Cancellation of Residence card application

I recently joined my hubby in Belgium as a dependant.
My visa duration is over and we have applied for my residence card.
Now I got a situation to leave Belgium. My residence card process is still in process, would like to know is there any way to cancel this residence card application?

Please help me on this

Go to the commune, they will guide you.

If there is a way then will go to the commune.. But I heard there no way that the application can be cancelled. Please let me know if there is a way. Thanks.

You need commune to help you anyway, right ? your visa is expired and you dont have an RP, so better go to commune and present your situation.

and you'll receive a fantastic paper in the next coming days, telling you to leave Belgium in the next 30 days. (Ordre de quitter le territoire) ==> Make sure you leave by then!

You would also prefer to go again to your town hall 1-2 days before leaving Belgium to resign in order to avoid troubles.

Looks like either you will need to wait till the RP is approved and physically issued to you (recommended option) or go back and reapply for the visa when you are ready to come back again and then reapply for the RP once you're back here.

I think OP wants to leave Belgium for good. In any case, outwards immigration wont be smooth if one has an expired visa and no RP.

my wife came here june 2017 and that itime me amd mine xhildren not was belge. that why she obtain temporary card A. AFTER GET BELGE Natainailty i go commune first time for demand F  card then person on window show my file on computer he said she just need on birth certificate of minor child. and you wait 3 month. today i go commune with oppoinment which one police inspector give then  person working on window  see file yold us your wife A card is expired 15 October uou come few days before expiry.and take orange card then after one month 27 november will take F card. this is all situations. i confuse.please explane me clearly. thanks
