What is your Electric Bill like ?
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Steve-I can see if you and wife are smokers and drinkers you would spend a lot here or anywhere. Ciggs are cheaper here than the USA or Most other countries but theres always a price you have to pay when you smoke. Both my dad and older brother did. I was smart enough to never start smoking. Bad breath.yellow fingers ect. If I was in a room with the most beautiful woman in the world and after about 5 mins I just couldnt take it anymore so walked over to meet her and on my way she pulled out a cigg and put it in her mouth I would just turn around and walk away-run like hell.Smoking is stupidity in high gear! I am not of course saying that smokers are stupid or disgusting-I am just saying what they are doing is!Booze was always my problem since high school/I took an eleven year break when I got all religious but then after that I went to Korea 2003 to teach English and when I got there it started all over again and became worse. Carried on 7 years in Korea 2 years in China and about 6 years here in Philippines. Thank God I quit near 2 years ago. If I didnt I wouldnt be sending this message right now. I would be dead.Heed my words.Maybe youre life isnt that important to you.I dont know. Mine is and I will hang on to it as long as I can.I apologize to you if I offended you or anyone in this forum.Just remember-Life is all about CHOICES. I wish I would have NEVER chose to drink that 1st beer when I was 18 years old.OOOpS Too late!Just think of all the money you can save by not drinking and smoking! If you dont need it give it to the poor and less fortunate.There are many here in the Philippines.Take care all and stay safe!Baguio Jimmy
No smokes;No alcohol & next maybe No Sex....will just NOT work for me....you can take away some of my pesos but leave alone my SGD's & my freeeeddooom.
Good thinking Manwonder! Has it happened to you like it does to me is usually after the 1st question when I meet someone is "How old are you?" Second Question being" Do you own your own home?" I think foreigners who move here (many) wanna show off all their money(2 or 3 pensions) and buy condos or a home. All that does is make the locals here think we are ALL rich. I have rented most of my life and almost bought a home in Riverside Calif when I was younger but glad I didnt. I may have made a profit selling it but it takes a long time to pay for a home usually 20-30 years and when you finally get it paid off its 3-4 times what you paid for it. Doesnt make any sense to me. All my brothers and their wives own their own homes and probably still making mortgage payments on them. I last visited them in Calif Thanksgiving 2018 and my older brother was a bit jealous of me as I could tell by the way we were talking. Once several years ago he told me he wanted to leave his wife and come live with me in the Philippines.Life is ALL about choices!Many or most of them cant be undone Choose wisely!..........Jimmy
Jimmy, I appreciate your candour very much and I am not having a go at you simply asking how can a westerner can survive on PHP 12K a month with all that goes with living here. Honestly for us 62K P/M is so cheap, owning/running a house (maintenance), 1 car, 2 motorbikes, (maintenance, insurance, rego's and fuel), basic necessities like food, grog, smokes, rates, internet, phones, Netflix, cable tv, water, gas, electricity, dining out and take aways, online purchases, clothing needs, PHP 36K to mum and dad annually to help them, other incidental whims.
On reflection and throwing another figure into the mix, is what we have spent here over in the last 2 years with upgrades and part of the budget obviously, Fridge, beds, cooker, M/wave, new ceilings, ceiling fans and R.3 insulation, 4 new A/C split systems, paint, new water pump (still sitting in the box, waiting and waiting for the old one to die 1 year on), new screen and battery for my iPhone 6, new battery for my MacBook pro, extensive laboratory water tests for our deep well etc, a new 55" led tv for the bedroom as the old one died but was resurrected a few weeks later with a software update (spare now) local labour for tree cutting and land clearing (weeks), a bottle of gin for the local Barangay Capitan x 2 for his help and the list goes on but all up around PHP 385K over 2 years = PHP 16K per month + 3K P/M for family, so 19K off my 62K budget = PHP 43K per month. Smokes and alcohol is 11K, so 32K per month less electricity @ 4K = 28K less phones, internet, Netflix, Cignal, garbage collection, tips for delivery drivers (Lazada/Shopee) etc. is 4K per month, now down to 24K per month. No rent, no transport costs (included already), no 5 peso water delivery costs as we deliver and pick up etc. etc.
What are we doing wrong to spend more than twice what you are Jimmy, perhaps 3 or 4 times as we don't know the rent nor your budget breakdown,,,,,,, I am not an accountant only a simple plumber.
When Ben and I were living/working in Australia we did our budgets for the move to PH. Mine was PHP 90K per month, Ben's was 60K per month, I scoffed but eat my words as he was correct. The AU 12 to 15K annual holiday has gone out the window as has the AU 2 to 4K internal travel plans due to the current pandemic and is still in the bank.
In Oz we spent AU 75K a year for living/expenses, some PHP 2.8M annually or some 230K per month, much cheaper here but PHP 12K, as said how do you do it and we won't go to another members mention of Pag Pag as that is in my opinion not for this post and wasn't necessary and probably should be in another topic/site or removed, OMO.
My honest question to you Jimmy is how can you live on PHP. 12K a month including rent and utilities as you have mentioned. Perhaps we all have a learning curve here?
Budget accordingly?
As for tsismis? Never been a problem nor have I had anyone ask such questions as mentioned above and I have been mucking around here for 9 years, worked here for 2 years. lived here for 3 years, family included. Never experienced and if ever asked, the short shift will be given to them.
Take care.
Cheers, Steve.
Steve-Here are my exact expenses in the city of pines. 7000 pesos a month rent nice roomy 2 bedroom apartment(owned by American and his Pinay wife) Front is gated and secure. 5 min walk to jeep terminal. Utilities are electricity is about 700-800 pesos a month. I dont keep the lights on all the time especially during the day like Philippinos do(many) Cable tv (Signa TV)l 520 pesos a month, Water 380 pesos a month,(I shower once a week usually on Sunday) Why shower every day? Not necessary and you are removing the natural oils your body makes, internet and landline combined 2000 pesos a month. Propane 700/800 pesos lasts me 7-8 months being a single guy. About 1,250 pesos a month to feed my motorbike,11,670 is base for everything excluding food. Being single maybe 25usd a week so add 5000pesos to that 16-17000 pesos total so about 350 usd a month.no heating or air/con so that really helps. You and your wife have a different life style than I do. The secret to saving and surviving is only buy things you need and not things you want. I could have bought a NEW motorbike but I didnt. Didnt need one. I bought a 2012 suzuki 110cc with 1500 kms on it in 2015 so that was like a new one. Had it 5 years already and has 20,000 kms on it. Can get maybe 100,000 before I need another one. I live a simple life,dont need a house,dont need a new car or motorbike. Just need(and want) to survive.This is pretty much common sense. Everyone has a different lifestyle and one they enjoy. I enjoy mine and may even have a little money left over to leave my friends here when I leave this world. My two brothers and their wives all have homes and thats the lifestyle they want. My older brother's truvk payment is more than my rent and most of my utilities. I dont need that kind of life. They do or would have chosen it. Life is about choices we make.Take care all and God bless!Bagui JImmy
Manwonder-No sex is a tough one but many do it. "Better to be safe than sorry?" joke lang. Heres a bit of trivial info. Nickoli Tesla was reportedly a celibate.Celebates are much,much smarter on the average than most smart people are. Tesla was a bit of a genius like Einstein. Albert Einstein was once asked by a person who approached him "How does it feel to be the smartest person in the world?(I am paraphrasing)" Einstein replied"I dont know. Go ask Nikola Tesla"
capricornrising wrote:Steve-Here are my exact expenses in the city of pines. 7000 pesos a month rent nice roomy 2 bedroom apartment(owned by American and his Pinay wife) Front is gated and secure. 5 min walk to jeep terminal. Utilities are electricity is about 700-800 pesos a month. I dont keep the lights on all the time especially during the day like Philippinos do(many) Cable tv (Signa TV)l 520 pesos a month, Water 380 pesos a month,(I shower once a week usually on Sunday) Why shower every day? Not necessary and you are removing the natural oils your body makes, internet and landline combined 2000 pesos a month. Propane 700/800 pesos lasts me 7-8 months being a single guy. About 1,250 pesos a month to feed my motorbike,11,670 is base for everything excluding food. Being single maybe 25usd a week so add 5000pesos to that 16-17000 pesos total so about 350 usd a month.no heating or air/con so that really helps. You and your wife have a different life style than I do. The secret to saving and surviving is only buy things you need and not things you want. I could have bought a NEW motorbike but I didnt. Didnt need one. I bought a 2012 suzuki 110cc with 1500 kms on it in 2015 so that was like a new one. Had it 5 years already and has 20,000 kms on it. Can get maybe 100,000 before I need another one. I live a simple life,dont need a house,dont need a new car or motorbike. Just need(and want) to survive.This is pretty much common sense. Everyone has a different lifestyle and one they enjoy. I enjoy mine and may even have a little money left over to leave my friends here when I leave this world. My two brothers and their wives all have homes and thats the lifestyle they want. My older brother's truvk payment is more than my rent and most of my utilities. I dont need that kind of life. They do or would have chosen it. Life is about choices we make.Take care all and God bless!Bagui JImmy
Not 12K but commendable to say the least, add sundries, clothing, linen, phone and computer replacements, motorbike, toaster etc say 18K total, that's pretty good and puts many posts I have read over the years about living costs in a different light and I appreciate your input.
If we add your rent to our budget even after stripping out non necessities we would still be spending over 31K a month.
Kudos to you Jimmy.
For us spending 62K is cheap as chips after living in Australia (expensive) and the savings on my, not Bens original budget add up.
Owning/leasing property is another story but one I would gladly do again here. No ear plugs here for us.
Again thanks for your insight.
Cheers, Steve.
capricornrising wrote:Electrict bill-Well for you that are paying an arm and a leg for your electricity I really feel for you. Dont need a heater or an A/C in Baguio as it stays mid 70's F year around here with cool nights makes easy sleeping.Jan and Feb coolest months but usually only at night mid 50's to high 50's then back to mid 70's during the day. The nice weather is why I moved here 2012 after living and teaching English in Shanghai 2 years. I have been to Cebu city-Deleguete on the southern tip of Cebu Island -Dumaguete a short ferry boat ride away- Tagaytay- Palawan- Puerto Princessa- San Fernando-La Union and of course the infamous Manila/Pasay. I try to avoid Manila. Way too hot! I can gladly recommend Baguio City or any cities in N.Luzon as places to retire and live your remaining years out. Baguio is awesome!Take care all and stay safe!Baguio Jimmy
I think you would make a valuable addition to the Baguio tourist board Capricorn Rising
I had the pleasure of visiting this mountain city in the Cordillera's many years ago. Flew in with Asian (now defunct) Spirit airlines and it was a joy to behold the aerial approach landing at probably the most delightful airport I have ever flown into. As I understand it even before the pandemic there were no scheduled flights available anymore to the region.
Unlike yourself I only stayed for a few days (based at the charming Elizabeth Hotel where the Bakla manager was an absolute hoot ) so am not as qualified as yourself to make any recommendations in terms of residing there on a permanent basis. I do concur with you on many of the attributes and layout of the city although as a Brit the rainy climate would be a negative. For me the' elephant in the room' was the appalling air quality - because of its high elevation the cooler denser air traps the pollution caused by the belching two stroke jeepneys. It's twice the altitude of Tagaytay, a city I have never visited, but am not aware of any pollution issues there.
What Brand and models are your AC units? We replaced our old AC with a new LG dual inverter model and our electricity bill reduced dramatically. I have a new mac mini M1 that consumes an unbelievable 40watts at high load! Apple engineering magic. My fridge is also an LG inverter model, a large french door model. Our AC is on quite a lot now that it is hotter. Our bill comes to around 4.5k. I have a new TV now, so I am yet to see how that affects the bill. In any case your bill seems severely inflated. The main power hoggers are the ACs. You need to have the most energy efficient units you can find.
My electric supplier is Moresco I have a inverter AC runs 12hrs at night a PC on all day and my wife does 3 loads of laundry each day with some electric dry I also run several fans trough the day. My power bill is 6500 on average. hope this helps
My electric supplier is Moresco I have a inverter AC runs 12hrs at night a PC on all day and my wife does 3 loads of laundry each day with some electric dry I also run several fans trough the day. My power bill is 6500 on average. hope this helps
Can't compare to yours... my fiancee runs only the fan during the day, and she is so frugal she insists on turning it off at night... I have not been back to the apartment in over a year... heading to Bangkok with her just so we can see each other next week. (Our Electricity runs about 1,500 per month) I constantly tell her to run it... but she is happy to run around the house basically nude... lol... she complains the electricity is too high as is... lol 😆
Don't think that residential condos use commercial rates. Your bill sounds about right, we were doing around 12-13k with just 1 old 2.5hp split type AC running at 15-18 hours a day. We use just this 1 AC in the living room to cool down our entire place with 3 bedroom doors open. This is so that we do not have to turn on 4 separate AC units.
Around Jan. 2019, we decided to replace this living room AC with a new inverter type 2.5hp split type AC and our bill dropped to 7-8k immediately on the first month of use. As we have granny and a baby in the house, we had to turn on this new AC about 18 hours a day. So we essentially have lunch and dinner time with AC on, only breakfast time is without AC as we turn off the AC when everyone wakes in the morning. Then we turn it back on around 11am. Then another break late pm.
We have also replaced our small ref with a large 3-layer inverter ref (can't remember the cubic footage but the type where the freezer is the bottom layer).
We also use our water heater everyday even during summer.
As for washing machines, there are newer inverter series fully automatic washers/spin dryers now. If your are using a real dryer (not spin dry), then that is gonna cost you a bundle in terms of electricity.
Don't know if your condo allows you to use gas stoves/ranges. If not, then go for induction cookers (not the coil type electric ones).
So one way to save on electricity is
(1). updating equipment to the latest inverter tech, especially those with compressors (AC, refs).
(2). Then go with inverter washers with spin dry (do not use separate electric dryers if you have a space to hang clothes on).
(3) . If you have to use water heaters during showers, use a large bucket or water container (timba). Just put in enough water from the shower head to warm up the water a bit and use this method. I know using this busket method requires getting used to but you will not have running water/heater (especially with kids playing in the bathroom while showering).
(4). The last one would be with what you use to cook. If it's electric then go induction. There are cheap single plate cookers that goes for just over a thousand pesos.
I understand that it costs a bundle to replace equipment but it is what it is.
good luck on your journey of discovering what to do. Cheers!
I have lived here about 28 years mostly in Manila and never ever paid more than P1800 a month for electricity ... however I never use aircons just have many fans ...and always an inverter ref ...inverters will always reduce your billing ...maybe they need inverter rice cookers !!
Petersan, good post from your experience. I 100% agree as we have done the same and smiling, given the savings of 5K a month you will have your money back in less than a year then put cash in the bank. Less greenhouse gas etc.
Cheers, Steve.
mumbojumbo wrote:I have lived here about 28 years mostly in Manila and never ever paid more than P1800 a month for electricity ... however I never use aircons just have many fans ...
Mumbo Jumbo. . . .That's great, almost down to Zero energy use.
Why not save the planet, replace lights with kerosene lanterns and turn off the fan.
LOTUS- Well its one of those to each his own things. Pollution here in Baguio is a deterrent for some but you just have to manage your time correctly and just go out when many are at home. Try living in China where I did 2010-2012 and you will see real off the charts pollution.Many people,if they are able,are leaving china. I left USA because of high cost of living. Actually I have been in Asia now since 2003. 7 years in Korea near Osan Air Force Base 2 years in Shanghai-Pudong and now Philippines near 9 years in July. Each country has its quirks.Korea is the worst with China runner up.I could go on and on and make critical statements about these countries but I wont do that. Live somewhere long enough and you know whether you wanna live there any longer. I am getting tired of the noseyness of the Philippines locals all wanting to know everything about my personal life. I accepted it the 1st few years but now its starting to irritate me big time.Everytime I "first" meet some one here its always the same exact 1st 3 questions(Remember-I have never met them before) First question is "How old are you? Followed by Do you own your own home and finally Are you married?" I thought this all to be real cute at first but not anymore.I was jogging yesterday and stopped to say hello to a few locals and same questions. One of them said "You live right up the street? You're single? Can I go to your house with you?" I have actually had that last question a few times here by women. Lazada motorbike delivery guy(They are called Ninja drivers) 1st time to deliver to me and as I was paying him the questions started"Is this your house? How long have you been here? You have Philippina wife/Have any babies?" I just looked at him and smiled and said "Thank you-Have a nice day"If it wasnt for the pandemic I would be shopping for another country to live my remaining years in peace where I dont constantly have noseypeople around me and my Ex Pinay Gf asking me for money and telling me "JImmy I wouldnt have asked you but you are my back up" HMMMMM Someone in the forum suggested Ecuador. I may check that out if cost of living is low and cool weather is the #1 factor.I love the people of the Philippines but am tired of people looking at me as though I am a walking ATM machine or if they truly wanna know me as a person. With my permanent visa I am allowed to live in other countries as long as I want and retain my permanent residency status here in Philippines but must renew my alien registration card every 5 years,These are just my thoughts. My best to all and stay safe!Baguio Jimmy
bigpearl wrote:100% uncalled for Bob.
Well Steve my thought process is that Mumbo Jumbo is paying $37.47 USD or $46.55 AUD for electrical energy that he maybe living a frugal lifestyle, maybe by choice.
I pay more than that for my internet and cable TV.
My fuzzy math figures out that he is using less then 400 kwh per month (correct me if I'm wrong), quite remarkable, not much of a greenhouse imprint.
Enzyte Bob wrote:bigpearl wrote:100% uncalled for Bob.
Well Steve my thought process is that Mumbo Jumbo is paying $37.47 USD or $46.55 AUD for electrical energy that he maybe living a frugal lifestyle, maybe by choice.
I pay more than that for my internet and cable TV.
My fuzzy math figures out that he is using less then 400 kwh per month (correct me if I'm wrong), quite remarkable, not much of a greenhouse imprint.
As said, not called for and that was a members contribution. Another member here consumes 7 to 800 pesos per month and you never jumped on him, go figure. Bad day at work? Let's get real here, this is an open forum,,,,, you know the pitch.
BTW your fuzzy math is extremely fuzzy and that was his electricity bill not his doctors bill nor filling up his gas tank or internet and he consumes around 170/180Kwh per month, a dream for most especially me.
Cheers, Steve.
bigpearl wrote:Enzyte Bob wrote:bigpearl wrote:100% uncalled for Bob.
Well Steve my thought process is that Mumbo Jumbo is paying $37.47 USD or $46.55 AUD for electrical energy that he maybe living a frugal lifestyle, maybe by choice.
I pay more than that for my internet and cable TV.
My fuzzy math figures out that he is using less then 400 kwh per month (correct me if I'm wrong), quite remarkable, not much of a greenhouse imprint.
As said, not called for and that was a members contribution. Another member here consumes 7 to 800 pesos per month and you never jumped on him, go figure.
I've never seen that about the other member, I might have missed it.
Bad day at work? Let's get real here, this is an open forum,,,,, you know the pitch.
BTW your fuzzy math is extremely fuzzy and that was his electricity bill not his doctors bill nor filling up his gas tank or internet and he consumes around 170/180Kwh per month, a dream for most especially me.
I asked to be corrected if I'm wrong, you corrected me and you are correct about my fuzzy math. But 1800 php is still $37.37 USD or $46.55 AUD, far less then my internet/cable bill.
Cheers, Steve.
capricornrising wrote:LOTUS- Well its one of those to each his own things. Pollution here in Baguio is a deterrent for some but you just have to manage your time correctly and just go out when many are at home. Try living in China where I did 2010-2012 and you will see real off the charts pollution.Many people,if they are able,are leaving china. I left USA because of high cost of living. Actually I have been in Asia now since 2003. 7 years in Korea near Osan Air Force Base 2 years in Shanghai-Pudong and now Philippines near 9 years in July. Each country has its quirks.Korea is the worst with China runner up.I could go on and on and make critical statements about these countries but I wont do that. Live somewhere long enough and you know whether you wanna live there any longer. I am getting tired of the noseyness of the Philippines locals all wanting to know everything about my personal life. I accepted it the 1st few years but now its starting to irritate me big time.Everytime I "first" meet some one here its always the same exact 1st 3 questions(Remember-I have never met them before) First question is "How old are you? Followed by Do you own your own home and finally Are you married?" I thought this all to be real cute at first but not anymore.I was jogging yesterday and stopped to say hello to a few locals and same questions. One of them said "You live right up the street? You're single? Can I go to your house with you?" I have actually had that last question a few times here by women. Lazada motorbike delivery guy(They are called Ninja drivers) 1st time to deliver to me and as I was paying him the questions started"Is this your house? How long have you been here? You have Philippina wife/Have any babies?" I just looked at him and smiled and said "Thank you-Have a nice day"If it wasnt for the pandemic I would be shopping for another country to live my remaining years in peace where I dont constantly have noseypeople around me and my Ex Pinay Gf asking me for money and telling me "JImmy I wouldnt have asked you but you are my back up" HMMMMM Someone in the forum suggested Ecuador. I may check that out if cost of living is low and cool weather is the #1 factor.I love the people of the Philippines but am tired of people looking at me as though I am a walking ATM machine or if they truly wanna know me as a person. With my permanent visa I am allowed to live in other countries as long as I want and retain my permanent residency status here in Philippines but must renew my alien registration card every 5 years,These are just my thoughts. My best to all and stay safe!Baguio Jimmy
Jimmy I do agree with many of your pointers & sense you are getting "electrocuted" with some of the wierd questions the locals may ask.
As for me...All I know is that I am living in this 3rd class province & I don't go around asking the locals how they are...hell I hardly smile/maybe its just an inbuilt safety mechanism.. I too tend to dress down everything i own clothes/vehicle/house...even the dressed down stuff are all maintained/repaired by myself.
Have seen neighbours giggling when I'm in my 'repair' element ...like when I'm wearing my dirty overalls when I'm about to service/repair stuff around my house & only then would I smile back.
Its only when I have fellow expats over for our regular (2x-3x/mth) pot luck karoke/laser light dancing/drinking/smoking parties that they get to see me in my 'party' element which includes smiling/dancing/joking & laughing my freaking socks off.
I really have nothing to prove to anyone & hey I'm really happy in being able to sustain my simple low cost lifestyle for the long term...without the need for anyones stimulus.
Again omho
Smoking and drinking parties well I dont see any of that around here anymore. I pretty much stay to myself but when I go jogging 3-4 times a week the locals almost stop me to say hello. it can be kinda comical sometimes because many of the locals dont understand English. They just smile and the ladies giggle when I talk to them. Theres 2 Pinays down the street yesterday when I was on my way back to my apartment. Said something and I didnt understand them so I stopped and they asked what I had in my bag as I sometimes buy vegetables on my way back.Well they had to know everything I had so I ran it down for the, I have some brockalee-cauliflower, mellon and papaya. They started up with all the nosey questions so I just asked them why are Philippinos so nosey. They both didnt understand me what I was asking them and just looked at each other and summoned a daughter from inside maybe 13 yrs old and she had to explain what I was saying and translate back to the other 2 Pinays who were mid 20's and late 30's. Then they giggled a little and the younger one said to me"You live up the street there in that apartment all alone?" I said yes and she giggled again and said "Can I come up there with you to your apartment? This is the second time a Pinay has asked me that. For some reason they wanna go to my apartment with me. Strange!Another Pinay asked me that in town a few weeks earlier. I am trying to understand this culture but keeps getting harder and harder to do that sometimes. So I just try to keep to myself as much as I can,Jimmy
Inverter rice cookers, that's a great idea. I wonder if inverter used in a cooker is technically feasible.
Capricornrising, don't mind them too much. I know it is annoying but don't let it get to you. I mean, if you are perfectly happy with the cool weather, way of life, surroundings, and overall people, just smile and walk away. Don't let a few people make you decide to leave a place you are generally happy with.
Thanks Petersan-I have always been one who likes traveling a lot. Been to Paris France and Melbourne Australia and many countries in Asia. If this pandemic ever subsides I would like to visit a few more places while I am still living. Possibly Ecuador-Peru-Brazil-Switzerland-Norway and the list goes on. Thats 1 reason why I left California. Originally planned on just going to Korea and teaching English 1 year in 2003 and wound up here 17 more years. The schools I taught for gave me paid vacations and airfare when I renewed my annual contracts so I have been able to see many places on their dimes. Something I really like about my visa is I can live in other countries as long as I want as long as I renew my ARC card every 5 years, I just renewed it about 6 months ago and good until June 2025. Now I dont know if I am required to check in annually in Jan/Feb as usual. I need to find out about that. We only go around once in this life and wanna enjoy my life as much as I can before I check out. only reason I stop to say hello to the locals is because I am a friendly guy and dont want the locals to think I think I am better than them.I always try to set a good example of the country I came from. Today I got passport fotos for my passport renewal which I am renewing 1 year early because of the pandemic. I had to wait over an hour for the fotos so I did some shopping and on my way back to the studio I bought 2 nice small plants for the two ladies who waited on me.They both gave me million dollar smiles as I gave them to them. The smiles were worth the wait. We are all guests in this country and should try to be Ambassidors to our own and set a good example. Just my feelings. Thanks again for your comments. They are appreciated!......Jimmy
We bought the same LG dual-inverter series AC. It's really a great power-saving AC. At night, we sometimes put it on 60% power saving mode, especially during the colder months of the year.
capricornrising wrote:Then they giggled a little and the younger one said to me"You live up the street there in that apartment all alone?" I said yes and she giggled again and said "Can I come up there with you to your apartment? This is the second time a Pinay has asked me that. For some reason they wanna go to my apartment with me. Strange!Another Pinay asked me that in town a few weeks earlier. I am trying to understand this culture but keeps getting harder and harder....
Ha ha ha, enjoy the attention man. I love the way Filipinas giggle and joke. Here in the States you're invisible to cute women after age 50. Sounds like you have a nice setup there. The way things are going I may never get back to Cebu, but there are other options as you mention.
Enzyte Bob wrote:bigpearl wrote:100% uncalled for Bob.
Well Steve my thought process is that Mumbo Jumbo is paying $37.47 USD or $46.55 AUD for electrical energy that he maybe living a frugal lifestyle, maybe by choice.
I pay more than that for my internet and cable TV.
My fuzzy math figures out that he is using less then 400 kwh per month (correct me if I'm wrong), quite remarkable, not much of a greenhouse imprint.
Well I use 480 Kwh monthly here in southern Arizona, average across the full year, just got my report a few weeks back from the electric utility, so it's not that unusual. Thats with me home all the time due to pandemic and cooking on electric, also includes Heat and AC (heat pump) as I am all electric and on solar power only contract, from the newest solar gen facility they built. Last month was 272 Kwh as it was a shoulder month (no heat and not much AC). I think it hits 650 Kwh in peak of summer for a few months. Keep my AC set at 78, open windows on cool nights (9 months no AC needed at night due to high altitude, desert climate). Ceiling fans in every room. But I'm in a home built for the climate and properly oriented to avoid the worst of the summer heat, not your typical tract home.
I have a condo in Makati. 100 sq metres.. use fan in daytime and one aircon at night in bedroom for about 10 hours. . My Meralco Bill is usually about P3000-3500 per month.
Was away last month in Bantayan for one month so only the ref was using electricity and the bill was P1800.... so I guess most of my usage goes on the ref.
pnwcyclist wrote:Well I use 480 Kwh monthly here in southern Arizona, average across the full year, just got my report a few weeks back from the electric utility, so it's not that unusual. Thats with me home all the time due to pandemic and cooking on electric, also includes Heat and AC (heat pump) as I am all electric and on solar power only contract, from the newest solar gen facility they built. Last month was 272 Kwh as it was a shoulder month (no heat and not much AC). I think it hits 650 Kwh in peak of summer for a few months. Keep my AC set at 78, open windows on cool nights (9 months no AC needed at night due to high altitude, desert climate). Ceiling fans in every room. But I'm in a home built for the climate and properly oriented to avoid the worst of the summer heat, not your typical tract home.
Reading between the lines I guess you live in the Tucson area. If you lived in Scottsdale your bills would have been more. My daughter lives in Tucson
When I lived in Vegas sometimes the temperature could reach 115 F. My average energy bills were about $100 (electric/gas) with a full compliment of appliances. I kept the aircon at 72/73 f (22c), also I had two ceiling fans. Also our aircon/heat was heat pumps.
Now the houses in Southern AZ/NV are better constructed than the houses in the Philippines. In Vegas they used cinder block easily twice the thickness of the stuff here in Manila. The cinder blocks had insulation covering them and then the insulation was covered with stucco. We had tiled roof with a high R insulation. All the windows were energy efficient thermopane. Some houses were so air tight they could become a health hazard.
So it didn't require much energy to have all the creature comforts, especially when our KWH rate in AZ/NV were much lower the Philippines.
@freebie, P1,800 for just a ref seems excessive. Either you left at the middle of your billing cycle or perhaps you should average out the 2 month's bill when you were away. If your ref is consuming that much, you can adjust your ref's thermostat, or consider replacing it with a more economical one. The savings you get will pay for the new inverter ref itself in the long run.
1800p doesn't sound too far off for a conventional fridge, espec if it's a big one, the refer is generally the largest draw in the home beyond AC or Heat (if applicable). But yes, the inverter ref will pay for itself in 2-3 years. I figured ours was using around 1000p per month.
"I always find that the darkest times are when you don't pay your electricity bills".
pnwcyclist wrote:1800p doesn't sound too far off for a conventional fridge, espec if it's a big one, the refer is generally the largest draw in the home beyond AC or Heat (if applicable). But yes, the inverter ref will pay for itself in 2-3 years. I figured ours was using around 1000p per month.
Good call. I would offer also a 1.5 to 1.8K bill per month when I was not there, Ben there by himself is 1.8K, aunt and uncle looking after the house for 6 weeks was 1.5K. and when we went O/S for extended times would off load the food in the fridge, turn it off and leave the doors open.
So a linear inverter fridge/freezer door in door, (very large) the father in law called it a walk in robe. lights, ceiling and pedestal fans, a few times the A/C in the main bedroom, internet and phone charging, electric kettle, desk and laptop computers, 2 x 12 watt external lights running all night 7 days, a night light in the kitchen/living area 5 watts, a water pump = 1,800 pesos per month.
When I'm here 3.5 to 4.5 per month, new dual inverter A/C in the bedroom should reduce the costs, the sucker of power was the window rattler installed in the wall in a corner, go figure, we had a 60 watt fan running all night to move that cool air around, (don't put an A/C in a corner) new unit, centre of the room, no pedestal fan and we have gone from 25C to 26C to now 27C and at times I feel too cold,,,,, the compromise with the better half.
Old corner mount with a pedestal fan, I slept on top of the sheets/bedding, the new unit at 27C with no pedestal fan I am under the sheet and last night I asked if we can switch to 28C. No was the answer.
Will follow up with the new bill.
Cheers, Steve.
manwonder wrote:"I always find that the darkest times are when you don't pay your electricity bills".
??? Are you selling? Why the link? The relevance to this post?
Cheers, Steve.
bigpearl wrote:we have gone from 25C to 26C to now 27C and at times I feel too cold,,,,,
Cheers, Steve.
My wife and I have the third floor bedroom in our house, actually you might call the third floor our apartment. The third floor gets very warm/hot compared to the second and first floors.
The aircon is in our bedroom and from 7am till 5pm I run the aircon at 22c, the other hours 24c. We do sleep under sheets. I also have the aircon serviced every three months and get it power washed, if I wait longer than three months, the fan doesn't blow enough air.
We have two kitchens, but everyone eats on the third floor. It's not unusual for our kids and housekeeper to flop out on our bed to watch TV even thou we have a large TV screen on the first floor.
I have a rocking recliner next to the bed, I spend equal time sleeping in the recliner and bed.
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