Killing tourists on Maltese roads because of drunken driving
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Hi all,
due to recent incidents by drunken,in-insured drivers with or without licences killing or seriously injuring mainly foreign tourists and children I think it is time to issue a serious warning for all pedestrians! One link of many possible: … ent.374398
We are not worth much on Maltese roads! The most the potential 'murderers' have to fear is usually a suspended sentence and maybe a small fine. Shooting birds out of season is a more serious offence!
It seems it is always season to try and run over a poor , unsuspecting tourist whether on , or near or not near a pedestrian crossing.
I'm a driver in Malta but I've never,never come across such a disgusting approach to driving as in Malta as compared to any other country in Europe.
I look forward to comments and hope that this warning might save one or the other tourist lives and health.
From my experience it is safer to cross a road in the middle of Cairo than to do the same in Malta.
Cheers and good health to all expats in Malta.
Take care. Egyptian drivers avoid you but Maltese drivers beep their horn and take aim.
couldn,t agree with u more is appalling
keep safe
I so agree with you..the standard of driving here is abysmal and the standard of road safety is even worse...shame on you Malta....its time for the authorities to take note and do something positive.....especially against the drink driving fraternity thats seems to be more and more prevalent these days.
"Malta last year had one of the lowest rate of road fatalities among [EU} member states" … ust.374215
I have to agree that driving and road crossing in Malta is a bit of a challenge but to be quite honest, its like a walk in the park compared to some of the drivers in Spain ... there road rage, pedestrian targetting and DUI is an essential part of both theory and practise!!!
I agree mikea, I'm still getting used to drivers stopping at a crossing.
I'm actually torn, I think driving skills in Malta are excellent. How else would there be so few accidents while drivers are on their mobile and not actually paying any attention whatsoever to the road. It takes quite a bit of skill to achieve that level of avoidance.
However, on a serious note. There is a serious lack of attention to the road while driving and I do believe that that is half the problem, they appear to be seemingly unaware of any other traffic on the road. Its a bit scary. Kinda Wacky races meets Death Race 2000.
Gulp... off in the car tomorrow.. wish me luck.
What also makes me soo angry is the amount of stupid parents in Malta who don't put their toddlers in car seats!! I dont know how many times I've seen people driving with their kids standing on the front seat, roaming free in the back seat or hanging out the window!!
ooooooh don't even get me started on that one.....
need a rage emoticon
We are not worth much on Maltese roads!
It seems it is always season to try and run over a poor , unsuspecting tourist whether on , or near or not near a pedestrian crossing.
I'm a driver in Malta but I've never,never come across such a disgusting approach to driving as in Malta as compared to any other country in Europe.
From my experience it is safer to cross a road in the middle of Cairo than to do the same in Malta.
Take care. Egyptian drivers avoid you but Maltese drivers beep their horn and take aim."
What negative , untrue and cynical comments. Frankly I am Maltese and take great offence at such insults.
I have seen a man run over in Cairo, and simply rolled over to the side of the road with no medical assistance.
I have driven in Naples and was hooted at and insulted because I stopped at the red light.
Yes, Maltese drivers have to improve their attitude on the road, granted
Yes , a 21 year old did run over someone who may have or not have been reckless in crossing the road.
But the comments by Ricky who it seems is British are obnoxious. In the UK there certainly are 21 year olds who are into binge drinking, are unemployed lazy people have committed murder over a simple quibble and have enmassed into pure bred English louts - There again you don't have any Maltese generalising that all Emglishmen are out to murder if you're out for a drink downtown.
Shamefully insulting!
Negative and cynical - yes of course.
But untrue?
The 21 year old who ran over a boy with mother crossing the street was drunk,uninsured, without a driving licence and fled the scene with his Jag !
Exactly the same behavour was shown last week in Qawra where an older British tourist was killed on the spot by a young drunk driver, again without driving license and uninsured driving a fast sports car. The driver fled the scene of his crime leaving the lady dying on the road. That sounds very much like what you saw in Cairo except the body was left on the road.
Reading this today leaves my shocked: … -it.374545
And he pleads: Not guilty..............
So talking about obnoxious behaviour ....blame Mel Spiteri and not others just commenting.
Of course these things happen elsewhere but not with the frequency seen here in Malta. The only thing that saves Malta from topping the road death statistics is the fact that the driving speeds are generally and luckily lower than in other countries.
Just today I myself was nearly run-down three times ...all three times on pedestrian crossings! The drivers either stopped just short of me with screaching breaks while the lights were green for pedestrians or even passed without caring about their mistake.
But in the end I chose the stark language in my post to provoke comments like yours. And your comment is exactly what I expected. Take bad behaviour elsewhere as an excuse for the own bad behaviour. If you know European driving that well you should know that following rules and being courtious to others on the road is the normal case even if there are violations. In Malta it just seems to be the other way around.
The real question is : How can the behaviour be changed for the advantage and health of all pedestrians , Maltese and foreigners?
And is anybody willing to enforce responsible and considerate driving? The rules and regulations already exist but you never see police or wardens just on patrol except to issue parking tickets.
And , actually, I spent most of my life in Germany and not in the UK.
Drivers don't stop here automatically if a pedestrian standing by the crosswalk. Sometimes we have to wait a bit till the second or third car stops. But it's never happened with me that I couldn't cross the road for a long time.
On the other hand I also drive here and some people just jumps on the road without counting with drivers has a reaction time and in the traffic, walkers are not the only ones we have to watch. On the top of that there are those turists who confused with the traffic direction.
The roads and road signs are in really poor condition.
I deeply condemn irresponsible, drink drivers and hit and runners. Unfortunately every country has got them.
Belive me, there are worse places even within the EU!
Thank you BeeB. A down to earth realistic comment
Ricky, just a quick reply
'But in the end I chose the stark language in my post to provoke comments like yours.And your comment is exactly what I expected. Take bad behaviour elsewhere as an excuse for the own bad behaviour.'
I did state very clearly that Maltese driving attitudes must be improved. And for heaven's sake you did say that driving in Egypt is safer. I saw a man run over , dying and pushed to the side in Cairo like an animal. What are you on about?
Notwithstanding this vivid scene I would never state that Egyptians drivers beep their horn and take aim !
'Negative and cynical - yes of course'
Sad attitude. It seems that your blog comments dwell on persistent negativity and attitude towards the Maltese. ( I did read your past comments on this blog)
I walk around everywhere and cross on pedestrian crossings. Do Drivers stop? No not every time but certainly I cannot say I was nearly run over 3 times in one morning . Your (very) exaggerated comment? Well maybe you know .....
Is Malta perfect, or are the Maltese perfect? Certainly not , just as the driving isn't . However to state that Maltese drivers beep their horn and take aim is a thoughtless statement.
Should I take on your attitude and state that the British just spurn negative blogs? Certainly not - The British certainly have a more positive attribute to life in general.
Well you did state that you spent most of your life in Germany.
Hi Bee B,
thanks for your post. Drivers not stopping at pedestrian crossing or lights in Malta is something that tourists do not expect. That is exactly the point I was making with my post.
Tourists need to be warned of the local driving standards.
Otherwise the comment by G. Debono will not be a sick joke:
G Debono
Today, 14:48
Been there before.... Sick joke :
Some years ago the joke was making the rounds that tourists should take a one-way Malta ticket to save money ---- because they stood a good chance of getting free lift back in a coffin.
-Looks like we're back there again ! Two unfortunate foreigners hit this week for being naware of our local driving standards
I don't really care about other EU countries , at the moment I'm more concerned about Malta as I live here and take part in the general traffic as driver and pedestrian.
And the above comment is of Maltese origin.
PS Did I say that driving in Egypt is safer than in Malta?
While I completely agree that the driving standards in Malta need to be looked at and the safety rules enforced, should not some of the onus be placed on the tourists also.
You are in a different country, the rules may not be the same.. so take extra care when crossing the road. I do not think it is a coincidence that more tourists than locals are victims here.
As an example, and to prove that its not just Malta.
In Spain there is a wide main road cutting through a very popular tourist area, lots of bars, cafes, pubs and restaurants. There was a subway system under this road to ensure safe crossing. However, for a tourist on a night out, it was too far to walk and playing chicken with the traffic to cross this road to another restaurant was more likely the chosen option. However, this just ensured that at least 1 or 2 people per week (minimum) were either killed or injured on this road. So, as the tourists did not seem to want to use the underpass, the Government spent a huge amount of money building a walkway bridge over this stretch of road, reinforcements 4 ft high of concrete in the middle of the road to prevent more accidents. Did the tourists use this bridge or did they choose to risk themselves even more by running across to the middle of the road, clamber over the 4ft concrete barrier and then run across the other side of the road? What do you think? Sadly, the number of people using the crossing bridge over the road has not increased, nor does the number of people being hit on this road seem to have decreased.
Remember people, nobody else will take responsibility for your life, you are out of your comfort zone, LOOK LEFT, LOOK RIGHT, LOOK UP IF YOU HAVE TO. Take more care, be more aware.
And strap your kids in the car.
Thanks Lucyana. It's great to have a holistic view from a serial expat rather than demeaning thoughtless comments .
Apologies Ricky. It's not that you said one is a safer driver in Cairo. You remarked that one is a safer pedestrian crossing in Cairo (????) !
I have been driving here for nearly a year as well, and I am more afraid of the K license plates than the locals on the road... Locals are at least predictable...
Now at the same time a huge percentage of this stupidity would come to an end if the local Police would get off their lazy a$$ and start handing out tickets. I hate getting them but I have to admit I am even more careful in countries where I know the police care. Poland I wont touch a drop and get in a car, here I have a 2 pint limit, states I have a 1 pint limit... etc...
Local politics has a lot to do with it.
Chad … -it.374545
now this is just disgraceful - driving without a licence nor insurance - hit and run to boot and a poor 77 year old woman here on holiday gets to leave the island in a coffin....and this person gets to plead not guilty....SHAMEFUL - THIS GUY NEEDS TO BE IN PRISON FOR WHAT HE HAS DONE....FOR LIFE.....
toonarmy9752 wrote:..and this person gets to plead not guilty....SHAMEFUL -
that's how justice works - he's plead not guilty to a particular charge, not necessarily to not doing it. We should let justice run its course.
from the article it says "charged with involuntary homicide, driving without a licence and insurance cover, driving dangerously, failing to slow down near a zebra crossing and failing to stop following an accident." - it appears from the article he's only plead not guilty to the first charge. Without knowing the legal definition of involuntary homicide, its difficult to tell if its likely he's guilty of that offence
sorry george - he left the scene of an accident knowing full well that he had hit someone - his passenger knew it - so he knew it too after all he was driving wasn't he. leaving this old woman to die in the road....sorry no sympathy for him at all - not insured not licenced at all....he is and remains a danger to everyone - the charge is involuntary homicide....seems pretty damned clear to me.
involutary meaning not meaning to do it - AND HOMICIDE MEANING MURDER
when you jump into a car you immediately assume the responsibility that goes with it - just like owning a gun - they both can and do kill if not used responsibly
that needs to be proven - the fact the lady is dead doesn't necessarily mean its murder
its not about having sympathy for him, its about whether he's guilty of the charges. It appears he's plead guilty to "failing to stop following an accident"
"the charge is involuntary homicide....seems pretty damned clear to me." - well thats why we have a legal system, so as to discover the truth, and not to jump to conclusions
no need to shout... I, and many others, often ignore comments in capitals
The court will decide if he killed someone, and if he did, what exactly he is guilty of. His lawyer may well believe it should be a lesser charge than involuntary homicide - wreckless driving might well be the worst offence he will be found guilty of.
bottom line is he drove a car unlicensed and uninsured (not that that makes a difference) he was (TOTALLY IRRESPONSIBLE) and as a result he KILLED an innocent elderly person...guilty simple as that. No amount of spin you put on it george will change the fact that HE KILLED a person whether he meant to or not (WITH OR WITHOUT CAPITALS THAT DOESNT CHANGE. END OF.
I can say without fear or guilt i have never killed anyone - has he????? answer YES HE HAS.
oh and by the way you clearly do answer!!!!!!
Hi all,
let's not keep fighting about this individual whose case will be heard before court and hopefully given an appropriate sentence. When that happens we can bring the case up again and discuss it further. Believe me, I will be following it and future cases.
My original post was deliberatly in a very pointed and strong language to draw attention to driving in Malta in the hope that those new here, whether tourists or residents or Maltese, will take special care when out on the pavements or roads as pedestrians.
ricky with respect this guy drove a car he was not licensed nor insured nor trained for and without due care or consideration of what he could have done (and eventually did do) and as a result killed an innocent person in doing so - FACT. Whether a court finds him guilty of that is irrelevant...HE DID KILL someone. So all you guys out there be ever so carefull.....those that drive are not necessarily permitted or licensed or insured or are indeed sober enough to do so.
Lets just string him up now then....
Just hope if it goes to a jury that there are people on it with a more open mind than you
am sure that poor old lady's family think the same as you NOT.
and would you feel the same if it were your mum who had been knocked over, and th driver having fled the scene and left her lying in the remember ge would probably not have got caught had he not returned to the car to collect his precious mobile phone.....says something doesnt it..... a phone more important than human life...
If he's found guilty of all charges, he deserves a lengthy spell in prison. All the facts will come out in court.
The problem is that they don't TEACH drivers education here...If they could replace just one of the many religion classes taught in secondary school with something usefull like drivers ed and first aid...I think we would see safer drivers on the road. I am going to post a video very similiar to what I was shown in drivers ed in the US. I am warning you that it is very graphic but Im convinced that anyone who sees it will think twice before driving carelessly. I hope I dont offend anyone by posting it but I believe it can save lives. Be prepared to cry.
I saw a simmilar vid in MN when I took drivers ed. not to mention the crash simulators. btw toon Please stick to the facts. No need to comment on every thread weather you have data or not. relax we are all expats and In The same boat. rants can be held o. A different site please.
Ricky is right and we all need to be careful.
ME3512 - if i want to comment i will......simple - if you dont like it - dont read it.
BTW i dont comment on every thread - clearly you are deluded
Hello everybody!
Don't need to fight, everyone has the right to give his opinion.
Thank you,
As promised here is an update about the court hearing today.
The accused was let free on bail.
It appears that his father(owner of the car) is president of the Public Transport Association and knew that his son, accused of involuntary homicide of a British tourist while driving drunk and at high speed was using his Jag. According to this article in the news today he let his son take the car ( without driving licence and insurance) just telling him not to drive fast ! … ity.375361
There is no report of any action being taking against the father.
Regards and again , take care on Maltese roads if you a pedestrian. You could get run down by the son of the president of the PTA , he is out on bail and relapsed before.
well well well - theres a surprise!!!!
ricky wrote:accused of involuntary homicide of a British tourist while driving drunk and at high speed was using his Jag.
don't see anything in the article about him being drunk - he was charged with " involuntary homicide ... having driven without a licence and insurance, driven at speed and failing to stop after the accident."
Personally I think that if all the charges against him and presumably his father are proven then they both deserve locking up, while his girlfriend will be lucky to avoid jail for perjury.
and he runs a para kiting business too - pity the times didnt tell people where this business is so they could avoid potentially being killed by this irresponsible person.
But the Times did give some info about his father .
He is in charge of the ATP and was responsible for the 2008 bus drivers strike. And he was responsible for originally asking the taxpayer to pay 209644 for each old ,crappy yellow bus. Thank God that was finally reduced to little over 100.000 plus a 10 years job guarantee for the drivers that just sabotaged the new bus system ( so they say).
Now I wonder how the Maltese boys will solve this family problem. I have no doubt they will. They already dropped the drunk driving charge( or was the the Times reporter?) Lets bet on which charge will be dropped next .
I will keep you updated on this one.
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