
Visa requirements

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Here are three friends are active. Abtthree, robal and texanbrazil.

I want to know some things. Although I will do it later. But it's good to know for keeping in my mind.

What documents do I need to send to my country for visa of my mom, dad and younger brother? My documents?

I want to know for future.

See also

Work permits for BrazilThe Working Holiday Visa for BrazilGeneral visa requirements for BrazilTransiting Throught (GRU) Guarulhos Airport in Sao PauloTourist visa update for 10 January 2024

All would need to apply for a visa in their home country's BR Consulate/embassy,
You Need to send a sponsor letter if applying for a family reunion visa. (Presently that may be the only visa which allows them to enter since the border is closed on tourist visas)


Thanks texanbrazil, but I really don't know about sponsor letter. How can I make sponsor letter??? Can you explain please??


Robal draft a letter. See under his profile if you can find sponsor letter. Maybe he will answer.
Got to run right know or I would look.


Ok texanbrazil, Thanks


I tried to find the letter Robal drafted, sorry I know he is a genius, but there are many posts.
The letter is the easiest part. Check your BR consulate site as to family reunion for some help. Also, you will see that you will have to verify you can support all members of your family.
Authenticating the letter and also the photocopy of your RNE at a cartório. You also need to photocopy the ID page (s) of your passport and then mail them to Bangladesh. Your parents also have to present a lot of authenticated documents at the Brazilian Embassy.
Hopefully, in a few days, Robal or others can help.


Thanks texanbrazil


Texanbrazil wrote:

I tried to find the letter Robal drafted, sorry I know he is a genius, but there are many posts.
The letter is the easiest part. Check your BR consulate site as to family reunion for some help. Also, you will see that you will have to verify you can support all members of your family.
Authenticating the letter and also the photocopy of your RNE at a cartório. You also need to photocopy the ID page (s) of your passport and then mail them to Bangladesh. Your parents also have to present a lot of authenticated documents at the Brazilian Embassy.
Hopefully, in a few days, Robal or others can help.

I´m still busy. Maybe tonight... :D


Maria919 wrote:

Thanks texanbrazil


Here´s a link to the Brazilian Embassy in Dhaka. The site hasn´t been rebuilt for the new realities. They´re still talking about VIPER which don´t exist anymore. Your parents has to come apply for CRNM at the PF in Brazil. But the requirements are the same. You should initiate by writing an invitation letter or
a "Sponsor´s Formal Affidavit" or "Compromisso de Manutenção" in Portuguese and should be notarized or authenticated at a cartorio in Brazil. I´ll draft you that letter if I´m free tonight.

You also have to authenticate or notarize a copy of your CRNM and also the identification pages of your Bangladeshi passport for the Brazilian Embassy to establish your connection with your parents whom you´re sponsoring. You should also be at least 21yrs old.

Here´s a link to the Brazilian Embassy in Dhaka, Bangladesh:

Click the Consular Section and you´ll see VIPER. Please pay attention to items I, J, and K which details your 3 initial reponsibilities to start your parent´s petition to come live with you in Brazil.



I clicked the link again but says "NOT FOUND." Please google the Dhaka Brazilian Embassy at Bay´s Edgewater, Ground and First Floor NE 12, North Avenue Gulshan 2, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh.
Opens 0830-1600. Friday and Saturday closed. Open on Sundays!  Tel: +880 2-55052126



thank you robal


Good luck.



Just fill up the information needed. Good luck!


Eu, ________(your name)__________________________________________, portadora do RNE _________________, org. exp. ________ e CPF _______________, residente na ________(your street address)_____________ ________________________________________, no. (number)________, complemento __(apt number)________________, bairro___________, município _(city)_________________, estado ___(State)___________, CEP  (Zip Code)________, sob responsabilidade civil e penal, declaro, que desejo promover a ida vinda para o Brasil, em caráter provisório permanente, da seguinte pessoa: _(parent´s name)___________________, passaporte no __(passport number)____________________, válido até __(expiration date)__________, nascido(a) em ___(Date of Birth)______________________, filho(a) de _(father of your father)_____________________________________ e _  (mother of your father)______________________, residente e domiciliado em _(address in Bangladesh)___________________________.

Responsabilizo-me e vou arcar com todos os custos de permanência no Brasil da pessoa acima mencionada, bem como proporcionarei alojamento, alimentos, eventuais gastos com assistência médico-hospitalar e as demais despesas necessárias para a estadia desta pessoa.
Assumo o compromisso de pagar as despesas de viagem de retorno/regresso do Bangladesh, bem como com a segurança dos direitos civis se, para fazer valer seus direitos, for necessário recorrer aos meios judiciais no Brasil.
Tenho condições financeiras suficientes para fazer face a responsabilidade que ora assumo.

_(day)_____ de __(Month)_________ de 2020.

          Assinatura (your signature)

*Make a cover letter stating your desire to petition your parents for "Reunião Familiar."
*a separate declaration for each person petitioned or sponsored. Just substitute the names of your parents.
*I suggest two copies made for each declaration and also the authenticated documents at the cartorio - to be sent separately to the embassy and to your parents.



And the documents needed for "Reunião Familiar" are here: … o-familiar



And your cover letter:


Embassy of Brazil
Bay´s Edgewater
Ground and First Floor
NE 12, North Avenue
Gulshan 2, Dhaka 1212

Senhores e Senhoras:

Meu nome é ____(your name)________________. Com esta carta, estou declarando meu desejo de pedir “Reunião Familiar” para meus pais. Por favor de ajuda-os e forneça os requisitos necessários.

Incluídos estão os documentos necessários para estabelecer meu relacionamento com eles:

1. Cópia da minha CRNM e a página do meu passaporte contendo foto e identidade - autenticado de um cartório.

2. Declaracão e Compromisso de Manutenção.


              (Your signature)


Oh my god, many many thanks robal. You are so good friend. Thanks again.
This form I will fill up up separate like one form for my dad, one form for my mom and one form for my younger brother. Or need only one form for all of person.

I wanted to know other things that, do I need to send my CNPJ and bank statement from Brazil?

Thanks again


Maria919 wrote:

Oh my god, many many thanks robal. You are so good friend. Thanks again.
This form I will fill up up separate like one form for my dad, one form for my mom and one form for my younger brother. Or need only one form for all of person.

I wanted to know other things that, do I need to send my CNPJ and bank statement from Brazil?

Thanks again

One form for each of them. I did not see any requirement to furnish the name and CNPJ and your bank statement in Brazil.



Message deleted..


robal wrote:

And your cover letter:


Embassy of Brazil
Bay´s Edgewater
Ground and First Floor
NE 12, North Avenue
Gulshan 2, Dhaka 1212

Senhores e Senhoras:

Meu nome é ____(your name)________________. Com esta carta, estou declarando meu desejo de pedir “Reunião Familiar” para meus pais. Por favor de ajuda-os e forneça os requisitos necessários.

Incluídos estão os documentos necessários para estabelecer meu relacionamento com eles:

1. Cópia da minha CRNM e a página do meu passaporte contendo foto e identidade - autenticado de um cartório.

2. Declaracão e Compromisso de Manutenção.


              (Your signature)

Please add Irmão like:

pedir “Reunião Familiar” para meus pais e irmão


robal wrote:

And your cover letter:


Embassy of Brazil
Bay´s Edgewater
Ground and First Floor
NE 12, North Avenue
Gulshan 2, Dhaka 1212

Senhores e Senhoras:

Meu nome é ____(your name)________________. Com esta carta, estou declarando meu desejo de pedir “Reunião Familiar” para meus pais. Por favor de ajuda-os e forneça os requisitos necessários.

Incluídos estão os documentos necessários para estabelecer meu relacionamento com eles:

1. Cópia da minha CRNM e a página do meu passaporte contendo foto e identidade - autenticado de um cartório.

2. Declaracão e Compromisso de Manutenção.


              (Your signature)

Correction: add also irmão - "pedir Reuniaõ Familiar para meus pais e irmão."


Oh robal, great person. Muito muito obrigada.

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