired Resident in
Nakhon Ratchasima Thailand