
EP rejected - anyone got successful appeal?

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My EP got rejected because there was a different in salary range in job bank ads with my EP salary. MOM asked HR to re open the job ads and appeal for my application.
Anyone got successful appealing before?

See also

Work visas for SingaporeWork visas in SingaporePR APPLICATION UNDER NEW SYSTEM-AFTER 25.06.2024S-Pass to LTVPIPA Validity


if it makes you feel better I am going through this process as well. So after 14days of job reposting, HR of new employer appealed and I am reaching the three week mark on Monday. HR tried to contact MOM last week but was advised to wait until three weeks (that's what the website said!). so nothing we could do really but to wait.

I will keep you posted if we get word from MOM next week, fingers crossed approved.



So, total of 5 weeks waiting time for your case?


Yes, the process requires a minimum of five weeks.

-14 calendar days for reposting
-appeal a day after 14days
-wait for three weeks



re-posting job ads for 2 weeks is must?

My HR just re-opened the job ads and submitted the appeal form. I'm not sure why they did like that.

Finger crossed.


Yes, it is a must. please check the MOM website. if anything changed from original posting in the jobs bank (ie salary range, which they corrected), they have to repost for at least 14 calendar days. only after doing so and assuming that no local Singaporean has applied and is qualified can they appeal on your rejected EP application.


Best thing is to re-apply without appealing the rejected application. Of course you need to wait 14days after posting your job in Singapore job bank.



same employer applied EP for the same job scope and jobs bank ID?


as promised will give an update on my case.

today EP appeal got approved  EXACTLY three weeks from the date of the appeal. the reason for initial rejection was salary offered was beyond the range declared in the jobs bank.

-14 days jobs bank re-post with new range
-appeal a day after 14day reposting
-three weeks wait time to approval of appeal

so guys, I think just trust the process if it's a jobs posting issue and nothing else such as qualification, salary, and company profile. It is at best, a five week wait.


That's nice to hear. Good luck..!!


My HR applied new application and it was approved after 2 weeks.


I was also rejected with the same reason, but only 100SGD higher than the range, and the HR just reduced 100 and appeal last Thursday, still waiting for the outcome. :(


You apply a new one not appeal?


I am in the same boat, my EP got rejected due to Jobs bank posting issue. My company reposted corrected posting for 14 days and then applied for a new EP last week.
Status is still pending and waiting for approval


My HR didnt reposted but adjust my salary to the range, not sure whether it can get approved or not.


Hi Skykes

How much did it take for approval post re-application? And how much time did it take for initial rejection?


3 weeks.


my ep was approved yesterday


My EP rejected due to salary after one week of apply. my company appealed 23rd July 2019 and Still i can see the statues as rejected. As per the company comment, application Appeal still pending. how long MOM will take to approve the appeal?


Every appeal should address the reason for rejection. Employer must have to provide rationale with justification in order for MoM to consider.

So, your employer must be known about the rationale they have given to MoM. Time duration is not the same and differ case by case.

E.g. The average time to get EP approval can be 1 month or even more, but there are instances people are getting approval in 5 days. Last week, I know one of my colleague got her EP approval (after changed her job) in exactly 5 days (Monday applied and Friday got approval).

So, it’s hard to tell in your case. But, you may request to your employer to reach out MoM if they can give an update on their appeal. Good luck


Hi everyone,

Id like to share with you my situation as well.
Applied for an EP on 12/09/19
Rejected on 02/10/19

Reason for rejection: wrong declaration ( being a fresh graduate and declaring 5 years total relevant how ever I do have this experience but it is not relevant to civil engineering but relevant to construction)

Company appealed on 04/10/19

I personally went to MOM myself, got a number and met with one of the officers but not the one who made a decision. Explained and provided my documents. I was given an external channel to submit all my supporting documents and a letter to them.

Current status on EP online: Rejected
Current status on MOM & Employer: pending

Will update if anything changes!


In your case, MoM took these documents and considered as a new application that’s why the status changed to pending. In normal rejection case, status changes either approved  (once appeal gets approval at MoM) or will remain as Rejected (if appeal was unsuccessful). Good luck


Hi good morning bro Any agencycontact nunber 
For appeal rejected ipa?


Abdulkarim1055 wrote:

Hi good morning bro Any agencycontact nunber 
For appeal rejected ipa?

No agency can appeal against a work pass rejection, only your employer can.



My Appeal application submitted on March 11 2020. Almost 4 weeks completed. But still employer saying my application status is pending.

kindly please provide your comments about appeal applications.


Theycurrentky only process applications for employees who are already in Singapore. Where are you?


softrdinesh wrote:


My Appeal application submitted on March 11 2020. Almost 4 weeks completed. But still employer saying my application status is pending.

kindly please provide your comments about appeal applications.

Hi Bro,

Did you get any update on ur appeal ?


Hi All,

Has anyone in last one week got their appeal approved ?


My employer asking mom about my appeal application. I am waiting for their reply.


My appeal was approved last April 9, after 9 calendar days


Sapphire17 wrote:

My appeal was approved last April 9, after 9 calendar days

thanks for ther update.


Hi anyone here still waiting for spass result?  Mine was Rejected less than 24 hours after spass application and appealed on the same day that the result came out. The reason was (Your application was not successful. If your candidate is currently in Singapore, you may wish to submit an appeal for our consideration...) I'm on my 1st week of waiting for my appeal. Thanks and stay safe everyone.



I am waiting for more than 6 weeks. But still pending status. My employer expedite my application with Mom. But no proper update from them. Currently I m in sg


I believe there are many people currently waiting for their SP/EP appeal results. I would encourage everyone to update their status here so that we know if appeals are getting approved or not.


Noted, Thanks :) well mine is only SPASS after the appeal it says 3 weeks maximum. Hoping that we could have the answer soon :)


Hey Guys, has anyone heard back about their EP Appeal? My EP was rejected too due to the current Circuit Breaker measures but since I am already in Singapore, my company submitted an Appeal. It has been a week and I haven't heard back yet.

Also, are any of you on a tourist/visit visa here while waiting for your EP? I have extended my visa through the online form but it is expiring at the end of this month. Is it possible to get another extension if you tell ICA that your EP is under Appeal?

Hoping my EP Appeal is processed fast (under the stipulated 3 weeks time frame) since I have had an EP last year with my previous employer.


Your query is being answered in multiple occasions that one time extension is possible but second time extension is only be considered in an emergency case like medical issues or treatment in Singapore, other than it will be rejected. If you tell ICA that your workpass approval appeal is pending at MoM, then Officer will say you can go back to your country then can wait for the outcome.

About appeal outcome timeframe, it’s difficult to say as the priorities are given to recruitments for essential service sectors. Good luck


I came to singapore 8th of March and extend my SVP twice. now my pass expire date is 5th of june.

i also apply for E-Pass
Applied: 01 May 2020
Rejected and Appealed: 05 May 2020

if MOM will take more time to give result (verse-case scenario).  i have to go to my country(still my country not decide to open airport, but they will open soon).

is there a way to speed up MOM side EP process.?
or is there a  way to extend SVP again?

please guide me. thanks.


Under normal circumstances, there is no way to extend an SVP again - and MoM's internal processes also cannot be sped up.
But in the current crisis, if you really cannot leave Singapore to another country, you should approach ICA and explain the situation. I am sure they will help you!


Your best bet here is to check with ICA since none of us here can give you a definitive answer.

FYI, ICA might not extend for job application purpose as they would tell you to wait for it from your own hometown and only enter once approved. But if there is really no means of entering your country, then you might want to appeal to ICA on that grounds, provided it is valid. Ultimately, it is all subject to review by the respective government agencies.

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