New in Indonesia

I am from Sweden and in June I will move to Indonesia.
I have plan to work as a volunteer in Indonesia but I would like to know if there are some other opportunities for expats to do in the country, for example, are there schools that offer language courses in Bahasa and can I find free courses?

I have been to Indonesia before but I know that the conditions are a bit different right now during the pandemic. If you have some suggestions or information please let me know, I will be greatful.

Kind Regards
Johan Segerstedt

Do you already get the legal permit to move here during this pandemic?

Hmmmmm...  "working as a volunteer with the exchange for learning Bahasa for free", it's totally new for me, I knew a German nationality in Bali, he was in Bali since 5-6 years ago, he is a lawyer and graduated from Singapore but stationed in Bali. He spoke a very fluent Bahasa Indonesia, he has a business in Bali too. He hired foreigner student for internship and culture exchange with his local employee. It's just a guide and you might want to say Hello to him, he is a nice guy and a very upright person, he might be able to guide you get the reasonable course which you wish for, he is popular in Indonesia TV station as he often on the TV show for some cool electronic gadget show with other celebrities.