Lobbying against has begun:
Licenses for the sale of alcohol would be harmful to the economic activity of the Dominican Republic
https://www.diariolibre.com/economia/li … HK29011556
Legislation to control the sale, supply and consumption of alcoholic beverages would cause a very damaging impact on economic activity and the generation of jobs, considered the Association of Industries of the Dominican Republic (AIRD).
When objecting to a bill on the subject circulating in the National Congress, AIRD indicated that such a legal framework would create confusion, as well as dualities of institutional roles in the fight against illicit alcoholic beverages.
The industrialists' union assured that there are mechanisms for the effective control of the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages without the need to create a law such as the aforementioned one .
Among those legal mechanisms, he cited Laws 17-19, for the Eradication of Illicit Trade; 63-17 on Mobility, Land Transport, Traffic and Road Safety and 136-03 that dictates the Code for the Protection of the Rights of Children and Adolescents.
Likewise, the General Law 358-05 on the Protection of the Rights of the Consumer or User and the tax regulation (implemented by DGII and DGA), among other provisions.
“The economic recovery that the country is showing is incipient and it must be cared for and strengthened. The draft Law for the Control of Sale, Supply and Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages constitutes an obstacle to this recovery, especially in relation to employment ”, warned AIRD.
It indicated that establishing limitations and restrictions on commercial activities by imposing compulsory licenses on micro, small and medium-sized companies (especially the more than 60 thousand grocery stores and places of sale of alcoholic beverages) in the current situation in the country, it would be counterproductive as it would increase operating costs and many businesses would be forced to close their doors.
Incentive to illicit trade
AIRD indicated that these licenses constitute an incentive to the illicit trade in alcohol, as has been the experience in other countries in the region, thus punishing those who comply with the law and giving advantages to continue the illicit trade to the detriment of the consumer, producers, importers and state revenues.
"It is, therefore, an incentive that can be considered perverse, although it is necessary to clarify that this is not the intention of the legislator," he said.
He recalled that as a result of the enactment of Law 17-19, on the Eradication of Illicit Trade, a work plan has been implemented to which the Attorney General's Office has joined, so before approving a regulation and inspection of illicit alcohol, it is necessary to strengthen the plans established by the central government and contemplated in the indicated legislation.