Sexual affairs

Hello to all.
I know that we are living in a Muslim country even if its quite free in a lot of things but its not Europe or USA.
Lately im dating with a nice girl [not local] Far East .
I met her in my job , we are colleagues.
We never do anything in the work or give rights to someone to speak for us ,we are both low profile.
I discover that the managament have stack in the Bahraini laws about sexual affairs between colleagues and spys everyone from the cameras in job , to discover people that may have more relations than  only profesional....even outside of job in our private life .
They are obseesed  to find evidence for people may be having affairs in their private life .
There for , they not only spy at work and occasionaly provide videos and make investigations but they put cameras all over the accomodations to try to catch something that they give em a chance to suspend or even fired people.
Im sleeping with that girl in my apartment [single accomodation] occasionaly .
I want to ask all of you:
By Bahraini law , im guilty for something if a sleep with the girl in my room ?
If they catch us together for any reason , maybe i will have elegal accusiations and faced any court issues by law ?
They can even call the police and send to my apartment to investigate how we are living together , as were not married ?
I expect everything from those people..That i believe thay dont have private-sexual life !!
Im trying to understand what is my rights and what is not in this country.
Im trying to find the Bahraini law about affairs in the internet but i couldnt.
We never provoke or kiss or touching in public... I know that is not allowed in Muslim countries .
But in my private space i have the impression is different.
Can you give me clear answer ???

Thank you

Seriously?  You do know that these are Muslim countries with sharia law?

Clear answer:  Any form of physical relationship outside of marriage is illegal in bahrain and all other gcc countries. There is no concept of private space and in fact, it goes against you if you are caught in a private place with a person of the opposite sex as the worst is assumed. And on top, it's not a proper private place per se as its provided by your company.

You really have to understand the situation here. You can have orgies in your house and nothing will happen if your sponsor, landlord, relative of the girl or any local influential don't complain (Assuming you are discreet and don't attract attention - Also the person who complains has to be in the above categories generally as the police don't have time nor give credibility to every Tom, dick or Harry who complains about stuff like this) . But if someone complains, then remember that you will be in trouble as what you are doing is essentially illegal.

It seems that your employer is definitely the type to complain. If they complain as your sponsor, the police will investigate and if caught, you will be jailed and deported. Don't do anything at the company accommodation and find a place outside is what I would advise. And in an expat area. Or worst case, go to a good hotel.

Lol is strange. How do people get married  there if thay cant be in relationship before?


Different cultures, different standards. Generally there is no issue if discretion is followed as I said above. To be fair, from the other side, European culture is as much a mystery to people in this part of the world as the middle Eastern culture is to you.

As Xtang said, it is illegal to have affairs outside marriage, but most people around here do keep to their own and nobody coplaints about stuff like that, but , your company looks like those types that do look into those things, so be discrete and careful .