Advice on Moving to Santo Domingo

Hi Everyone,

My name is Stephane, I am a research and communications specialist currently living in Poland. I am looking to move with my family (my wife and my two children, 5 and 10) to the Dominican Republic in the course of the next few months. The motivation comes from my current research work about Haiti which is requiring me to move closer to the country. I have some experience in the DR (since I work and have lived intermittently in Haiti since 2004) but would like to get some advice in regards to good living locations in Santo Domingo and International schooling for my children.

Since most of my research work is not currently fully funded i would also need to find work preferably in areas such as graphic design, translation and private language teaching for which I am highly proficient.

Any information and advice are very welcome.

Regards to all.


Thank you for opening this thread. So lets address your issues.

I am not sure how a work visa for a project in Haiti will allow you permission to live and work here.  You need to ask our resident  expert  Lishali Baez,  her number is 1-809-860-1231

Normally a work visa is  employer specific. Not sure how to get around that.

Santo Domingo has a number of  good schools.  Many are very expensive! I  will let others help in this area.

Living - you will want to decide on schools first, then look for a place to  live that is reasonably close. Otherwise you will have major transportation issues here.

Thank you for the prompt response and the assistance.

Perhaps I need to clarify here that I am actively seeking employment in the DR, both in order to cover my living expenses and ensure that I qualify for legal immigration status.

My interest here is really to get feedback from expats with living experience in Santo Domingo particularly in regards to schools (even though I have started my own research) and ultimately good living location.


Hi Stephen.

I will start with your embassy in DR. Then with the expatriate.  Are you looking to moving to an apartment in a safe and secure area? If you are you, please let me know. Mercedes