Can Spouse work on dependent visa

Hello All, I have an offer from a company in Brussels. My confusion is whether my wife would be able to get a job on dependent visa? If she get a job, Is it require to apply work permit or can she work on dependent visa?

It seems there is change in process that dependent has to leave country to get Single permit work visa. Referring following link: … plications

Thank you !

She can work on dependent visa. No need to apply for Single permit.

Thank you Ankita. Pasting link content:

Change of status
Foreign nationals already legally residing in Belgium can experience restrictions when filing single permit applications.

Single permit applications submitted by a foreign national already legally residing in Belgium (right of residence for more than 90 days), which is already awarded access to the labor market, will be deemed void and will not be treated. Concretely, foreign family members will be impacted as they will no longer be able to change their status from dependent to highly qualified worker in country.

For example: A Japanese national obtains a single permit for Belgium and moves to Belgium. Her spouse moves with her, without having secured a job. Once arrived in Belgium, this spouse will still benefit from an unlimited right to the Belgian labor market as a dependent spouse. However, should the spouse wish to set up his own right to work and reside in Belgium – and thus no longer be perceived as a dependent – this can no longer be achieved from within Belgium. The spouse would have to start a separate work authorization procedure from in the home country.

This change in legislation will not impact single permit applications filed from abroad or renewal applications filed in country. The right to work – applicable to family members of single permit holders – will also not be impacted. Lastly, this change in legislation will not be applicable to students and researchers

Don't worry about it.
Dependant can work without applying for single permit.

This new law means once you are already in Belgium and you guys decide that your wife should have her own independent working status so that she is not dependent on your employer (in case your employer decides to send you back to India or doesn't extend your contract here further etc.). In that case before the law was introduced, dependent was able to apply for single permit from within Belgium. As per the new law, one can not do that and has to apply form the home country.

I hope this clarifies.


My husband is coming on a dependent visa. We will reach Belgium on 25 March. He is in process of an interview with a company in Belgium. If he gets the offer what documents do we need to provide before we receive the residence permit?

@komalsinghk2 he needs the residence permit


Hi, we have a similar situation with my wife so can you please tell me if your husband was able to start work without the residence permit or did you get any other document from commune for the same.
