
EP Approval Time Jan 2022 - Feb 2022

Last activity 16 May 2023 by Pavvalo

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EP application submit : 24 Feb
Status : Pending
2 Mar : Employer Documents requested


Yes in Singapore

Uguy wrote:


EP application submit : 24 Feb
Status : Pending
2 Mar : Employer Documents requested

have your employer submitted the documents? lets update each other since my HR also submitted a document ystd  dumbom.gif



EP application Submitted 25 January
Status: Pending



guys if residency status change from S pass to visit pass midway during the application, any changes that the HR should update to the portal ?



Currently S pass , joining new company (software sales). First time EP application.

Work experience : 4.5 yrs in Singapore
Nationality : Indian

24/02/2022 : EP application submit
02/03/2022 : Some employer Documents request
Current Status : Pending

I am not sure if my employer has submitted already or not.


Hello All,

Same story.

Here in EP details-

EP Applied-4 Jan 2022
Asked Corporate Information -16 Jan 2022
Submiited Document-25 Jan 2022

Now 2 Months still showing Pending status


how much is you all's prospective salary if you dont mind ? i guess i dont make enough for it to be processed faster. i will make almost 5k


Could be one of the reason, my basepay is almost same range 5.5k


Hello All,

Need your help guys.
EP application submit : 23rd Feb 2022
My HR has sent me the FIN number and the reference number.
Checked multiple times on EP online but till now(04th march 2022) it shows NO Record found.
Tried to check with my passport number in EP online but it says NO record found.

Extra info: my HR told, MOM requires extra info about my certification which I provided on the same day(1st March 2022).

Why is my application not reflecting on EP online?


Unknown2022: Your employer should contact MoM - there could be an error in the system!


Thanks beppi


One more question

My base salary is 4.5k per month with 3 years of experience in IT.
Will I be eligible for EP.
Because my employer has applied for "s pass or employment pass" as mentioned in the snapshot shared by the employer.

Nationality: Indian

Chances of getting EP?


Unknown2022: Check the SAT tool to find out the salary threshold in your case!


Thanks again beppi


My employer has withdrawn my application due to change in some of my certification data.
So they have applied as new application.

EP application submitted: 7th March
Status: pending

Finally I can check the status on ep online.

Hope to get the EP soon

Flora668 wrote:

Pass Type : EP
18/01/2022 : Applied
14/02/2022 : Pending
Industry: IT



07/03/2022 : Approved

simply minimal

Hi, I am Malaysian, I recently have tendered the resignation letter for my first job under probation, because I have find better opportunity from another company (switch from SP to EP and salary higher, A1 company).

My new employer apply my EP IPA at 24/02/2022.

I tender my resignation letter to current company at 04/02/2022 and my SP has been cancelled at 06/02/2022 (due to one day notice)

I have cross check with all my friend here, their EP processing time all within 2 weeks. I know I should wait my IPA approved only tender my resignation letter, I currently have little bit regret of my decision because I now can only stay in singapore for 30days, I wonder will my EP processing time affected due to what situation i have done?
My industrial field is construction.
24 Feb 2022 apply
9 March 2022- pending


Simply Minimal: As you can easily see from this thread, processing times of two months or longer are not uncommon. Prepare to wait for the result in your country, if necessary!

Richard T14
Guest1987 wrote:

19th Jan -  EP applied by new employer
Status - Pending
Anyone with EP application approved recently after CNY

Hows your pass was it approve already or still pending

Richard T14

14 jan 2022 applied from spass to epass on the new company... still pending till date. Industry is IT Managed Services

simply minimal

Update here
Application date: 24.02.2022
Approved : 10.03.2022
Exact 2 weeks
all the best

Richard T14

Yours was approve 7 weeks am i correct... mine is going 2 months this coming monday 😥



24/02/2022 : EP application submit
02/03/2022 : Some employer Documents request by MOM
14/03/2022 : Documents submitted
Current Status : Pending

Waiting patiently  whistle.gif


Did you appeal?


May I know your salary range and working experience and the age? I heard EP depends on these information.

I'm waiting about 2 months now and it's still pending...

Thank you.


EP application submitted: 7th March
Status: pending (15th march)

Should the status change in a week's time?

Richard T14

The minimum for my experince and age is around 8500 after taking assessment tool. Now its 2 months and 1 day

Unknown2022 wrote:

Should the status change in a week's time?

No - why should it?


I have heard that the status changes from pending to Pending inputs from......

Is it in most cases from direct pending to approval?


Please read related threads before asking what has been answered many times before!


Applied on 9th march
Still pending till today. Praying hard



Currently S pass , joining new company (software sales). First time EP application.

Work experience : 4.5 yrs in Singapore
Nationality : Indian

24/02/2022 : EP application submit
02/03/2022 : Some employer Documents request by MOM
14/03/2022 : Documents submitted
16/03/2022 : Approved 😇

All the best to everyone! Patience is key!


My EP got approved today!

Date of Application: 25/01/2022
Approved: 16/03/2022

Good luck to all!


EP application submitted: 7th March
Status: pending 16 March

Painful wait….


Hahahaha omg earlier than me 2 days


How’s your status?


Still pending. What’s your background? Like where you from and all?


What’s ur background, experience and all?
Did you apply from SG or abroad?


IT tech
From malaysia
HR applied from me. So I’m still waiting

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