
Need help for divorce

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Hi dear friends, I am Bangladeshi. I was married with Brazilian in 2017. I am separate from her now. Mora than one years. I want to know that if I apply for divorce then I need to pay to my wife?? Even after divorce I need to pay her???

Can you explain me please??? I am worried for this. Please.😭😭😘😭😭😭

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That depends on what property settlement you agreed to at the time of your marriage.   You're probably going to need a lawyer to help you sort it out.


I don't have anything with her even I don't have kids.


This is not a legal advice site, and I am not qualified to offer legal advice.  In that light, I will make these completely practical observations, not legal advice, and say no more:

If you and your wife both want a divorce, and agree that neither of you owes the other any money, or will owe the other any money, the two of you can go to a cartório together and obtain a divorce on friendly terms at relatively low cost.

If you two are on friendly terms but can't agree on the financial arrangements, your divorce will have to go before a judge, and you're going to need a lawyer.

If you two are NOT on friendly terms, then you definitely need a lawyer.  In that case, she can not only block your divorce, but threaten your immigration status, as well.


Hi Badol919, hope this finds you well.
My name is Sergio Botinha and I was reading your post reagrding divorce and whether you would have to pay something to your wife.
Financially, a divorce can have two implications:
A) Spousal support - now very uncommon and only needed if the wife does not work, has no ability to reenter the labor market and was dependent on you. Normally is granted for a limited amount of time, but it is indeed nowadays very rare
B) Division of assets - if you have a property regime that stipulated that you have assets that are considered to be joint marital assets (normally, the standard regime is the "comunhão parcial de bens", or partial communion of assets, in a free translation. It covers assets acquired (not donated of inherited) during the life together (not reaching assets acquired during de facto separation).
Hope this has answered you.

All the best,
Sergio Botinha

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