Relocating to the Philippines

To research properties here you have to get an address go to the city hall get the tax record which has the owners name on it then try to find the owner.  My wife purchased the property her family was squatting on for 30 years.  The owner was not paying the taxes and she convinced the city to auction the property which she won.  It was a risk they took but it paid off for them as the property is now worth 20 times what they paid for it.  They paid P600,000 and was recently offered P10,000,000 for it.

Trust you Bob. Doh.
Perhaps search my posts? Beach front etc.

Cheers, Steve.

Guys just a few questions, I see in this chat that you are recommending surge arresters, are there power surge issues in PH? We are in the province, although have not moved there yet but have already completed house. Got my sister in law to live there as caretaker to keep things running and maintained.
From family and friends did not here about power surge issues, will be helpful to know to protect our electronic devices.

As far as internet is concerned we are paying 50USD/ month for 100 mbps which seems reasonable compare to what I am currently paying in Dubai.

Secondly P13 M for vacant land is quite expensive but I understand its beachfront, we are not close to a beach at all, but rather more on a hill, although not far from the sea and we paid 250K for 120 sqm, but again not in a tourist hot spot or affluent area, that is what we wanted, peace and quite.

Lastly anyone have a borehole? We have one but its a bit of an issue to filter the water especially after rain it become so muddy. I have three filters inline before going into a pressure tank that will pump the water to the rooftop to the water tank and water heater. I was researching and it seems that a spin down filter before the normal filters  are an option, otherwise a small RO plant. Appreciate comments from anyone.

Gardo Fuentes wrote:

^Thanks.  P13M for how many sqm land?

I think the block next door is about 1,630M2 Titled lot and comes with a 700M2 odd tax declared lot to the beach, maybe 20 or 30 metres to the water.

Cheers, Steve.

aklokow wrote:

Guys just a few questions, I see in this chat that you are recommending surge arresters, are there power surge issues in PH? We are in the province, although have not moved there yet but have already completed house. Got my sister in law to live there as caretaker to keep things running and maintained.
From family and friends did not here about power surge issues, will be helpful to know to protect our electronic devices.

As far as internet is concerned we are paying 50USD/ month for 100 mbps which seems reasonable compare to what I am currently paying in Dubai.

Secondly P13 M for vacant land is quite expensive but I understand its beachfront, we are not close to a beach at all, but rather more on a hill, although not far from the sea and we paid 250K for 120 sqm, but again not in a tourist hot spot or affluent area, that is what we wanted, peace and quite.

Lastly anyone have a borehole? We have one but its a bit of an issue to filter the water especially after rain it become so muddy. I have three filters inline before going into a pressure tank that will pump the water to the rooftop to the water tank and water heater. I was researching and it seems that a spin down filter before the normal filters  are an option, otherwise a small RO plant. Appreciate comments from anyone.

Hi aklo, We have a few surge protectors, especially in the office with expensive gaming gear and one in the lounge room for the tv and peripherals. All else including bedroom smart tvs, 4 inverter A/C's, Large inverter linear refrigerator, microwave, charging stations etc are all plugged into the mains power unprotected and nothing has missed a beat,,,,,, touch wood.

Our internet is acceptable with globe at home and doesn't buffer when watching uTube etc.

Land prices are dictated by the market and you can find 5 to 600M2 lots for sale in San Juan just down the road for 10 to 15M. It's all relative. We purchased this house and lot nearly 5 years ago for 5.75M with 3 bed 2 bath home and a detached studio, 1,700M2 titled lot and 800M2 tax declared, bricks and mortar.

I know well about bore holes and they are usually into fractured bedrock and most times the water is pure. We have a deep well here 3 ft in diameter, some 22/25 feet deep and never have a problem with dirt or discolouration of the water, our only problem is the high mineral content, calcium and a high salt level but within the WHO's recommendations, we don't drink it but shower and brush our teeth and we are still alive.
Perhaps you should get local knowledge to improve your water source? I'm sure your water refill stations will point you in the right direction.
Good luck.

Cheers, Steve.

Thanks Steve for the reply appreciated.
Will check with the local water guys.

Gardo Fuentes wrote:

^Thanks.  P13M for how many sqm land?

There are much cheaper beaches at Palawan. E g yesterday I saw one wide sand beach at south Palawan 36 000 sq meters asked price 5 mill pesos.

Why fly to beaches???  :)   if living in the Philippines where there are plenty of nice beaches.

aklokow wrote:

From family and friends did not here about power surge issues, will be helpful to know to protect our electronic devices.

I suppouse they havent told because for them its normal  :)  Its common with extra high voltage delivered in the grid when it come back from the supplier after a break.

There are cheap one time protection devices, some similar function to one time fuses, for single sockets, which have some chance to protect against lightning hits at the rather close grid too.  (Such have saved my things some times at lightning hits breaking the grid cable but not my things except the protectiion device.) Back when I bought them they did cost from around 20 usd each.
And there are expensive equioment which can protect a whole house. Last I checked such did cost around 2000 usd. I have never had any.

aklokow wrote:

Secondly P13 M for vacant land is quite expensive but I understand its beachfront, we are not close to a beach at all, but rather more on a hill, although not far from the sea and we paid 250K for 120 sqm, but again not in a tourist hot spot or affluent area, that is what we wanted, peace and quite.

There are many much cheaper beaches for sale at Palawan. If buying hectares, niot tiny, then I have seen asked prices from 120pesos/sqmeter(rare) but in general much cheaper than elsewhere except at tourist hot spots.

aklokow wrote:

Lastly anyone have a borehole? We have one but its a bit of an issue to filter the water especially after rain it become so muddy. I have three filters inline before going into a pressure tank that will pump the water to the rooftop to the water tank and water heater. I was researching and it seems that a spin down filter before the normal filters  are an option, otherwise a small RO plant. Appreciate comments from anyone.

I dont know what you mean with borehole compared to a well, but its common they build wells wrong, e g not tightening far enough down. If built correct its the normal to get clean not muddy water WITHOUT filtering. (But if close to shore then its common with brackish water even with correct built wells, to salty to drink and many plants dont like to be watered by such.) 
So if I were you, I would check if your borehole can be tightened to solve the problem "for ever" insrtead of spend money at filtering.

I couldn't agree more coach, so many cheap properties in the Philippines but we can't buy outright as a foreigner and most cheap locations come with drawbacks and infrastructure problems. It certainly depends on the individuals criteria. I saw a few Islands for sale in Cam Sur 10 years ago that were so cheap and yes I did consider until reality hit home, the location and accessibility, Fine if I was happy to be a hermit and pay dearly for building materials to be freighted to the local port then shipped to my Island. Professional help on my Island? Ship it in and pay. We plan our own destinies.

Honestly each to their own and a deserted Island or remote location while cheap incurs additional costs. Isolation also.

Cheers, Steve.

"I suppouse they havent told because for them its normal  :)  Its common with extra high voltage delivered in the grid when it come back from the supplier after a break."

:D suppose you right !!!

"So if I were you, I would check if your borehole can be tightened to solve the problem "for ever" insrtead of spend money at filtering."

Thanks for the advice, will check with the guys.


aklokow wrote:

"I suppouse they havent told because for them its normal  :)  Its common with extra high voltage delivered in the grid when it come back from the supplier after a break."

:D suppose you right !!!

"So if I were you, I would check if your borehole can be tightened to solve the problem "for ever" insrtead of spend money at filtering."

Thanks for the advice, will check with the guys.


Is it a borehole or a well?

Cheers, Steve.

Hi Steve its a borehole, they drilled about 80 meters to get to water.

If you are getting dirty water it sounds like they never reached bedrock, hey only my opinion.

Cheers, Steve.

bigpearl wrote:

I couldn't agree more coach, so many cheap properties in the Philippines but we can't buy outright as a foreigner..

Well. If buying a big enough land to make a business of it, then the foreigner can own 40 % of the business, which own the land.  Many biger beach lands are allready "coconut farm".  Common coconuts are bad business, but can be an owning solution  :)  partly.
Or lease the land long term. 
Many Filipinos think very short ahead though so such can need some creative thinking to solve.
E g many prefer 2 million direct before 1 million direct and additional 2 million after a few years   :)   Thats IF they have the alternative any other buyer pay whole direct. 
(E g we are in negotiations now with two to try to afford buying 3 instead of 2 for same amount of money upfront.. One agreed direct to wait with half the money by he dont expect to get any other buyer (by less good location behind a property we have bought allready). While an other is at highway and is stubbord  :) at geting whole asked price direct instead of geting 1.5 - 2 times as much if agreeing to get part later.  But this at highway got up for sale recently, so perhaps he will agree if he dont get any other offer...)

bigpearl wrote:

most cheap locations come with drawbacks and infrastructure problems. It certainly depends on the individuals criteria. I saw a few Islands for sale in Cam Sur 10 years ago that were so cheap and yes I did consider until reality hit home, the location and accessibility, Fine if I was happy to be a hermit and pay dearly for building materials to be freighted to the local port then shipped to my Island. Professional help on my Island? Ship it in and pay. We plan our own destinies.

I wouldnt settle at an island because it can become an emergency during a storm...
(But earlier I thought a bit about buying a cheap land for sale with both beach and hilly forest with land connection but dirt road so possible to get out during storms too. Easy to get to a subhighway when not storm by it is one at a village just at the other side of a small bay, so small so can almost throw a stone over  :)

Yes most cheap beaches have issues as
/as you say bad connection
/and/or land classification. I wouldnt spend any much money at buildings if not titled.

Although some cheap are not far from a highway.
E g one - I dont remember but asked price was around 150 - 250 p per sq meter - have beach and behind that the land raise so no flooding problem and extra nice view.  Its just behind a fishing village which is at the highway. But an issue is the fishermen in that village use "your" beach to put their small fishing boats at  :)       
For them who dont know - In the Philippines all shores belong to the government as well as 30 (?) meters above highest tide, not allowed to build at, and are for public use (with a few exceptions where hotels have leased the beach for private use.) 
But there are so many beaches at Palawan so many dont get any visitors by other people have beaches closer to where they live.

aklokow wrote:

"So if I were you, I would check if your borehole can be tightened to solve the problem "for ever" insrtead of spend money at filtering."

Thanks for the advice, will check with the guys.

Dont be sure they know/undersrtand what to look for. Even some construction bosses dont know.

aklokow wrote:

its a borehole, they drilled about 80 meters to get to water.

80 meters to reach water in the Philippines origin rain forest landscapes??!!  where water rather often are even ABOVE ground    :)   (artesic natural wells).
I believe the common is less than 7 meters. Many wells in Phils are DIGGED by hand and its a problem to digg deap by it can become a shortage of oxygen in narrow deep holes so its a faint risk and even death risk if not get the fainted up fast.

Are you in the mountains
or with lower land around your hill
or how come?

I paid for a 60' well here on Biliran Island. The well was drilled before our arrival and the pump was propped up on a piece of plywood when I arrived. I sent a Water Worker pressure tank from the US in a BB box and when it arrived I had a slab poured and did a proper job of setting up the pump which involved taking measurements. It is 9' to the water but the well is only 23' deep! I asked the father in law about this since he was overseeing the operation. This area is very rocky and the well driller broke 3 bits getting to 23' so he called it quits after the 3rd bit and gave us a discount.

The water is not bad, very clear and no odor. We don't drink it but I shower, wash dishes and brush my teeth with no issues. I had dysentery a couple times while working in Mexico so I know the risk but no problems here. Biliran is known for its "sweet water" whatever that means. I just cleaned the filter screens on the 3 toilets for he first time and there was very little sand after 6 months or so.

We have municipal water also so I recently connected the municipal water supply, with a check valve and a gate valve, to the water supply (discharge line of pump) but I leave the gate valve open. If we have a brown out and the bladder tank pressure drops below the municipal water pressure, which it surely will with no power to the pump, the municipal water will come in and I can finish my shower without grabbing a towel and going down stairs to start the generator.

When my in laws first starting living on the property in 2013 the municipal water was all they had. The pressure was not good and would drop to zero at times. It was gravity fed from one of the old volcano water fall basins. Sand and an occasional fish would come down the pipe. It has since been upgraded with pumps and filters so it's not bad now. If I knew the municipality was going to do all that I probably would have held off on the well drilling.

bigpearl wrote:

Trust you Bob. Doh.
Perhaps search my posts? Beach front etc.

Cheers, Steve.

Well bigpearl, on post / report #77 Gardo Fuentes asks "Mind sharing pic of your beachfront house? I am interested in gaining ideas as I plan to have one as well in the future".

Previously you said you have posted pictures, since you didn't reply to his request to share, I asked you how he or anyone else interested could find the pictures.

Your reply to me: Perhaps search my posts beach front etc., I'm really not interested in searching 1200 posts. I'm sure others are interested too in seeing your pics, but looking through 1200+ posts is beyond anyone's interest.

"80 meters to reach water in the Philippines origin rain forest landscapes??!!  where water rather often are even ABOVE ground    :)   (artesic natural wells).
I believe the common is less than 7 meters. Many wells in Phils are DIGGED by hand and its a problem to digg deap by it can become a shortage of oxygen in narrow deep holes so its a faint risk and even death risk if not get the fainted up fast.

Are you in the mountains
or with lower land around your hill
or how come?"

We are on a hillside and if I would guess as I do not have the real measurement I guess about 30 to 40 meters ASL.

Hi Steve so you reckon we should go deeper until we hit bedrock?

aklokow wrote:

Hi Steve so you reckon we should go deeper until we hit bedrock?

Its about what type of ground it is, what filter capacity the soil above has.  And if the water arrive through cracks in mountain, then it deoend of if it got enough filtering or not before reaching the crack.

(My well dont reach bedrock, but is drinkable by the filtering soil is good enough. Actualy my water mant say taste is among top. A disadvanrage though it has much iron, which is adding clugg to the pipes.)

bigpearl wrote:
Gardo Fuentes wrote:

^Thanks.  P13M for how many sqm land?

I think the block next door is about 1,630M2 Titled lot and comes with a 700M2 odd tax declared lot to the beach, maybe 20 or 30 metres to the water.

Cheers, Steve.

13M/1,630 gives us P7,900/sqm.   Just trying to get some sense of beachfront lot costs, and in this case, beachfront H&L costs.  Thanks.

coach53 wrote:

Why fly to beaches???  :)

Mingling convenience in the cities for a single guy.  I value seeing the different pretty Pinays daily more than seeing the beach daily.

Gardo Fuentes wrote:

13M/1,630 gives us P7,900/sqm.   Just trying to get some sense of beachfront lot costs, and in this case, beachfront H&L costs.  Thanks.

I stop looking, dont count when I see a to high price. The highest asked price I have noticed at Palawan are 2000p/kvm (when buying biger than a hectare.)

Gardo Fuentes wrote:
coach53 wrote:

Why fly to beaches???  :)

Mingling convenience in the cities for a single guy.  I value seeing the different pretty Pinays daily more than seeing the beach daily.

You have missunderstood something main about living rural  :)   Living rural DONT need to mean not meaning people, and nicer views at women at beaches than women in cities  :)    And in average them from rural have nicer personalities...

Back before my knee broke I lived rural AND met many beautiful women by driving to popular dance places which I lived in between NOT needing to waste time at geting out of the city living in.  I even knew several beautiful women close, I even said "No thanks" to one looking as a young Dolly Parton - The head   :) - when she asked me to become her boyfriend.

coach53 wrote:

Back before my knee broke I lived rural AND met many beautiful women by driving to popular dance places which I lived in between NOT needing to waste time at geting out of the city living in.  I even knew several beautiful women close, I even said "No thanks" to one looking as a young Dolly Parton - The head   :) - when she asked me to become her boyfriend.

Pics of some of these "many beautiful women" or it's just wishful tale.   :)

Gardo Fuentes wrote:

Pics of some of these "many beautiful women" or it's just wishful tale.   :)

I dont collect photos of beautiful women I have known. (Perhaps I havent thrown away photos of ex gf "governor's" daughter because I founbd it funny she looked so difference so she looked as 4 difference.)  I dont get impressed by beauty anyway, perhaps thats why beautiful Swedish women like me by I dared to talk with them without being drunk or stutter   :)    I got used to beauty allready as child by my mother looked as movie stars looked back then and one of my sisters was a  famous photo model seen "everywhere" and the face of Colgate toothpaste in Sweden.  The one of my sisters, who got the OTHER look parts from parents than I got   :lol:

Dont you know Sweden is famous for beautiful women?   :)

E g a big part of the "James Bond babes" are Swedish.

Back when Swedish women bothered about beauty contests, then Sweden got several top positions in Miss World or such.  One of my school mates and soccer team mates married one of them Yvonne Ryding. But during the 1990-ties Swedish beautiful women started skiping Miss Sweden contests so half of the years wonn women looking UNDER average Swedish, so the Miss Sweden contest got skiped...

It was some funny when one of the last beautiful Miss Sweden (1993) got interviewed at TV after wonn, I wondered where I had seen her before?  But it wasnt her, it was one a few kilo heavier look alike, who I had danced with one time, but got to know much closer later. But she was a cleaning/"ordering" maniac, so I wouldnt have found anything after her changes if I would have married her   :)

Not knowing only look alikes.  E g two years before she became famous,  I knew one, who finnished second in PUBLIC vote about most beautiful woman in Sweden. She, who wonn, went to USA and became "supermodel".  Her mother was a bitch, so her father got gray hair very young and the daughter was more as the moother so wice by me to not stay in contact   :lol: