Bonjour, une mise à jour importante pour ceux qui se sont inscrit à la loterie. Vous allez devoir vous réinscrire à partir du 18 octobre jusqu'au 22 novembre 2017.
Source: … m-dv-2019/
Due to technical issues, the registration period for DV-2019 is being restarted, and all entries made prior to October 18, 2017, will need to be resubmitted for the entrant to be considered. We regret the inconvenience to Diversity Visa entrants. In order to ensure fairness and protect the integrity of the process for all those concerned, however, we must restart the entry process for this year (DV-2019).
The new registration period for DV-2019 opens for electronic entries at 11:00am, Wednesday, October 18, 2017, and closes at 11:00am, Wednesday, November 22, 2017.
If you entered before Wednesday, October 18, 2017, that entry will not be considered, and you will need to submit another entry during the new registration period. You may submit one new entry without being disqualified for submitting multiple entries. Individuals who submit more than one entry during the new registration period will be disqualified.
Applicants can access the electronic DV entry form (E-DV) at the official E-DV website,, during the registration period. DV instructions also are available on the Department of State’s public webpage at
All other eligibility requirements remain the same.
Beginning May 15, 2018, DV-2019 entrants will be able to use their unique confirmation number provided at registration to check the online Entrant Status Check at to see if their entry was selected. Entrant Status Check will inform successful entrants how to apply for DVs for themselves and their eligible family members. The Department also will confirm visa interview appointments through the Entrant Status Check.
Frequent questions:
Q: What can you tell us about the technical issue? Were entries lost? Was this a hacking attempt?
The technical issue was a failure to properly account for country of eligibility if the entrant was selecting a country of eligibility other than his/her place of birth, which is permitted in certain limited circumstances. This was not a result of any outside interference or hacking attempt.
Q: How many entries had been received before this technical issue?
Due to technical issues, we are unable to reliably estimate how many valid entries were received at this time. In order to protect the integrity of the process and ensure a fair opportunity to all entrants, we are restarting the entry period now.
Q: How many DV entries does the Department expect for DV-2019?
In DV-2018, the last year for which numbers are available, we received more than 14 million entries from principal applicants.
Q: How will the Department notify applicants whose entries are not valid?
The Department will send an automated email notification to each Diversity Visa entrant from whom an entry was received before October 18, 2017, using the email address provided on the lottery entry form, directing the entrant to check the website for an important announcement.
We will also work through our embassies and consulates to inform potential entrants of the situation and new registration period using social media and local media outlets.
Q: Will this delay the DV-2019 process?
The selection of selected entries for DV-2019 is scheduled to begin May 15, 2018.
We do not anticipate any delay in the DV-2019 process at this time.