Hi Nitnat
To answer to the above questions:
Working Hours Depending on jobs, it is officially 37-40 hour work week. Although in reality, things work differently
Experience in working with the locals Like everywhere else, one has to examine ones own biasness to answer this properly
General Work Culture Refer above
Education Facilities Quality is high and there are plenty of schools in Harare and the surrounding areas however cost is also high
Availability of International and Indian cuisine There are plenty of good restaurants here. Prices vary, as everywhere else in the world
Infrastructure Electricity and water are in short supply but people get by with generators and having own boreholes. Cost wise, I think its ridiculous but try to get pre-paid meters for electricity that seems to make things manageable. Phone networks and internet connectivity are getting better
Housing Facilities This is a cost factor that one has to consider. I think the renting cost is high but not as high as Lusaka. Again, everything depends on location
Availability of transport I would believe you would have your own car/s
Availability of Domestic help Not a problem but quality is a concern
Recreational Facilities and social life Depending on personal choice
Work opportunities This can be a problem
Medical Facilities Quality in certain private hospitals is good although major surgeries i,e, heart cannot be done in Zimbabwe. Many medical insurances have standing agreements with facilities in South Africa
Security Concerns/Precautions Use common sense
Additional Comments I moved to Zimbabwe with very little information about the country and I have no regrets. But then again, I knew I was not going to live here for a prolonged period of time