Lawyer recommendation

I  need legal help in regard to an apartment I purchased off plan in Istanbul which is now very much behind schedule in becoming finished. I am looking to claim for compensation, if anyone knows a Lawyer for that please PM me.
Thank You

hi there,
do you have written contract undersigned by both parties? (any notary approval? any proof for statement of signature to prove authorized signatory?)
1) if yes, any penalty clause in case of delay? if yes again, what are the conditions/circumstances to apply/avoid consequences/implications by constructer?
2) if not, forget about compensation!
i may recommend a lawyer accordingly, upon yr clarification.


Yes I have a written contract with Notar approval. Contract in Turkish and states after 6 months over deadline they should pay 0.25 % apartment buying price per month of delay (this is the translation I got).
They have told me apartment will be  year late.

6 months passed over dedline already, or not yet?

Yes, Apartment should have been finished end December 2018, it seems they are allowed to go 6 months this due date over without paying compensation but I must verify this.

so, six months period corresponds to end of june, not finished yet to take legal action against them, right?
in this case, i dont understand why they prenoticed you that it will last one year delay. was it written letter of advise?
and, is there any clause that protects themselves if they prenoticed you before six months passed?

I bought it through a sales agency, they told me these companies are protected or allowed to go over 6 months without paying compensation.
I have requested handover of apartment where they now tell me it will maybe be finished end of 2019, nothing written in this just email.
I told by Turkish friend seems to be some type of protection 6 months for them but I would need to get lawyer to check contract.

i sent you pm

Did you find one? … 43#4854302

please see

also if you want to sale this deed then i have also customer