Question work and live in Belgium

Hello everyone,

For many years already I'm thinking to move out off my country,
And now it's time to go,
I live in Thailand i am a thai man i am 37 years old, I am married with my Dutch wife,
May you thinking now why we not gonna live in Netherlands that's because it's to hard to live there i need to speak Dutch for 5 years and more other things and that's to long for me,
So i decided I wanted to live in Belgium or Sweden and i wanna work there, every work is okay for me i can learn quickly I'm able to do what they want i need to do, my wish is just to start a new life with my family, in a other country, even it's hard with the covid 19 but i don't give up
Please if someone can give me advice how i can leave my country and work, thank you very much everyone 🙏🙏

Hello Thanaphat,

Welcome to :)

I hope fellow Thai nationals who have made the move to Belgium will have some advice for you, or expats from other nationalities could also share insight on making your move possible.  :)

In the meantime, I would recommend that you browse through the Living in Belgium guide to explore your options. I suggest that you specifically check out the sections about visas and work in Belgium.

Best of luck in carrying out your plans,


Hi there

Thank you very much for for kind message 🙏☺️

I need to find to chat with people that live in Belgium but I can't find it 😰

Just come on the website but really honestly don't understand this website at all,

I did go to the place about going to live in Belgium but i can't find anything about chatting with people?

Again thank you very much for your message