
Visa for Brazilian Spouse for USA

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Hello All, I have applied for my Wife to visit the USA, I have filed a DS-160, here's the dilemma, I called the Am.Consulate/Embassy in Brasilia and was told that my spouse would need to apply for a "Green/Red Card" for a Visit/Tourism Visa.

Does anyone have any information to assist me for all we want to do is go to the USA for a visit, we are not relocating, just a visit.

I don't believe the lady answering the phone has a clue about visiting for she immediately said my wife's DS160 would be denied and I was like come on now , it's not like we want to work or move back to the USA, it seemed ridiculous one would need a "Green/Red Card" just for a Visit and the person I spoke with refused to give her name and stated they did not have names at the embassy????....

So if any one has recently applied for Visa for there spouse to visit the EAU please reply .

I think the answering service is confused on a immigrant and non immigrant  visa or just being lazy and don't know what is required.

Thanks in advance, I did not find any information on the US Embassy Website that stated file a differant visa for a vacation with ones spouse and requiring a green card.....

See also

Work permits for BrazilThe Working Holiday Visa for BrazilGeneral visa requirements for BrazilBrazil Visitor E-Visa Is OnlineDigital Nomad Visa Renewal


What was the reason for calling? Were you contacted by them after you filed the application? If not just wait to hear from them. It may take awhile.  The information on this page should provide you with how to proceed. There is no way the person you spoke to would have any idea if it would be denied. … l#overview

We just completed my wife's immigrant visa to the USA. It was pretty straightforward. There were lots of forms and documents to submit but your tourist visit should be much easier.



jland912 wrote:


The information on this page should provide you with how to proceed. There is no way the person you spoke to would have any idea if it would be denied. … l#overview

We just completed my wife's immigrant visa to the USA. It was pretty straightforward. There were lots of forms and documents to submit but your tourist visit should be much easier.


Its All Good, thanks JL, I was able to get hold to a member of the Embassy Staff and I reported the person who answered the phone for her "Misinformation " her name probably is "Miss Information", your correct. So all is well, we paid the fee and the wife will be traveling to Brasilia and Appointments set, so as I know now "No Green/Red Card" required and the answering service for the Embassy should stick to there job of "Anwsering Phones" and not stating who,what,why,when and where.....just anwser the phone and patch me through.
Thanks my Brother all is solved.....hopefully


JL,and, I apologize for not answering your question of my reason for calling, so here we go (lol). All I can say is in this day and age, one needs to dot the " I " and cross the "t",check and recheck! I wanted some general information for the wife will be traveling alone, and the website is a Lil confusing and gray and dry (smh) like most government entities it can change at the drop of a pin. I wanted to insure that the process was good, so I'm sending the wife with the Whole Encelada for they may need a xray of my eyetooth (kkk/lol). I was able to schedule the Appointments and needed a Lil help for if one messes up doesn't cover there bases it could be a lesson in futility and loss of cash airfare,lodging,food,taxi's and miscellaneous happenings. I was stuck after filing the DS-160 and it was like "Next". In the beginning of escapade with the DS-160, it wouldn't save for some odd reason, and I ended up submitting 3ea. DS-160 so I called to make sure I did not have 3 on file (lol) so the guy I spoke to (this was my first call)  stated just start a new form for the system cancels any unfinished/ unsaved forms.



Good luck. I hope she gets it ,After her interview. Please  Post an update if you don't mind.



My experience is my wife was denied because she only listed her business. Here is what I have learned. They want to know why you would come back to Brazil. When we go again we will specify she owns two home here we’re are developing a business here and she has two daughters and mother she takes care of here are the reason she will return. They also ask if she own a car that tell me they want committed why you have reason to come back. I have talk to many Brazilian who have tried and even rich ones get denied. It’s more important I think to show why you need to come back to Brazil.


NewBrazil wrote:

My experience is my wife was denied because she only listed her business. Here is what I have learned. They want to know why you would come back to Brazil. When we go again we will specify she owns two home here we’re are developing a business here and she has two daughters and mother she takes care of here are the reason she will return. They also ask if she own a car that tell me they want committed why you have reason to come back. I have talk to many Brazilian who have tried and even rich ones get denied. It’s more important I think to show why you need to come back to Brazil.

We have no plans of staying in the US or Moving back,   just going home to buy peanut butter and grits (lol), we own property and we have family here, not sure why the denial for your spouse as we are both retired and enjoy our way of life here in Brazil, I'm sending her in with all the possible information, car title,house and apartment ,bank statements  and any and all documents I can find. I am a former employee of the US Goverment  and it's about "Murphys Law".  I'm sending in the Families Photos, if we had a dog I'd send it into the interview also....



If you tell the interviewer what you just wrote she will be denied. You are expected to stay in the US most of the time. You can leave periodically but her green card will be revoked. A period of more than 6 months will be a flag for a review.  You have to get permission in writing to be gone for extended periods of time.



New Brazil

The fact that your wife has a business and 2 homes along with daughters to take care of is probably why she was denied. They want people who are going to stay in the USA. You are allowed to leave but not for long periods of time. after 1 year out you lose the green card.



jland912 wrote:


If you tell the interviewer what you just wrote she will be denied. You are expected to stay in the US most of the time. You can leave periodically but her green card will be revoked. A period of more than 6 months will be a flag for a review.  You have to get permission in writing to be gone for extended periods of time.


We are not seeking a" Immigrant Visa" we are seeking a "Non-Immigrant Tourist Visa"(the application Rules are differant" so maybe there's some misunderstanding of the "Rules", I agree if We were seeking a "Immigrant Visa" the green/red card is for "Immigration", it seems ridiculous to apply for a "Green/Red Card" for a " Vacation".....I mean I came here on a "Tourist Visa" and didn't need a "CPF" . And as you said earlier,"Only the Interviewer" can deny the visa....I'm not worried about it, I'm to mature to worry about being denied for a "Tourist Visa"
The Wife has to tell her own story, my main goal is to have the Embassy Verify her Documents for taxes as I need to claim her on taxes so if we accomplish the W7 being verified "I'm good".... I'll get my refund and go to Switzerland  (lol) jus sayn..... the may have peanut butter and grits......I'll let ya it works out


Jim we were applying for tourists visa we don’t want to live in the USA. I have applied for permanent visa here in Brazil.. we just wanted to visit so I will sell my house in the USA.


NewBrazil wrote:

Jim we were applying for tourists visa we don’t want to live in the USA. I have applied for permanent visa here in Brazil.. we just wanted to visit so I will sell my house in the USA.

I'm wondering if it's due to your "Processing" to live in Brazil, I have experienced problems in a prior marriage of "Returning to One's Home Country" while documents are processing for the "New Domicile" and that was a nightmare and another story. I am looking at your history and how you have moved over the last years. I am thinking let the dust settle from your "Permanent in Brazil" and then apply for we know there's a paper trail, 5 months in Mexico did you get a "Mexican Visa"? I understand the travel yet the way things are today with Bio-Metrics and "Official Government Identification Requirements" it's to the point in the US one will need a "Government Identification" to fly State to State, jus sayn.....Good Luck......


NewBrazil and Alascana. I am sorry I misunderstood. I thought you were going for a spousal immigration visa.

Good Luck


Its All Good, I'll return when the economy improves and I can find work in my "Golden Years" (lol/kkk) as of now my Lil Pension is fine here in Brazil.. yea on of the wife's friends was like giving her bad news and I was like, I know there tough on "Immigration Visa's" yet with the current economic climate and overall disarray in the states "Its Good Here in Brazil" jus sayn....


Okay here we go to clear it up
The "Tourist Visa" was approved, fast and efficent ( I wonder why/lol/kkk) the US Embassy in Brasilia Rocks !
It is my understanding there were 5 that's right 5 questions from the let's call him "The Interview Guy" the only document he wanted was the "Brazilian Passport", my lady.👄 had every flipping document, she even had a photo of our Turtle (just kidding ) yet according to her, the interviewer recieved the whole document folder (ya know the Lil plastic paper holder thingy/ the look at me one (lol/kkk) she had my passport in the folder yet and the "Interview Guy" only handled her passport never looked at mines. Okay so I had put the delivery address for Brasilia so it was told to me that the Visa had to be delivered in Brasilia  ( I do not remember the document asking for a delivery address? Or misread the question) anyway she was told to look for a email in 5 to 10 days   to pickup her passport with the Approved Visa, well guess what the email came the day after her interview ( I wonder why?)(lol/kkk) she was prepared to be in Brasilia if necessary for 10 days. She only had to go to 2 offices (what a shocker) and both offices were in walking distance (just saying). She said the "Interview Guy" was checking her data on the computer. I tried to share with her that he was veryfing her passport information and inputting her data. It was a 15 minute interview and that was mostly data input of the "Interview Guy" making sure it was her and her "Bio-Metrics" and she had paid her fee. Once one files a DS 160 and pays the fee, the background checks begin. It was a very simple process obtaining a Tourist Visa. BTW  (by the way/lol) she forgot to have the ITIN/W7 validated for my taxes the good thing there's a embassy in Ohio....I'm good just sharing effeciency. ......


jland912 wrote:

NewBrazil and Alascana. I am sorry I misunderstood. I thought you were going for a spousal immigration visa.

Good Luck

Jim I apologize for in my first post I did say a "Immigration Visa" lol.
So you were correct when you were advising.

I should have been more specific. Thanks bud, now it's off to Cleveland  (yikes)


Congrats!  But really - all this drama to go to CLEVELAND?!?! ROFLMAO


abthree wrote:

Congrats!  But really - all this drama to go to CLEVELAND?!?! ROFLMAO

Yup! And everybody is trying to get out of "Cleveland" lol. It's information for the Expat folks for inevitably some one will need the information.

I just like how smoove everything went for the drama of "Brazil Red Tape" was a tramatic experience for me (smh) and I love "One Stop Shopping" (rotfl).

As it seems here all one gets is "No" she did 2 stops and we dropped and closed down the shop (lmbo) for everything here is like a " Pulling a Camel through the Eye of a Needle" it was good for my wife to experience the US way of handling things "Fast and Efficient"  and not bouncing office to office and giving up ones 1st born or sitting in a que all day to be denied or being told "We need a Document" Love Brazil yet I don't like some drivers and the paperwork drama...
Jus sayn....



So glad it worked out for you so easily. My wife got a tourist visa before we were married and answered one question. about 5 mins long.  We went for her green card interview last month. We were both interviewed. Ask a few questions less than 10 mins. I never showed any documents. I think your fate is decided before you go. they know everything about you.



Jim are you thinking of heading back to USA for a long time?.
And I do not understand how it's such a simple process, I will start with the W7 /ITIN and the process maybe easier for she will have a American "CPF" lol aka "Tax ID"so hopefully that will simplify the process of the "Red Card" and folks as "Obummer" would say (lmbo) it is no longer Green and Red = Danger" jus sayn..Thanks man..... I only plan to visit the US, until the "Deep State is Gone"...



We have a home in USA and Brazil. We will split our time between the two. The taxpayer identification number was easy to get. I did it with our first tax filing after we were married. as far as an SSN you have to have a green card to get that. My wifes is in process. The green card process was not a piece of cake but you do it in steps. all online. 



That's Sweet (as my kids would say) 2 homes, so now I have better understanding  of the documents your working on.  I'm going to stick with the  "Tax ID " as I may work, yet she will not. It would really screw up things  (lol). I have to Amend my Taxes for 2016 and file 2017 and  I will come home (Brazil/smh/lol) from vacation with money (lol) most folks come back from vacation with no cash (lol). It seems that the wife was given a 10 year with no specific time to travel  or entry in US ?  For I know I had to enter Brazil within 90 days of my Visa being Approved, so that puts a no pressure no hype on my travel plans. We're planning on 3 months in Beautiful Ohio, I may take a side trip to Alaska to see the Grands and pick up my cast iron skillets for all the ones I see here weigh a ton (we got to find a "Turtle Sitter") rotfl. Thanks for the help and information


jland912 wrote:


We have a home in USA and Brazil. We will split our time between the two. The taxpayer identification number was easy to get. I did it with our first tax filing after we were married. as far as an SSN you have to have a green card to get that. My wifes is in process. The green card process was not a piece of cake but you do it in steps. all online. 


Jim did you have her W7 validated at a Embassy or Did you have to mail it to the IRS?  As of now , she did not remember to have the Embassy validate the W7, so my query is either fly her back to Brasilia for validation or  can i mail it to the Embassy in Brasilia with her Passport (Registered Mail or Sedx or wait till I hit the US and send her "Passport to the IRS" and have the "IRS" validate her W7 with my Amended 2016 and 2017 Tax Filing, a friend of mines in the Phillipines shared he was able to have his wife's W7 validated at the Embassy in the P.I. thank you in advance.....


What is the total process to validate your Brazil wife for USA tax. I want to use here as the spouse deduction this years taxes. I read my wife has to have a green card to get my Social Security if I die. Is this true. Thanks


NewBrazil wrote:

What is the total process to validate your Brazil wife for USA tax. I want to use here as the spouse deduction this years taxes. I read my wife has to have a green card to get my Social Security if I die. Is this true. Thanks

Uncertain on the "Death Benefit from SSI". Go to the IRS Website and print out the W7 or fill it out if you have Adobe Sign and Fill" the W7 applies for "Her information" there will be a place for "Your Information". I will be calling the Embassy in Brasilia to see if they can or will "Validate the W7" via "Registered Mail or Sedx". I will share my findings, it is my understanding that "Her ID" must be "Validated" CPF, License" or with some form of "Official Goverment ID" once you read the form it will be self explanator as to what for of is acceptable...Hope this helps.
Also the W7 must be mailed to the IRS with your 1040, if you are unable to to have the "W7" "Validated Here in Brazil then you "Will Need to Mail  Her Passport with the W7 and your Taxes" and the IRS Will Validate her W7 and issue her a "ITIN" at that time and process your return. I am uncertain if there is a fee for Returning her passport for ya want it back by "Secured Mail" check with your Tax preparer... I do know IRS will mail a check to you in Brail for I tried Direct Deposit and with the 1040 being mailed in it took me 5 to 6 months to get my check due to Address issues and other circumstances. You can PM me for the"other circumstances"
Anyway the dayuum check finally made it. I have 2 shots to have the W7 validated either in Brasilia or the Embassy in Cleveland least there is one good thing about Cleveland there's a US Embassy there and a sorry football
SSI is Broken and if they Don't Fix It, will she recieve benefits ???
Jus Sayn....take care.
See Jland912 post above on the "Red Card" they are no longer "Green" :cool::one:thanks::heart:



I did it along with my taxes. I was using TurboTax. I filled everything out in TurboTax. I had to mail my return to an address in Texas. it was very simple, just another document with my taxes. I don't recall having anything validated. i know I never went to the embassy.



jland912 wrote:


I did it along with my taxes. I was using TurboTax. I filled everything out in TurboTax. I had to mail my return to an address in Texas. it was very simple, just another document with my taxes.


Where did you have the W7 validated....



I never had anything validated. I just mailed it with my taxes to the address I was given in TurboTax.



jland912 wrote:


I never had anything validated. I just mailed it with my taxes to the address I was given in TurboTax.


So she was given a ITIN with no proof of ID? also did she have income or retirement income from Brazil for its my understanding all income must be reported....just crossing my t's and dotting the i' I would hate to send it in and be denied my funds  (smh) thanks for your time...and have to go through the "IRS" audit and gauntlet. ....

Sidebar can you do my taxes and the amendment  (4 real/lol)



I don't remember if we submitted any documents. if we did it was probably her birth certificate. We never went to an embassy to validate anything. This was in 2014. It's good for 4 years. foreign income is supposed to be reported but is exempt up to a certain amount if you pay taxes on it in Brazil.




You've probably noted this in your research already, but there's an IRS office in Cleveland that apparently will validate her W7 based on her passport while you wait.  They make it sound pretty quick on their website.



According to the instruction for the W-7 you can submit certified copies from the issuing agency of the document. If you use a birth Certificate it would be the Cartório where the birth was registered. My wife had hers sent to her by mail. If you use an ID Card again it is the agency issuing it, which is the SSP Secretaria De Segurança Publica. I hope this helps. 



jland912 wrote:


I don't remember if we submitted any documents. if we did it was probably her birth certificate. We never went to an embassy to validate anything. This was in 2014. It's good for 4 years. foreign income is supposed to be reported but is exempt up to a certain amount if you pay taxes on it in Brazil.


Thanks "Big Bro".... I got this? Thanks for your help! So you won't do my Taxes (lmbo) I good, I like returning from VACATION with $$$$.


abthree wrote:


You've probably noted this in your research already, but there's an IRS office in Cleveland that apparently will validate her W7 based on her passport while you wait.  They make it sound pretty quick on their website.

Nope, did not know that ! Here's the plan it's a simple 1040 (lol) and if I am not mistaken either there is a AARP group that helps with Mature/ Senior Citizen return for free ( that may save me sum bucks) And because there's a office in Cleveland  (go figure/lol/smh/rotfl) I think they will file them at that office or be correct on the Mailing addresses for my last return had to man handled and it was a omg moments.... I'm good thanks "Abs"....
I think I'll tell the wife it's a special appointment for US. ....and she will be so impressed (lol) take care .....

GO INDIANS/ to be politically correct "it's a Baseball Team"

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