Motorcyclists to Wear ID Vests from 1st June.
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Abinader: From June 1 motorcyclists will have to wear vests with an identity number … -identidad
From June 1, all motorcyclists in the country will be identified with vests with an individual number, as part of the measures announced by President Luis Abinader will be applied within the Comprehensive Strategy for Citizen Security.
“As of June 1, we will begin the identification of all motorcyclists using vests with an individual number. With this we intend to reduce the number of those who use motors without a license, and the criminal activities that in many cases are associated with their use, ”he explained.
Thanks for sharing the info and let's see how that works out. DR has a track record of creating laws which are enforced whenever it pleases the authorities. Consistency is not their strongest suit........Just saying.
Will there be free issue coloured numbered vests to ride?
So without one you stand out like a 'sore thumb'?
And what will be the fine?
Well, THIS should be interesting.
We just came back from a trip to SD and La Romana. In SD the motorbikes are present, and pretty much ignore most rules, but the general volume of traffic is somewhat muzzling to their antics.
But, in La Romana, motorbikes and scooters are absolute scofflaws!! LEGIONS of them, and they seemed to completely ignore any and all stop or yield signs, traffic lights, safety considerations, or any other laws of any type, They simply blew through any and all traffic lights or stop signs, the only hesitations coming was if they were in danger of terminal stupidity (e.g., cars impacting them).
I didn't see a single motorbike or scooter stop, and precious few even slow down, at ANY traffic light. If there was a line of cars waiting, they just blew past the lines at high speed and went on through the lights. Absolutely no fear of anyone enforcing the traffic laws, and apparently very little concern as to their personal safety. (I'd love to hear their Emergency stats for motorbike deaths.)
I'm not talking a few, or some motorbikes. I'M TALKING EVERY SINGLE MOTORBIKE WE SAW, and and saw many, many hundreds of them. There seemed to be nearly as many motorbikes as cars...perhaps more.
In this environment, I don't see the new ID vest laws happening. Besides, at worst I think the motorbikes would just wear a vest with somebody else's ID number. Sure, go ahead to call and report that's not MY number, and that other guy can prove he was in [some other city] that particular.
Now, this could be done, with a MASSIVE, even DRACONIAN enforcement effort. I don't see it happening, though. Simply unenforceable, as conditions are now.
Better to start with something concrete, actionable and achievable: Just get them to at least STOP at red lights. They'd likely then blow through the light anyway, but even just a stop to permit safety observance of traffic would be progress
Okay, I admit: that's a pretty small sample size to draw such conclusions from.
So, is La Romana just the worst city for enforcing motorbike laws? A rarity among the jewels of DR cities? Or it is like that everywhere in the DR??
Everywhere in DR, that I have been to, and I have been all over the country.
It is probably only Santo Domingo in the central areas where use of helmet is enforced along with other rules for bike riders. You see bikes being rounded up at road blocks regularly and put on trucks. I've seen such round ups randomly elsewhere and infrequently and as you describe, there are plenty of towns and the campo too where you can jump on a bike and ride without any training, license and so on. The bike is a way of life for the poorer in society. Riding a bike is also the major killer in this country.
This is aimed at the towns and cities but it would have to include the country folk too who drive into those towns.
A major promotion and free vests plus more time for riders/bikes to get licensed is needed and that needs more staff and trainers. June 1st is very optimistic except for say Santo Domingo, District National and they do say to initiate on this date so it will be a long roll out and won't come to La Romana or any place like that any time soon. But you have to start somewhere and DN is where these ride by robberies have occured.
Good ideas from a new government that has inherited a long government legacy of making laws and not enacting them.
This will roll out like the rest of the rules. They cannot begin to enforce this. Helmets SAVE lives and they cant enforce that.
I have lived all over this country. The two worst spots - Puerto Plata and La Romana. No - absolutely no - control over motos of any kind. Not the motorcycle, not pasolas and not moto conchos!
Las Terrenas is also one big motorcycle race track, as expatrusher describes above. I don't expect this law to be enforced, or they will enforce it for a week then back to business as usual.
At the risk of being accused of stomping on their culture....while they're making laws they should outlaw the crappy tin mufflers these kids solder to their bikes. They sound attrocious.
And kids stay off my lawn! ;0)
If only there was a permanent way to identify the motorbikes. Like a metal thing that gets fixed to the back of the bike? With a unique number or letter combination, so the Government knew who was licensed and insured? If only there was a way...
I think I have the only pasola with a license plate in the DR...
also the only one that's insured
also the only one that stays in my garage and doesn't get used...
Everything here works just fine, we are just confused. The police and the justice system are here to protect criminals and not the people. Normal people here are insignificant. Once you learn that everything else is easily understood.
All new purchases get a placa and are registered and you should renew annually for 100 pesos.
But over one million motos and pasolas arent registered.
In District National you will not have your two wheels for long without a placa. You will get your bike impounded. Same for the sindicos - motoconchos.
INTRANT is so thinly spread with most agents in the capital or main highways.
More police and better remuneratrd police is part of the new plan.
let's back up the truck a little bit.
Lennox: "All new purchases get a placa and are registered and you should renew annually for 100 pesos."
I bought my pasola new. It took 2 years just to get the matricula (with much determination) so it could be registered. The place where I bought it, was full of people with the same issue. Finally ended up travelling to Higuey (bought in Punta Cana) to the suppliers main office and finally got the matricula.
Placa renewal exists only for those that want to give someone 100 pesos, otherwise it doesn't exist.
And insurance companies generally won't insure a motorcycle unless you have a car or 2 to insure as well.
Now you can see where the problem starts...
This government has recently chaged the procedure for registering motorcycles as part of the Plan Integral de Seguridad Ciudadana promoted by the President today:
The Special Program Regulation of the Registration and Issuance of Plates Motorcycles is part of the Comprehensive Plan for Public Safety launched by the Executive, in addition to the regularization of the registration plates and hundreds of thousands of motorcycles in the country, It includes a Police Reform, the implementation of the Integrated 911 Emergency System, the “Vivir Tranquilo” prevention program, a road safety system, the strategy for drug control, reinforcement measures through the Attorney General's Office, a plan for the registration and control of weapons and an observatory of violence.
This program began with the delivery of the new plates and the installation of radio frequencies for remote reading of the data of these vehicles.
In this stage, the registration and renewal of motorcycles will continue and the temporary plates that bear the letter N will be replaced by definitive plates with the letter K. Also, the placement of a radio frequency sticker for remote identification of the data will begin. of the motorcycle. These will only be installed on the headlamp of the engine. Those who do not have the lantern must have it before the registration and the new plate are requested.
Requirements to apply for the first license plate of a motorcycle
You must present the following documents at the DGII post office located in the port of embarkation that received the motorcycle:
Import form.
Payment receipts DGA, DUA, BL.
Commercial invoice or property title.
Withdrawal authorization letter.
Copy of the identity and electoral card of both sides of the person authorized to carry out the procedure.
Cost of service:
17% of the CIF value of the motorcycle (Cost, Insurance and Freight).
Note: if you are a dealer, you can also request the first plate through the OFV.
General requirements for motorcycle registration, renewal and change of plates, CLICK HERE.
It has been much easier to register your motorcycles in the capital (there are plenty) and Santiago than the provinces for sure. But that is changing now.
But having reread the Presidents announcement again registering motos is not the aim of the vests. It is identifying un licensed drivers so I digress.
Registering one million motos isnt going to happen anytime soon but making new registrations better organized will eventually diminish the issue.
Hello "Looks like a Real Vest" at a distance entrepreneurs
I guess I wasn't surprised to see that there were no standards (Snell, etc) associated with the helmet laws.
Taking one in my hands it was super easy to bend and I'd suspect more apt to produce lethal brain penetrators than offer any protection.
Government will need more than two million vests to regularize motorcyclists … OO25181834
The Government would need more than two million vests to regularize the motorcycle sector in the country, taking into account that the national vehicle fleet has to date 2,718,058 vehicles of this type registered with the General Directorate of Internal Taxes (DGII).
The National Security Plan announced this Monday by the Government includes the regularization of motorcyclists by means of vests that will identify them with an individual number.
According to data from the DGII, as of December 2020, the institution has registered 4,842,367 vehicles in total, of which 2,695,456 are motorcycles, representing 55.6% of the total number of vehicles in the country.
However, despite the fact that there are more motorcycle units than any other type of vehicle between July 2018 and December 2020, the National Institute of Traffic and Land Transportation (Intrant) reports having issued only 17,272 motorist licenses out of a total of 335,143 issued.
In this regard, the president of the National Federation of Motoconchistas (Fenamoto), Oscar Almánzar, stated that the motorcycle sector is diverse and that it includes deliveries, couriers, motoconchistas and people who use this type of vehicle to travel to their centers. work, however the plan is achievable to your understanding.
The union leader valued the Government's plan as positive, although he asked the authorities to meet with the motorcycling sector to present a proposal on the subject.
The DGII reports that, from December 2018 to December 2019, the country went from having 2,398,511 motorcycles to 2,573,494, for an increase of 174,983 new motorcycles in the vehicle fleet.
While the DGII reported 174,983 new motorcycles in one year (2019), on the other hand and in the same period, the Intrant issued 6,226 motorcyclist licenses.
Motorcycle Driver License category 01 - INTRANT
National Institute of Traffic and Land Transportation
Obtaining a motorcycle driving license category 01 (01A is for motos under 125cc and minimum age is 16 and 1B is for over 125cc and minimum age is 18)
Identity and electoral card with a copy.
Motor insurance up to date.
Good Conduct Paper or Certificate of NO Criminal Record which can be requested at the Headquarters of the Licensing Directorate for the price of RD $ 600.00 + Copy of the identity card. (The delivery time of the document is immediate).
Present the registration of the motor or letter certifying the financing thereof. This document can also be requested via the internet, accessing the portal: and in Online Services click Request Certificates, enter the bank's tax number. The Service Acquisition Code (CAS) or Tax Code is found on the tax payment receipt, marked as "REFERENCE". As soon as you complete the online process, you can print your Certificate.
Receipt of tax payment and services performed at any branch of the Reserve Bank.
Have the rear and front lights in good condition.
Have made the payment of taxes for services, in any branch of the Reserve Bank.
Not having unpaid traffic tickets, if so, pay them before starting the process.
Price of the service: RD $ 890.00 + 600.00 (Certificate of NO Criminal Record).
Appear at the headquarters or Regional Offices of the Driver's License Directorate with the required documents.
Go through Registration.
Take an optical exam.
Go through blood typing (if you have a red cross typing card, you can present it and you do not need to take the test).
Take a driver education talk.
Take the theoretical exam (pass with a minimum score of 70 points).
Take practical exam (pass with a minimum score of 70 points).
Go through photo capture and signature.
Receive document in license delivery.
There are huge numbers of people who are going to have to get a driving license and with that they need the fee, insurance, registration and not least time to get this regularized. It seems a daunting task and will take a long time so the next question is where will they start from June 1st. City areas make sense from a security perspective but also tourist zones would appear a good idea.
Starting the roll out of vests in tourist zones seems a realistic way to start small scale.
The populations of the main toursits areas is small and so the number of motorcycle owners is going to be small too and the concept of having licensed, insured and registered vehilces plying the roads in areas where tourists frequent would seem a logical safety management approach.
So my speculation is that it could start in Puerto Plata, Sosua, Cabarete, Samana and Las Terrenas and Bavaro and Punta Cana plus the capital in District Nacional.
A bye product of licensing motocyclists is that it will challenge the non resident element who will not have the required cedula.
I like no helmet drive
Chosen by my own decisions and under my responsibility even as a pasanger using
Moto concho.
Government is't owner of my life or free will.
If they need combate moto criminals
They need focus on police reform
Justice reform. .
Tax cut
Better life for no industry island
After 1965 DR is no future land
In Trujillo times DR had 0! !! International loans.
They shouldchange aswel migration law
Now is more difficult be a resident for any European or American legally there than
Ilegal Haitian
My response to you is too bad. These are the laws here. You don't have the freedom here you are clearly looking for. Go elsewhere!
Sometimes laws are in place to protect idiots who can't figure out helmets save lives.
Don't ofend others if you are just one random no name person … mana-santa
2300 motorcycles impounded in Santiago over Semana Santa for no helmets and documentation.
The application of laws is spreading from Santo Domingo where helmet use for rider and documents is a necessity.
Now they need to get driving licenses! Yellow vests are coming I think.
I am not actually a no name person. I am the moderator of this forum with almost 18 years here. I understand the laws here and I understand the rules of this forum.
We do not ever promote or encourage violating the laws here. Again if you dont like it, I really do not care.
Lennox - I always thought motos had to have a drivers license? That is not new, enforcing it maybe new. I know pasolas and scooters do not need a license.
Every motorist needs a driving license but very few motorcycle drivers do. Two types I believe one under 125cc(?) and one over.
The yellow vest is to get everyone licensed but to do that it appears you need your moto registered and have insurance. Not sure many have the latter. Many car drivers dont.
Note in SD virtually all motos have a placa.
Massive challenge imo. But it has to start somewhere sometime.
I am not actually a no name person. I am the moderator of this forum with almost 18 years here. I understand the laws here and I understand the rules of this forum.
I don't say to anybody do this or other
Just expressed my deep point of view
But you offend me for free expressed thinks
I like it here.
I was under no illusions that I was signing up for a free speech forum or some other venue where the sh*t posting about whatever makes finding anything useful difficult if not impossible.
I was not ever under the impression that whatever I thought of sharing would meet the editorial standard or whatever other metric might be applied during a very fluid time.
I've had posts pulled from time to time and had some chastising.....
My suggestion is to just to grin, have a beer, enjoy the scenery and if after all of that you're still torqued then maybe just smile and maybe do something else.
On balance it works.
These days I'll take balance in a heartbeat lol
Life's too short
Sorry for say my rubbish opinion here
Have everything good
I never brake a law if it can bring damage for other property or human etc.
But in UK I can croos street where I wish and when I wish
In my country even street is empty
I croos one day and get fine
So I just say many times how I see perfect world for me.
But no more my opinions only private message with common values forum users
Dominican Republic is one from last place where I feel freedom in many fields comparing to Poland
Here you can cross any street at any time and at any place. But you will be killed because no one is watching for you. It is the flip side of lack of enforcement.
This country is taking baby steps in law enforcement. Many many laws on the books here! Things are changing.
By the rules of this website and forum we cannot break the law, state it or encourage it.
Until any of us has a Dominican passport we are guests in this country and what we say and do matters.
I agree with Planner. Well said.
That's actually not true because we didn't have a car and we had a motorcycle and 2 pasolas and never had a problem getting insurance. They have places all over where you can get insurance for two three four hundred pesos for the year.
This will work exactly as all laws here, they'll follow up on it for a few days/weeks then they'll forget about it and we will forget that law even exists
Business Opportunity for somebody ....
(not me, not advocating, etc., etc)
Motorcyclists in Santiago is being hit hard for not wearing helmets, no license plates and being noisy! A bit like what ahppend in Santo Domingo. Which large towns are next? SFM, PP, La Romana?
Police and Digesett detain about 1,700 motorcycles in Santiago … DE25478029
About 1,700 motorcycles have been detained in the city of Santiago during joint operations by the Cibao Central Regional Directorate of the National Police and the General Directorate of Traffic Safety and Land Transport (Digesett).
The information was released at a press conference by the spokesman for the law enforcement institution, Colonel Guzmán Badía, who explained that the engines were detained because their occupants were not wearing their protective helmets, some lacked license plates and license plates, in addition to causing annoying noises or sonic contamination.
The motorcycles were transferred to the Cibao Central Regional Directorate, where the authorities carry out their purification.
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