
EP rejected - anyone got successful appeal?

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Thank you for advice "beppi" and "Anonymousjane".


Hey, any update on your appeal ?




Congratulations !!!

Why don't you mention the timelines so that the other expats will be aware of the situation.


Hi Guys,

Has anyone recently in the last one week received his/her EP appeal outcome ?


Hi All,
I am in the same situation. My employer applied my pass on May 20 and we got the results on May 21 and it is rejected. Comment from MOM is "Your application is not successful. If your candidate is currently in Singapore, you may wish to submit an appeal for our consideration.". I believe that Singapore is mostly rejecting pass applications either E-Pass/S-Pass.  Now, I am working first on my stvp to be extended so I can continue my stay here in Singapore. Cross fingers..While my new employer is doing the appeal for my pass application. Hoping everyone here can update their status. Thank you.


You are lucky to get the outcome so fast


Hello, I just wanna ask how many here have successful appeal after pass got rejected? And how long did it take? Lost my job due to non-renewal of my contract with my previous company. Managed to find a new job and they applied for my pass immediately on the day of my interview.

Pass Application: 08 June 2020
Rejected: 22 June 2020 (Reason for rejection was the position applied by the new company is not appropriate for S Pass, but the HR managed to correct it and did an appeal)
Appealed: 22 June 2020 (same day)

My current pass (from previous company) will be cancelled on 06 July 2020, and I have exactly a month to stay in Singapore. Any chances of getting the result for the appeal soon?


My S pass application was also rejected yesterday. My company has appealed for me with it asking for additional documents. What about you?


Hi Guys, I'm in a similar situation.  Any updates on your appeal? can give timeline as well.

Sept 7 - EP application
Sept 8 - Rejected and appeal on the same day. Til today still no update. MOM says 3 weeks (at least)

Sept 30 STVP expiry


Dear All,

Need some advice based on my friend condition

June 26 -  1st Renewal EP submitted
July 13 - Rejected
July 24 - 1st Appeal Submitted with a letter to justify why the company need her
Aug 3 - 1st Appeal Rejected
Aug 10 - 2nd Appeal Submitted with another letter from the company to justify that they really need her.
Aug 20 - 2nd Appeal Rejected with a word like below

As prescribed in the rejection advisory, the candidate does not meet the EP qualifying criteria. Hence we are unable to accede to your appeal request.
If the company still wishes to employ this candidate, it will need to submit a new EP renewal application via EPOL/myMOM Portal for our assessment as the company has already appealed twice.

Aug 31 - 2nd Renewal EP submitted with the salary increased
On this date, the company extends the EP Pass Validity and the STVP because the current EP valid until 7 Sept. Granted 1-month extension until 7 Oct for EP and SVTP Pass validity.

Sep 14 - 2nd Renewal EP Rejected

Sep 14 - Another appeal submitted with another increment of the salary.

Up today - Status still Rejected in the MOM Web. SVTP until 7 Oct.

The employer profile: small local company owned by a PR, only 3 employees including my friend.

The employee profile: Female, 37yo, Indonesian, holding Spass for 2 years then change to EP. Never change the company before. Working with the same company for almost 10years

Will she get another SVTP after the company cancel the EP (if the last appeal rejected) ?

Based on the profile above, kindly advise what is the chances for her?

Many Thanks for all the advise. Really appreciated :)


You said your friend's company applied for an EP renewal, but also that your friend is on STVP. It cannot be both!
An EP renewal must be applied for while the old one is still valid - and then your friend does not have an STVP.
If the EP is already expired (thus your friend is on STVP and stopped working), the company would have to apply for a new EP (which is more difficult than a renewal).
Please clarify!

In general, MoM is very suspect of re-applications with higher salary after a rejection. They usually reject all such attempts, already twice in case of your friend. In addition, we don't know if salary is the only rejection reason - the sentence "the candidate does not meet the EP qualifying criteria" indicates otherwise. So I am afraid he/she should make plans to leave the country.

Sorry for not being able to give a more positive answer!


beppi wrote:

You said your friend's company applied for an EP renewal, but also that your friend is on STVP. It cannot be both!
An EP renewal must be applied for while the old one is still valid - and then your friend does not have an STVP.
If the EP is already expired (thus your friend is on STVP and stopped working), the company would have to apply for a new EP (which is more difficult than a renewal).
Please clarify!

In general, MoM is very suspect of re-applications with higher salary after a rejection. They usually reject all such attempts, already twice in case of your friend. In addition, we don't know if salary is the only rejection reason - the sentence "the candidate does not meet the EP qualifying criteria" indicates otherwise. So I am afraid he/she should make plans to leave the country.

Sorry for not being able to give a more positive answer!

Hi Beppi,

Thanks for responding. Appreciated very much..

Yes on 31 Aug, submitted 2nd EP Renewal and at the same time apply for a temporary extension of the EP and she also gets an extension for the visit pass. So this extended for another 1 month from the current validity of the EP which falls on 7 Sept. Both temporary extension of the EP and Visit Pass(Embarkation Form) are having the same validity until 7 Oct.

The company called MOM today to check on the result of the last appeal on 14 Sept, MOM said the status of the appeal is still waiting for the input from another agency.


There is still something wrong in your post:
She CANNOT have an EP and STVP (visit pass) at the same time - it is not allowed.
So what is she holding now? (In case she has both, it is an eror and will cause problems.)


beppi wrote:

There is still something wrong in your post:
She CANNOT have an EP and STVP (visit pass) at the same time - it is not allowed.
So what is she holding now? (In case she has both, it is an eror and will cause problems.)

Hi Beppi,

Yes, she showed me the EP Temporary Extension Pass and Visit Pass Extension letter. Both have the same validity date until 7 Oct. It's confusing also for me after I think again after your comment above, she shouldn't have the visit pass if the EP is still valid.. T.T

Oh no, do you mind advising what kind of problem will she get from this? Currently, she is waiting for the result from the last appeal..


She should clarify the double pass issue immediately with the relevant authorities!
If both were issued by MoM, it was their internal error and she will not feel any consequences. But if the EP was issued by MoM and the STVP by ICA, there might have been a misunderstanding and it can be messy to solve!


beppi wrote:

She should clarify the double pass issue immediately with the relevant authorities!
If both were issued by MoM, it was their internal error and she will not feel any consequences. But if the EP was issued by MoM and the STVP by ICA, there might have been a misunderstanding and it can be messy to solve!

She checked the letter, Temporary EP Extension validity issued by controller of work pass.. Visit Pass & Embarkation Form issued by controller of immigration... >_____<
I assumed its issued by MOM and ICA based on the word.

Thanks Beppi for highlighting this..I already told her to ask the employer to clarify..

I cant imagine the consequences for this..


Dear All,

Update on my friend.

Appeal on 14 Sept. Today got the approval. Hope everyone also getting good news soon. Thanks :)


Congrats to your Friend.. Appeal rejected twice but the company managed to get approval after 3rd appeal attempt. Wow


What happened finally?

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