
Hello. I will be moving to San Pedro area as soon as my house sells. I will be there this Thursday for a week to find a place for my family. Can anyone recommend a property mgr or someone who can assist me in my search? I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you very muxh

Wow one week, one trip. In my opinion, that time frame is foolishly optimistic for Belize even if you have money to burn.

There are much better suggestions posted repeadly on this site. Just use the site search feature to find them.

Wow. So helpful. Thanks

Unfortunately I'm kind of pressed for time.... so if anyone here can PLEASE give me a name or two and their numbers of property mgs in San Pedro area, I would GREATLY appreciate it. Thanks

Well trying to help a novice avoide a costly mistake is helpful in my book, I just hope for your sake I am wrong about you rushing blindly into a costly error.
Over and out......