Military duty required of Paraguay Citizens?
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Hi everyone, I am thinking about getting residency and ultimately citizenship to Paraguay. Is military duty required of citizens to Paraguay? Obviously I do not want to do so, but trying to make sure what the rules are about this. Can anyone help?
Any help will be appreciated. Thank you!
Hello Placeinthesun!
I hope that other members will be able to share their experience with you soon and that they will help you too.
You could have googled that yourself, anyway here's what wikipedia has to say about his.
"Paraguay has compulsory military service, and all 18-year-old males and 17-year-olds in the year of their 18th birthday are liable for one year of active duty. Although the 1992 constitution allows for conscientious objection, no enabling legislation has yet been approved."
I already did google it, as if anyone does not know about how to do that, and the information is inconclusive.
Apart from the wikipedia, here is what other resources have to say about it:
The constitution designates the president as commander in chief of the armed forces. Military service is compulsory, and all 18-year-old males--and 17-year-olds in the year of their 18th birthday--are eligible to serve for 1 year on active duty. However, the 1992 constitution allows for conscientious objection..."
The unanswered questions in the Wiki and this link is that:
(a) In the year of their 18th Birthday they are required of Military duty for one year. Right. What about new citizens of Paraguay who are 22 year old: do they have to enroll? They are already well past their 18th birthday.
(b) They are 'eligible' to serve. The term "eligible" does not automatically mean mandatory service: merely they can serve but not that they have to .
What is the real situation on the ground there? That is the question. My immigration consultant tole me 'none except the poorest do military duty nowadays." which I guess he meant that does not apply to us: but would 18 year olds be forced to do military duty?
How did it become so important to me? I have a family including two boys. I have to keep in mind their future safety and responsibilities, while considering where to make a second home.
If you don't have the nationality, you don't have to serve as a miltary. If you are born here, and have Paraguayan nationality, and get 18, you have to serve, unless you go study, to become police officer, for instance.
For foreigners, residents can be have the duty to serve in the army, in case of war, but not as military, but in supportive functions.
As far as I understood in the ley (law) Paraguaya
Trust me military duty is not mandatory anymore, with the objection you can apply, you can´t say it is mandatory anymore. Plus is not effective caus only people that want to go to military service. No one is forced to go to Military duty these days in Py.
Hope info will be useful.
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