
Schools in Sosua area


Looks like there are two main choices for private schools.

Either the International School or ISLA Academy.

We have a 10 year old Dominican boy we want to put into school.

Any recommendations on either? Pros/Cons?


See also

Education in the Dominican RepublicNew Horizons School in SantiagoPrivate SchoolsDoes a Preschool need to be registered?Cosmetology School
Dream City Resort

There is also Garden Kids school. It's cheaper than the International School and also offers tuition in English.

ISLA Academy is a very non-traditional school as far as I know. The teaching methods are all based on games with no conventional room places and desks.

the tinker40

All schools have a basic thing in common: they are always just half of lifes educational experience. The other 50% should come from the parents & home life. Too often it isn't possible. Choose the best that you canafford, however, never overlook the smaller schools. Spend a couple of days obseving the student going into the school in the morning, then in the afternoon. Thier general demeanor will tell you alot about the disciline & interest in learning.  Sosua has several expensive excellent institutions, do not give short schrift to the smaller schools..  When the students leave classes at the end of the day, and walk in groups talking & laughing, not running amok in the streets, check out thier school.  Too often people denigrate the schools here (private) without a foundation for thier opinions.  The public schools are not the best, but you can learn & work towards a schololarship to a private school. If you got he bucks go to the best. Smart kids with smart parents can always succeed, I kow, I did.

the tinker40

Anyone who truly cares about education & their kids, must read Jaques Barzun"s book, "teacher In America".  It is how we became a nation of ignorance.. People mistake ignorance for stupidity, that is ignorant. The difference   is  between not knowing something (ignorance) & the inabililty to learn something, (stupidity) creates most of the problems we face. NOT hordes of stupid people,but just the ignorant thinking that they are stupid.  Face folks , WE ARE ignorant of so much in life. It's not a sin, we just need to get off our lazy asses and take the time to learn. If we let them, our kids will do a much better job of it.   Yeah, I never could spell & don't have the time to correct it.