
Démarches à faire pour obtenir la double nationalité mauricienne

Nouvelle discussion



Je souhaites obtenir la double nationalité mauricienne. Je suis né en France, d'une mère française et d'un père né à Maurice et naturalisé français en 1977.

De ce que j'ai lu à gauche à droite, je suis complétement perdu, faut-il se rendre directement à Maurice ou les démarches sont-elles réalisables depuis la France, avec le Consulat de Maurice.
Et quelles sont les démarches à accomplir justement

Je vous remercie, bonne soirée




Dans votre cas, vous devez savoir si votre père avait toujours sa nationalité mauricienne quand vous êtes née , et s il y a renoncé dans sa demande de naturalisation française. S il ne l avait plus ou s il y a renoncé, je ne pense pas que vous y ayez droit au regard de la loi mauricienne
The principle of Jus Sanguinis provides that a child’s citizenship at birth is the same as that of his natural parent. Therefore a person would become a citizen of Mauritius if his natural parent is or was a citizen of Mauritius as this is clearly provided by the Mauritian Constitution under section 23, “A person born outside Mauritius after 11 March 1968 shall become a citizen of Mauritius at the date of his birth if at that date either of his parents is a citizen of Mauritius otherwise than by virtue of this section or section 20(3)" [3] .
This principle is also embodied in section 6(1)(a) of the European Convention on Nationality 1997 which reads as follows: “children one of whose parents possesses, at the time of the birth of these children, the nationality of that State Party, subject to any exceptions which may be provided for by its internal law as regards children born abroad. With respect to children whose parenthood is established by recognition, court order or similar procedures, each State Party may provide that the child acquires its nationality following the procedure determined by its internal law" [4] .
However, this principle has an exception as citizenship by descent is only applicable for one generation. That is a person who is born outside Mauritius will not be granted Mauritian citizenship if his natural parent was born outside Mauritius himself and had obtained Mauritian citizenship due to the principle of Jus Sanguinis. A person is eligible to Mauritian citizenship only if his natural parent was born in Mauritius or has access to Mauritian citizenship according to the Mauritian citizenship Act.
But before the amendment made in 1995 to section 23 of the Constitution, a person born outside Mauritius would become a citizen of Mauritius only if his father was a citizen of Mauritius at the date of his birth. Therefore if a child was born from a woman having a Mauritian citizenship, but the father of the child was a foreigner, the child would not become a citizen of Mauritius. This was the case before 1995, but today we can see that even if the child has a Mauritian mother and a foreign father, the child is still eligible to become a citizen of Mauritius by virtue of this principle

La meilleure des choses à faire c est d appeler l Ambassade de Maurice à Paris. Ils pourront vous dire quels sont vos droits .




Valérie a été très complète. Pour résumer simplement, voici ce qui m'a été dit au bureau des passeports à Port Louis :
Si un(e) Mauricien acquit une autre nationalité avant l'âge de 21 ans, alors il a perdu la nationalité Mauricienne.
Un enfant né hors de Maurice d'un parent Mauricien né à Maurice est Mauricien (quel que soit le sexe du parent, la loi de 1995 a abrogé la discrimination: mon fils né en 1992 d'une mère Mauricienne est bel et bien Mauricien).

Par contre, des amis qui étaient partis en France dans les années 70', n'ont pas demandé la nationalité française car ils étaient obligés de renoncer à la nationalité Mauricienne.

Articles pour préparer votre expatriation à l'Ile Maurice

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