Your opinion please, apartments/house rentals in Ecuador

Hello there,

I am a retired single woman who would like to retire to Ecuador.

I came across these recent Craigslist listings. I am curious of what the Expats living in Ecuador think of them. Which ones are a good deal? How to approach the owners? What to watch out for? Which ones are the good locations, etc.

Are there any better deals anywhere else? Short term? Long term? (I don't speak Spanish.) … &cc=us

Another question:

If I would come for a visit, is there anybody trustworthy who could help me to find a good place?

I appreciate any help.


ps. I hope this link is not against the rules.

Many of your listings look like good deals, from an expat viewpoint.

But just like real estate anywhere, everyone has their own requirements, likes and dislikes - you have to go see for yourself.

To begin with, look at shorter term rentals only - don't make any long term commitments until you have your feet firmly on the ground.  It will help if you seek always to improve your command of the Spanish language, to get the point of view of the locals.  Renting is preferred over buying for at least a year or two and maybe always, for many reasons (cccmedia can perhaps elaborate on this).

You may want to contrast and compare the Craigslist offerings with those advertised in Locanto:

Click on a city and then look under INMOBILIARIA and click on
Departamentos en arriendo - Apartments for rent
Habitaciones en arriendo - Rooms for rent (much cheaper, see how the locals live!)
Casas en arriendo - Houses for rent

Thank you  :)

Works very well with Google Translate :)

Hello Eva, i just saw your inquiry on the site and i too am a recent retiree, single female, thinking about living in Cuenca.  Did you get any good leads about housing from your inquiry?



Hi Pat,

No, I have postponed it. I will start looking again when Covid is over.
