
Revoked offer letter without any notice

Last activity 18 August 2021 by ammusadaf

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Dear all,

Recently face to a horrible situation. It is in brief, I was working with an employer in Bahrain and got a new job and offer letter from other company. The new company is registered in Bahrain and they have a branch in Saudi also ( I got the position and offer letter from Saudi branch as a finance manager ) .I used to keep in touch with the owner of the company directly for my position after I resign from my previous employer. He is a Bahraini and I have all the email conversations.

After 02 months this company has not finalize my visa process( I used to get a Saudi visa and Visit visa to Bahrain ). I tried to reached them every possible ways. But unable to. I feel I got cheated.

What I could do against to this?

Your kind advice much helpful 🙏


Not clear.  Did you work for them in Saudi on a visit visa?  Or you do you work with them now in Bahrain?

Offer letter is not legally binding. Only contract is.  Also working on a visit visa in Saudi is illegal.... Without having an iqama and a labor contract, you have no rights.


Dear all,

I had a very bad experience, I was working in a decent company for the last two years, since for a new change and growth I applied for some jobs , in between my marriage was planned  last month , I already had applied for a annual leave From my previous company, before a week or two from the leaving date I got this interview call from HR manager in a well reputed MNC company in Bahrain, i passed the first interview, the HR  said they will provide offer letter next week , then I waited, after a week no news from them ,then I called them back they said , it will take one week , then I left this matter , after few days they said they want to have face to face round, I went to meet them , it was went well , after that also I didn’t not get any update, then I left back to India for my marriage.
After reaching india, on the second day I got an email from them with the OFFER LETTER attached mentioning im selected and need to join at the earliest, in the email they have mentioned to put resignation on the same day I got the offer letter as well, since I got this good opportunity, I thought to come back Bahrain and join, so my marriage got hold. Next week I purchased flight ticket for double price and came back after 13 days of my annual leave out of 60 days keeping my marriage on hold , after reaching Bahrain there was mandatory paid hotel quarantine for 10 days which cost me another big amount, meanwhile after reaching I had put resignation to my previous company and  spoke to the management and they came with a conclusion in releasing me .Two week before the joining date as per the company, I spoke to the HR team after forwarding all the documents including the resignation which was requested by them company , suddenly they said I need to meet another higher authority then only the joining date wil be confirmed. I waited for another week to get for a lead , nothing from their side . Then after a week I contacted them , they said the concern person is out of Bahrain, he might come after few days , again I waited, again no response, then the joining date as per the offer letter came , again I contacted, they said the higher authority is in Bahrain and will be contacting me via virtual meeting. Again I waited , after two days I called thr HR manager again, he give me a unbelievable shocking response, he said the management had askd to hold the recruitment for this particular position which I was hired for , I was kind of lost stage  . As per these peoples words and offer letter, I resigned my job , spend this much money and came back , Even holded my marriage , and came back and in the end they saying me that there is a problem regarding my joining, I still can not understand how a MNC company being this unprofessional, now literally I’m jobless, became a debtor, my life is in a big critical situation,literally in lost situation and feeling like reached a platform kinda feeling.

Can anyone please tell me , is there any legal action I can charge against this company for spoiling my life by wasting my time , waisting my money, my precious time , my marriage, everything .

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