12 months Car Lease


I'm looking to lease a car or a long term rental for up to 12 months in Jeddah. My budget is no more than 2k SAR per month. Is there anyone who can help or recommend me anything? Thank you

Hello Helena you can check with Yelo car rental they have good servers and offers with nice decent cars https://www.iyelo.com/en/Home/Faq

Helena Matthews wrote:


I'm looking to lease a car or a long term rental for up to 12 months in Jeddah. My budget is no more than 2k SAR per month. Is there anyone who can help or recommend me anything? Thank you

your budget is good enough for and small and economical car with an average of 135-145 per day. However,one year rental is not allowed for individuals, only corporate account are allowed to do 1 year lease. In your case, i recommend to take the car for one month contract and then renew it for another month and so on. You can also change the car if it suits you.