Dental Hygienist

My  husband and I are  looking to move to Ambergris Caye full time. I am a  licensed dental hygienist in Washington State, USA.  I know that there is not a counterpart in Belize. I was hoping that there might be something else in the field that I can do. OR,  with San Pedro being a destination for expats could there be a market  for my skill set. I have work in dentistry for over 20 years  ( dental assistant to expanded function Hygiene and Restorative.) If any one has any ideas or leads I would love to here  from you !

I am a dental hygienist in Boise Idaho and I am considering this as wel, I know your post was a couple of years ago,  but I'm wondering what you found out and if it worked out?
in placencia a good dentist is needed
in placencia a good dentist is needed
- @triffic

My wife is pleased with The Tooth Fairy.
Her office is located on the second floor of the old Scotiabank building, now used by the testing clinic, across the street from Every Day Market.

My  husband and I are  looking to move to Ambergris Caye full time. I am a  licensed dental hygienist in Washington State, USA.  I know that there is not a counterpart in Belize. I was hoping that there might be something else in the field that I can do. OR,  with San Pedro being a destination for expats could there be a market  for my skill set. I have work in dentistry for over 20 years  ( dental assistant to expanded function Hygiene and Restorative.) If any one has any ideas or leads I would love to here  from you !

- @AngelaRobDewees

Belize is very restrictive of foreigners  seeking jobs in Belize. Its not imposable but one has too show a local cant be found to fill the slot.

Getting a work permit is much easer if one is starting a business but is still restrictive of owners doing the work.

I suggest searching back in this forum. There are many folks that have asked the same type question in this forum and good information has been posted. Not much has changed on that front, so even though the threads are old, the info still applies.

@triffic how do i investigate the a dentist