Hiya tpulling83.
I fear your 3 weeks here will not be enough time to see everything or find a job. Your visitor visa is good for 3 months, use it up.
NZ is an excellent choice for building a life and raising a family in a western world. This place is pro family all the way. You'll find a lifestyle that supports family time. People generally work from 9-5 Mon thru Fri and the rest of the time is for family, play, BBQs, sports, leisure. Although anywhere in the world you go, there will always be "trouble" it just isn't as prevalent here (although "trouble" is what sells newspapers and if you were to read it all the time, you'd think NZ is as dangerous as Los Angeles or Detroit). I think it's because a) it is not a crowded society, b) the differences between the haves and have nots is not as large or "in your face" and c) values are different...it's not all about having the latest ni-ke wear or video games, instead it's about enjoying what you have.
I moved here from Hawaii and have found the cost of many things (basic consumer goods for example) to be very high, but then things like health insurance are stupendously affordable (I was paying close to $450 per month for myself and husband in HI whereas we pay at little more than $100 a month for health, vision, and dental here).
Americaninexile hit the nail on the head with lack of insulated housing and the weather will depend on where you settle. Personally, I'm freezing but that's because I moved here from the tropics. My next rental will be a whole lot different than my first one.
In the entertainment industry, you'll probably end up in Welliwood (Wellington) and there seem to be licensing issues you might want to look into (we don't have Pandora or Netflix because of them, and sometimes I'll try to check out a recommended by US friends youtube clip and I can't again because of licensing issues). I was also surprised to learn that DVDs (and CDs?)are country coded, easy fix with the right DVD player.
As for differences in US and NZ regarding privacy and security? You can finds loads of privacy since there are only 4 million people in an area as big as California. And for security? I don't think NZ has anything anybody wants to come this far for but if the world goes to hell over drinking water someday, Australia might want to take over NZ. Pretty much the only threat outside of sports.
I must mention a big enjoyable, difference between US and NZ is government especially with accountability and spending. The govt here seems more about the people and for the people and when it comes to spending, check this out. Christchurch's earthquakes (still going on by the way) caused massive destruction and the community will need heaps of dough to rebuild. The govt here is able to move money budgeted for projects in Auckland for example, place those on hold and divert cash to Chch. Would that ever happen in the States? Hell no...a state promised money would turn around and sue the federal govt there if they didn't get the funds they were promised. And that brings me to another new love...sueing. Doesn't fly here. Don't get me wrong, there are some cases on occasion but even then, sueing pays so little it's not sought after. If someone slips on your sidewalk, well, that's an accident, not grounds for millions. Yeah NZ!
Hope this random bit of info is helpful. Happy adventures!