
is this site owned by or affiliated with facebook?

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I just noticed that when I sent a reply to a message, as it began to send, in the lower left of my pc, where it shows what action is being taken on the internet at the moment, is says "Sending request to"... Anyone else notice this? Try it with a TEST reply to this post and see...

Maybe a mod can answer why this happens... Does Facebook run this site?

I can't see any other reason why it says "sending request to

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Phones and Internet in Costa RicaStarlink Internet AccessMobile phone plans in Costa RicaWi-Fi/Internet coverageTELEVISION IN COSTA RICA



We don't have any relationship with Facebook (apart that you can connect through FB). Please let me investigate ...


Well I checked several times with TEST posts then deleted them. Each time, it said the same thing "Sending a request to"
Highly likely that it is some kind of tracking technology from Facebook...
And I hardly even use facebook...
If when I SEND this reply, it does the same thing I will NOT reply again. If it doesn't do it, I will post that...
NOTE: SAME THING: Sending request to


When I tried to duplicate this today I could not.
I am guessing it may have had something to do with some kind of cookie Facebook put on my computer that day... and now it's gone? Perhaps.
If I see it again I will let you know.
Meanwhile if you want to delete this thread feel free.

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