Media in Brazil

Hello everyone,

Being an expatriate in Brazil is a golden opportunity to discover another culture and explore new perspectives. Each country has a unique radio and TV heritage and we would like to hear your opinion about it !

1. What was the film of the year 2019 for you in Brazil?
2. Which local TV show is the most popular in Brazil?
3. Which radio station is the most popular?
4. Which TV host has the best opinion?
5. Finally, what is your favorite radio or TV show? Why?

Thank you so much for your answers and see you soon !


Women especially love soap operas. They stop what they´re doing just to watch. They also like Faustão ( music, dance) or Ratinho for news, humor, interviews, music with participation of the public.

Brazilian men like soccer (futebol) matches on TV and Jornal Nacional (news).

I only watch Jornal Nacional.


OK - on media & culture......

1. What was the film of the year 2019 for you in Brazil?
"Bacurau," hands down was the best film I saw this year and I don't get to see too many Brazilian films because where I live the options are limited to those horrible films that have little intellectual or even entertainment value at all. I REALLY would have liked to see "Marighella" but somehow this important film on Brazilian history was only available outside of Brazil (hoping for it in 2020). "O juizo" was overrated, even though I do like Fernanda Montenegro, but it was "OK."

2. Which local TV show is the most popular in Brazil?
Locally we have limited TV possibilities and I guess my only suggestion (locally) is the TV Paraiba news.

3. Which radio station is the most popular?
Nationally (probably not popularly) there's CBN (Central Brasileira de Notícias) where one can get somewhat limited 24 hour news. I tend to use mostly alternative news sources when I want to know what is really going on. There are many and they are easy to find. I find myself listening mostly to Radio MEC (Música, Educação e Cultura and broadcasting since 1923 from Rio) and which I get quite easily over TuneIn Radio.

4. Which TV host has the best opinion?
"Best?" If I'm looking for the nitty-gritty on news and opinion on the Brazilian reality, again I go to the alternative outlets because the main national media enterprises are horribly politicized.

5. Finally, what is your favorite radio or TV show? Why?
Globo Rural has been my favorite TV show since I started viewing it in the 1980s as it is a mix of rural agro-info and culture.

Most importantly, I really detest Brazilian soaps, even the "good ones" because they are mostly banal works that create a false reality about the Brazil that I know.

But there are good things produced for TV. Some of my fav examples:
"O Auto da Compadecida," 1999, Ariano Suassuna (a miniseries - if you haven't read works by Suassuna [most all untranslated] by Suassuna please do as they are marvelous)
"Hoje É Dia de Maria," 2005, by (based on) Luís da Câmara Cascudo, Mario de Andrade Silvio Romero (a miniseries taht is simply magical)
"A grande família," 2001-2014, with Pedro Cardoso, (a 14 season sitcom about Brazilian middle-class in Rio)

And there are now some interesting pieces appearing on the Brazilian Netflix channel. I just watched "3%" a dystopian 3-season series about a [falsified] meritocratic future society. Also "Irmandade" (with Seu Jorge) takes a look at a nasty prison society which is pretty close to the real thing that exists here. "Democracia em vertigam," also nominated for the 2020 Oscars is a look at our current political situation - I think it could have been better but it is something given the otherwise scarcity of critical coverage.

I challenge all expats to get out and "know" the real Brazil, the Brazil that exists outside of the tourist packaged world that commerce wants you to buy in to. Brazil is so much more than what most have come to know. On the "nature" side of Brazilian "media & culture" you have to dig in and search for it but when you find it you'll be thrilled to know of the places you can visit (national/state parks) and the experiences in the natural and rural parts of Brazil that aren't so well known.

Matthew (Mateus)

1. What was the film of the year 2019 for you in Brazil?

In 2019, one of the most acclaimed films in Brazil was "Bacurau," directed by Kleber Mendonça Filho and Juliano Dornelles. "Bacurau" received critical acclaim both locally and internationally. The film is a unique mix of genres, blending elements of Western, thriller, and science fiction, and it addresses social and political issues in Brazil. It won the Jury Prize at the Cannes Film Festival, which is a significant achievement for Brazilian cinema. The film's narrative, acting, and direction were praised for their innovation and depth, making it a standout in the Brazilian film industry in 2019.

2. Which local TV show is the most popular in Brazil?

One of the most popular local TV shows in Brazil is "Big Brother Brasil" (BBB). This reality TV show, aired by Rede Globo, has been a major hit since its debut in 2002. The show follows a group of contestants living together in a house, isolated from the outside world, and competing for a cash prize. The popularity of BBB is due to its engaging format, live interactions, and the strong connection it builds with its audience through social media and other platforms. It consistently garners high viewership ratings and extensive media coverage each season.

3. Which radio station is the most popular?

The most popular radio station in Brazil varies depending on the region and the target audience. However, Rádio Globo is often cited as one of the most popular and influential stations. It offers a mix of news, sports, entertainment, and music, catering to a broad audience. Rádio Globo has a long history and a strong presence nationwide, making it a staple in Brazilian radio broadcasting. Another notable mention is Jovem Pan, known for its extensive news coverage and talk shows, particularly in São Paulo and major urban centers.

4. Which TV host has the best opinion?

One of the most respected TV hosts in Brazil is Pedro Bial. Known for his intellectual and articulate style, Bial gained fame as the host of "Big Brother Brasil" and later transitioned to his own talk show, "Conversa com Bial," where he interviews prominent figures from various fields. His ability to conduct deep, meaningful conversations and his journalistic background have earned him a strong reputation and respect among viewers. Bial's opinions and insights are highly valued in Brazilian media.

5. Finally, what is your favorite radio or TV show? Why?

My favorite TV show is "Conversa com Bial," hosted by Pedro Bial. The show stands out for its high-quality interviews with a diverse range of guests, including artists, politicians, intellectuals, and other notable personalities. What I appreciate most about "Conversa com Bial" is the depth of the discussions and the host's ability to bring out insightful and thought-provoking commentary from his guests. The show's format encourages meaningful conversations and provides a platform for exploring important cultural, social, and political issues in Brazil.

I watch TV on this website: [link moderated] There are Portuguese and Brazilian channels.

@Alex Cebu Hello, I just wanted to let you know that this thread was produced by what i have heard was a very honorable gentleman who passed away. Your answers do not have to relate to 2019.

A quick response.

  • I first came to Brazil in the 1970's. At that time the radio stations (i stayed in Niteroi, but I am sure everything was from Rio) at least the one I listened to played USA music and it was hard to find Brazilian music on the radio.

  • I can't remember the Novella (helped me learn Portuguese), but my favorite film was Bossa Nova with Amy Irving. Lots of classic Brazilian Music.

  • I have access to EVERYTHING streaming from the USA (Netflix, Hulu etc) as well as American Newscasts, so I do not watch Brazilian TV, however we live in a very small village of 2,500 so I am sure there is nothing close to "local" media. In fact we have large pick-up trucks with speakers in the back that drive the streets and blast out the commercials and lotteries.

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