
New members of the Bulgaria forum, introduce yourselves here - 2021

Last activity 16 December 2021 by Diksha

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Hi all,

Newbie on the Bulgaria forum? Don't know how to start?

This thread is for you wink.png

We invite you to introduce yourself on this topic, to share with us your expat story if you are already living in the country,
or to tell us more on your expat projects in Bulgaria if you are planning to move there.

It will enable us to help you better but above all to wish you a warm welcome.

Welcome on board!


Hello everyone
I am Olgasdaughter,  a happy go lucky OAP, who thinks she's still 35.
I own a house in the Yambol region, was preparing to bring furniture over and Covid happened!!
,'bye for now.


in which village will you be installed ?




I am new - as of couple of weeks . I am still in Canada, currently planing to move to Bulgaria permanently. Not sure what "permanently" means, as we can only hope our plans succeed .
I will have many questions that would be best answered by people who have spent at least a year in Bulgaria .
I think this web service is very helpful .


I'm in the same boat.  I'll be moving to Sofia in May of 2022.  Lots of things to plan!  But I'm excited.


Hi All I am Nawal looking to initially visit and reside in Slliven  Appologies I did not really introduce myself and started asking questions. 

Am interested in the following areas;

Setting up a private nursery Nurse.
Social Care
Online teaching Courses.
Social Work

Any thoughts would be helpful 😊

God willing be travelling st the end of March.

Keep Safe

annie wenden

Hi Everyone,

New to the site, I am living in the kardzhali area wondered if there are any other Brits in the neighbourhood?



Hi, my husband & I are from the UK but hope to move to the rural Burgas region within the next 12 months, sooner if Covid permits. Still very much at the planning stage so any info/advice would be really appreciated!


Hi everyone, I'd better introuduce myself too! I'm Jane, an Australian, living in the UK with my English hubby since the mid-90s.  We've visited Bulgaria numerous times over the past eight years. I'm buying a small house in the north-east near General Toshevo which we'll use as a holiday cottage to start, with a view to moving to Bulgaria eventually. I work from home, hubby has had to take ill health retirement. I'd move there tomorrow if Covid allowed, hubby needs to take things more slowly - he's not one to make big changes easily!


Hi Jane,  I am between Dobrich and Balchik so about 23 kilometers from Gen Tosh.   I moved here in October 2020 and loving it. you just have to be adaptable to changes.  There are a couple of really handy people to know who can guide you through all the beaurocratic hurdles and well worth their fee.They are currently rolling out the C19 vaccines here at present.  You need to consider: residency, health, driving and making sure you get your services elec & water changed over as soon as you can.  Meet the Mayor / mayoress of your village and integrate watch and learn. Bulgarians are used to their way of life and you can learn from them.    if you want any info just let me know Im of FB too. xx if you look at the Expats in Bulgaria site you will find quite a few people from Dobrich gen tosh and Balchik area on there.


with ref to working I live in a rural village and tried 2 main internet providers both of which were poor I came across a guy Mike Ashton who has a fibre optic internet company he is great, got me connected within 24hours and its great connection good speeds and his service is v good value. so it is very possible to work from home regardless of your home environment.


on FB expats in Bulgaria and there are a couple of expat sites in your area, they are all very active sites and have been very helpful for me.  Good luck in your new adventure.


Thanks so much, LilTil! That is super helpful! I appreciate it.

Yes, a lot of changes to consider to move permanently. I think with hubby I will need to take it slowly, probably a couple of years of holiday stays at first, making use of those 90 days per 180! He loves Bulgaria, and speaks far more Bulgarian that me (I am useless at languages), but a permanent move is a very big deal for him. I'm sure though that we can make it work!


When you get your house, apply for residency then you can stay longer and your entitlements as as Bulgarian folk, there are people who can help you arrange this.  The FB group is 'Expats In Bulgaria'


Hi What is your background, I am a Social Worker and things run differently here. private PM on FB if you like


Hi I am a Social Worker and been residing in BG since Oct 2020. things work very differently here but I could give you some pointers.  you can PM me on FB let me know and I can share.


I think thats where I am. Well Burgas is about an hour from me but I'm down near the Turkish Border. Going out there for a few days in April to see what Ive bought as I bought it from a photo lol.

Steve310 wrote:

I think thats where I am. Well Burgas is about an hour from me but I'm down near the Turkish Border. Going out there for a few days in April to see what Ive bought as I bought it from a photo lol.

You bought a property without viewing it? Wow, you are brave!!


Yes I did. It looks OK from the photos. i worked as a builder for a while renovation Listed Buildings so If its younger than 400 years old and only falling down a bit. A few props a hammer and saw and I am sorted lol. Im
bringing a caravan though just in case. Need to source building kit when I get there no doubt though. Oh and an Electrician as no doubt I will have to rewire it


where can we see your purchase ? living in bulgaria i could give you my opinion


LOL, Steve, I did the same. Crazy, but sometimes one just has to jump in feet first. And though I know for a fact I paid three times more than a Bulgarian would pay for it (I've seen the previous set of notary deeds), the price is still less than a ten year old used car would cost me.

I'm going out to see my house once Covid restrictions lift. I have no doubt it's a wreck and the garden will be a jungle, but I've been assured the roof is intact, and from what I can find out the village is a good one and the mayor supportive of newcomers.

My main concern is that it's been partialy renovated - and probably bodged. Not looking forward to chipping cement render off mud brick and redoing it right, but I suspect I will need to.

Your experience with older buildings will serve you well. Too many Brits try to renovate traditionally built homes as if they're new builds. Sometimes they get away with it. Sometimes they don't.


Ive uploaded a pic to my profile pic as I cant figure out how to upload to here. The photos are on my phone


Ive uploaded some pics but mot a clue where they go to


I nearly moved there 5 years ago then Brexit and Covid etc. So I put a halt on it then last week just though sod this Im going.

My son has been renovating listed buildings for over 15 years and I talked to him about moving out there for a few years to just see whats available. He rebuilt a clay lump house and was asked to work on the Tower of London. All the local councils in the area ask him what they should do lol. Told him there are many Brits out there that would rip his hand off to just get his advice on what to do and how to do it

However a woman came into his life and as always stopped everything lol.


Yorkshireman Ex Miner,  Ex Army, run my own Business for over 10 years. Single 56. Lived abroad for over 10 years German/Holland. Learning to fly then Covid hit. Looking to just rebuild the house and sort the garden out so I can love of the land and my Pensions


I hope it all works out, Steve!
I recognise the house - I think we bought from the same agent! It looks good.


you are really brave ! it is true that here you will have a lot of freedom; few constraints and a warm welcome to the village
Put your photos in a cloud and post the link here or possibly the link of your agency's ad


My husband thinks I am mad to just buy a house without seeing it! But he loves Bulgaria too.

We've visited at least  yearly for the past seven years, away from the touristy areas, and begun learning Bulgarian. Hubby is much better at that than me - I can read more, but he is better at speaking and hearing it. He's looking forward to being able to keep more animals and have more birds and other wildlife to watch, so I'm sure things will be fine.

Even in a remote area in the UK, it would cost many times as much to buy just the land. It's a blessing to have this opportunity and to be able to give back to the village when we do eventually make our home there.


Thanks I am looking forward to it. A new challenge ahead and my life has always been about taking risks.  However, they have always been calculated risks.

Theres no rush to get things done. The photos I've got look like theres been some “bodge-it and flip it”. We will see when I get there and I start ripping things out and stripping it back to the brickwork.

This summer is just to get it to a shell and make sure it will remain standing. It does look sturdy though. I don’t even know how many bedrooms it has lol, but I only need one.

Just a good job I see positives in everything.  Worst case scenario I knock it down and rebuild it. 900m2 of Garden so plenty of room for a Swimming Pool and Chickens


check out the great opportunity for sale in the Rhodopes; a marvel and not expensive ! … ;ref=notif


just exploring for the moment.

Vicky n bistrets

We have a house in bistrets a little village 50 mins drive from burgas. We plan on moving there full time this april. We have residency already and our jeep is also registered there. We are currently in the uk and I'm really struggling to find out if we can just pack up our trailer and drive over with our house things we need ie sofas tv washer dryer and other household good. It's the customs side of things I have read loads about traders. We are not traders what forms do we need to fill in and the such like can any one help


Rom here, new on the forum. Originally French, expat since 1998 (Canada, US, now UK). Married to a wonderful Bulgarian woman. We are moving to Varna in the summer.
I am hoping to connect with expats around there and start building connections.


Do you have Canadian citizenship? If yes, you may have to think of tax implications that status "Non Resident for Tax Purposes" would mean in you case.
   I have Canadian and Bulgarian citizenship and want to spend more time in BG, particularly in the winter. In my case, not sure how it will work with pension benefits, like CPP or OAS. How it can be organized in BG. I don't have firm solution.


I'm Rob and my partner is Carolyn.
We're in the early throws of doing the research before we come over to live.
We've enough for a house and don't mind where we settle as long as there are airports nearby.... Ish.

I'm a registered nurse (RMN) and my partner is a social worker but won't be working in Bulgaria. I'll be flying back and fro from UK on a month to month basis and am looking at live in care jobs if I can find any. Else, I'll be working for a couple of employers and working most days for a month then flying back to Bulgaria for 4 weeks off at a time.

We don't know whether to move ourselves or get a company in to do it for us. No idea of prices yet.

I'm a keen target shooter ( air rifle and pistol) both 6 yard and 10 metre, but need to look at having my airguns transported with us on the trip.

Other than that it's just a case of knowing what to do where once we arrive. I've previously lived in NZ and am used to the hoops you have to go through there.


on this group you will find a lot of real estate opportunities:

Good luck with your research


HI Everyone,
I'm John and  have lived in Plovdiv since March 2020.
I want to move to Burgas in May.
Has anyone any advice on locations in Burgas?.
A 20 minute walk from the centre would be ok I guess.



Contact: Pygmalion57
a french citizen who lives in Bourgas near center.


Hello. I live in Veliko Tarnovo. If someone need help or info just contact me.


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