IPA on process while applicant is overstayed

Hi , I would like to seek some advice or experience regarding my friend situation right now.
I will make it short.
My friend is currently in Singapore but the visit pass is already expired, the previous employer can't extend her pass because the company is not running / closed already, so in short she is now overstaying here. Does it affect her IPA application? Will MOM knows if the applicant applying for IPA is in Singapore (because definitely if they have record the foreigner applying is supposed to be back in her country)?

She has an agent and his agent told her to stay even the visit pass was expired and told my friend to just stay and the agent will handle the overstaying fine. 

I'm quite worried about this, I'm thinking the MOM will check if the foreigner applying for IPA is in Singapore or not. I don't know how they'll check it. Any experience?

Your friend should get his/her visit pass extended. Overstaying is a crime and s/he may be barred from entering Singapore in future.

Here is a sample note stated in the Visit Pass and Embarkation Form

"Warning: Overstaying is an immigration offence. If the Foreigner overstays, he / she may be subjected to a composition fine or prosecution in court"

Hi Maelannie,

Can you elaborate on IPA application? Do you mean she has a pending Work Pass application (eg SPass, Employment Pass)?

garceinpink wrote:

Hi Maelannie,

Can you elaborate on IPA application? Do you mean she has a pending Work Pass application (eg SPass, Employment Pass)?

Her IPA is currently pending as it was applied last 5th of February. Agent told her that it will take2-3weeks to be approved. Her svp was extended from 29 December to 10 of February as her former employer asked her to book a flight ticket.  So now she is still waiting for her IPA to be out but she is overstaying..  does it affect the MOM approval on her IPA?

There is no way to know for sure whether it will affect MOM approval. Overstaying is ICA jurisdiction, but during the IPA application, MOM will need inputs from other agencies to process the application. So, it is very likely that MOM will have access to ICA records.

If I am your friend, I will get my visit pass extended. If it is not possible, I will leave Singapore and come back again when my IPA is approved. 2-3 weeks for IPA to be approved is quite optimistic, I would say.

xelon wrote:

There is no way to know for sure whether it will affect MOM approval. Overstaying is ICA jurisdiction, but during the IPA application, MOM will need inputs from other agencies to process the application. So, it is very likely that MOM will have access to ICA records.

If I am your friend, I will get my visit pass extended. If it is not possible, I will leave Singapore and come back again when my IPA is approved. 2-3 weeks for IPA to be approved is quite optimistic, I would say.

I agreed on this. Now SPass new application processing time minimum 1-1.5 months
no to mention it will be rejected initially first and will undergo an appeal stage

I agree with the above posters: She is currently doing an illegal (criminal) act and will have to face the consequences - most likely a ban on entry by ICA. There is NO chance of having no consequences.
She should IMMEDIATELY contact ICA and/or MoM to explain the situation, submit proof that the agent asked her to overstay and ask for their mercy for her inadvertent mistake - and then leave the country as soon as possible.
She should also not work with that dubious agent again (even if that means no job for now - I wish her good luck in finding another job from abroad!).

Agreed with Beppi, she should visit ICA immediately and request for further extension (if there is no flight to her home country), so ICA may charge a penalty of $200 to $300 then ask her to leave in next available flight. No matter what situation we are in, we should not over stay, it's a criminal offence here and may have negative impact and jeopardy your workpass approval process in future. Good luck

Note: I don't think any agent in Singapore would suggest you to overstay here. There must be some miscommunication or wrong interpretation at her end. If indeed an agent did suggest this then present the proof to ICA then ICA will proceed with heavy fines against them.

Hi i would like to ask how she managed to get an extension of her svp for a month?

There should be a valid reason of extension such as no flights to home country or any pending exams or health issues etc. This may be accepted by ICA.

Its because of the ex employer who filed extension for her using the booked ticket, extension based on the airticket