
Is US SSDI (Disability benefit) taxed in the Netherlands?

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I have a low income and receive among others  a SSDI benefit from the USA paid into my bank account in the US.
Is US SSDI (Disability benefit) going to be taxed in the Netherlands?
I ask because in the US it is not due to my total income being low.



In The Netherlands your entire "world income" is being taxed, but you will not be taxed twice. There is a "verdrag ter voorkoming van dubbele belasting" with the US, which means that you will not be taxed twice. You don't pay taxes in the US on this money that you get, but just because of your low income. In principle, you would pay taxes. So you are not likely to having to pay double. Just to be sure, you could call the Belastingdienst to inform yourself: their free number is 0800-0543. From outside The Netherlands, you call: +31 555 385 385. They do speak English. You will hear: for English, press 2. Good luck!


So basically and American on SSDI should never move to Europe as in the US his SSDI is not taxed if low, and being married even allows for a greater non-taxability in the US. For a Dutch national who live din part in the Ntherlnds and then moved to teh US and got disabled there and returns to teh Netherlands teh Dutch commit double theft then. Once they steal one's earning in the US by taxing one's SSDI en once they steal one's earning in the Netherlands by the WEP cut which results in the Dutch AOW (Ducth retirmenet SS) being lowered if one has i n part lived abroad.


Well, considerations such as you've just laid out should certainly be part of every Expats planning before they make the decisions to pack up and move to another country.

Ramses K.

Double theft :lol:

You have an income and yes you will be taxed of course, that is the way our (Dutch) social security system works. I believe you could get an deductible item so you will not have to pay full taxes.
You probably will receive only a tiny bit of aow, it depends how long you have worked in the Netherlands:

Om in aanmerking te komen voor een AOW-uitkering moet u 67 jaar zijn. De AOW-uitkering wordt uitgekeerd door de Sociale Verzekeringsbank (SVB). Om voor een volledig AOW-pensioen in aanmerking te komen moet u wel van uw 15e tot uw 67e jaar in Nederland hebben gewoond of gewerkt.

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