
Vacation days

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I am working in Germany as outpatient nurse and i gave resignation last June. But i have to work still until September bcoz the notice period is 3 months accdg to my employer. Anyway i want to ask if anybody have idea if i can consume all the vacation days left before i leave? Bcoz out of the 30.5 days for this year i took only 5 so far. So i have 25,5 days left.
Can i use it all eventhough i will be working with them only til September?
And would i also have vacation days in starting with another company from October to December?
Bcoz i sent them email about it but they didnt reply me so i would like to know what is the rule In Germany about it.

Thank you


OK, I don’t know much about this subject but googled it for you. Maybe someone else here can give a more complete answer.  One thing is the guaranteed minimum vacation days given and what might be in your contract which could be higher. Usually someone who works 5 days a week is guaranteed 20 days’ vacation and someone who works 6 days a week gets 24. I think this can go up the longer one stay at a job. There are also agreements that public service jobs (which I assume include nursing) can get 30 days but this is due to agreements with the unions rather than an actual law.

As I understand after 6 months working in a year one has claim to the whole amount. If they work less than 12 months in a year then they would get 1/12 of the yearly amount for each month worked. I am providing information and the link where I found it but it is only in German and I don’t have the time to translate it at the moment. I would suggest you look at the site and possibly google it (keyword Teilurlaub) yourself to find other sources.

Besonderheiten zum Zeitpunkt für Urlaub
Laut Arbeitsrecht können die Urlaubstage erst nach sechs Monaten in vollem Umfang gewährt werden.
Laut Arbeitsrecht sind die Urlaubstage erst nach mindestens sechs Monaten voll umfänglich zu gewähren. Dieser Zeitraum wird auch als Wartezeit bezeichnet und ist im § 4 des Bundesurlaubsgesetzes verankert.
An dieser Stelle sei darauf hinzuweisen, dass auch vor Ablauf dieser Zeit ein gesetzlicher Urlaubsanspruch besteht. Es gilt 1/12 des Jahresurlaubs für jeden vollen Monat Betriebszugehörigkeit.
Diese Regelung finden Sie ausführlich im § 5 BUrlG unter dem Titel „Teilurlaub“:
Anspruch auf ein Zwölftel des Jahresurlaubs für jeden vollen Monat des Bestehend des Arbeitsverhältnisses hat der Arbeitnehmer
•    für Zeiten eines Kalenderjahres, für die er wegen Nichterfüllung der Wartezeit in diesem Kalenderjahr keinen vollen Urlaubsanspruch erwirbt;
•    wenn er vor erfüllter Wartezeit aus dem Arbeitsverhältnis ausscheidet;
•    wenn er nach erfüllter Wartezeit in der ersten Hälfte eines Kalenderjahres aus dem Arbeitsverhältnis ausscheidet.


You are entitled to the entire year's contractual leave (in your case 30.5 days) if your employment ends in the second half of the year.
EXCEPT: If your contract has a clause stating pro-rated leave for the last partial year of employment (get such a clause checked by a lawyer, they are often invalid!), then the portion of your contractual leave above the legal minimum (which is 20 days/year for 5-days-workweek or 24 days/year for 6-days-workweek) can be cut.

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