
overstay fee

Last activity 03 July 2023 by Nz0

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according to documents found
overstay fine depend about the numbers of days :


Overstaying for less than 16 days:
   VND VND 500,000 – VND 2,000,000 (~US $22 – US $88)
Overstaying for 16 days – less than 30 days:
   VND 3,000,000 – VND 5,000,000 (~ US $133 – US $221)
Overstaying for 30 days – less than 60 days:
   VND 5,000,000 – VND 10,000,000 (~ US $221 – US $441)
Overstaying for 60 days – less than 90 days:
   VND 10,000,000 – VND 15,000,000 (~ US $441 – US $661)
Overstaying for at least 90 days:
   VND 15,000,000 – VND 20,000,000 (~ US $661 – US $885)

But how the calculation is done is unclear.
for example, if you exceed 20 days, how much will you pay?
  3 to 5 millions ???  unsure.png
  60 to 100 millions ???  yikes.png

it seems obvious for people having common sens.
But Vietnam can be so much surprising in many ways.  big_smile.png


Well, 20 is between 16 and 30 so it would be between 3,000,000 and 5,000,000


paid 3,000,000 fine yesterday for around 25-26 days overstay

SteinNebraska wrote:

Well, 20 is between 16 and 30 so it would be between 3,000,000 and 5,000,000

Your answer is useless but thanks for the try.

Olivia-expat wrote:

paid 3,000,000 fine yesterday for around 25-26 days overstay

Thank you Olivia-expat for confirming that the price to pay is not multiplied by the number of days.

Nz0 wrote:
SteinNebraska wrote:

Well, 20 is between 16 and 30 so it would be between 3,000,000 and 5,000,000

Your answer is useless but thanks for the try.

Not sure what's confusing it clearly says on the website the amount.


The amounts are not clear.

Even if you pretend to be a genius who understand everything, I'm sure you was unable to guess the exact amount of 3M for 25-26 days overstay.
And in some other countries, it is common to pay day-to-day.
This is why it is necessary to know how in Vietnam late penalties are calculated.


Olivia-expat's experience is interesting because it seems that overstaying 16 or 29 days has same effect on the amount to be paid

Olivia-expat wrote:

paid 3,000,000 fine yesterday for around 25-26 days overstay

Did they give you a receipt/paperwork for the fine.

Nz0 wrote:

Olivia-expat's experience is interesting because it seems that overstaying 16 or 29 days has same effect on the amount to be paid

My visa was extended by one month. That was 1.2 million in addition to the fine.

Don't know if a pro-rata rate applies for overstay fines at airport  unsure.png may b someone can confirm.

Nz0 wrote:
SteinNebraska wrote:

Well, 20 is between 16 and 30 so it would be between 3,000,000 and 5,000,000

Your answer is useless but thanks for the try.

Says the author of an absurdity.


Nz0, you've been posting twice unpleasant posts in the same thread ... you should avoid that kind of behavior or you'll quickly get moderated  whistle.gif

Nz0 wrote:

The amounts are not clear.

Easy one - Assume the worst from the table you posted, and get either no shocks or a nice surprise.
Of course the best advice is to remain legal, but that's another story for another time.


@Nz0 table gives a range of fine at discretion of official 20 days (16-30 days)
so like @Olivia-expat said 3mill it could have been up to 5mill.

(multiplied by days is the worst interpretation of the table)
Could you point out where the table states it is per/day?

I think you will find out that members have given you a correct answer, the fine is at the discretion of the official who can impose 3-5mill for 20 days oversay as stated in the tabe.

Yes it is that simple.



Could you point out where the table states that it is Not per/day?
Vietnam Visa Overstay Fines
This section will let you know in details “How much do you have to pay if you overstay your visa in Vietnam?“.

In Vietnam, the fine for overstaying a visa is charged by days of overstaying. It is clearly provided for in Article 8 of the Circular No. 144/2021/NĐ-CP as follows:

Overstaying for less than 16 days: VND VND 500,000 – VND 2,000,000 (~US $22 – US $88)
Overstaying for 16 days – less than 30 days: VND 3,000,000 – VND 5,000,000 (~ US $133 – US $221)
Overstaying for 30 days – less than 60 days: VND 5,000,000 – VND 10,000,000 (~ US $221 – US $441)
Overstaying for 60 days – less than 90 days: VND 10,000,000 – VND 15,000,000 (~ US $441 – US $661)
Overstaying for at least 90 days: VND 15,000,000 – VND 20,000,000 (~ US $661 – US $885)
Foreigners who do not comply with competent agencies’ decisions on forcing them to exit Vietnam and continue to reside in Vietnam: VND 30,000,000 – VND 40,000,000 (~ US $1,320 – US $1,760).

It CLEARLY says in the table "Overstaying for 16 days – less than 30 days: VND 3,000,000 – VND 5,000,000 (~ US $133 – US $221)" 
Plus you have a live example of 25-26 days of 3mill from a member so there is no ambiguity that it could be per/day.

The question has been answered - read the table see how many days overstay, look at the fine range expect anything within it depending on the circumstance and official.

Correct it's not interesting to add things that are not in the table and insulting members and creating an argument.

Julien stated the obvious - you asked a question then insulted the people who gave you the correct answer which was common sense as you mention yourself the rest is just argumentitive and off topic.


Hello everyone,

Please note that some posts have been removed from this thread.


Cheryl team


@Andybris2020: Just to be clear, I didn't deal with an immigration officer - at least not directly anyway! Take your point about fine being based on circumstances though.

When extending visa I asked agent and he said fine would be 3 million. Only then I handed over passport to him. Did go to another agent before visiting him, she was a bit vague. So, visit a couple or more agents and pick one (rather than relying on pot luck).

If foreigner is at airport and officer is asking for a fine over and above what is on that circular then we could show them the circular and also ask for a receipt.

Olivia-expat wrote:

If foreigner is at airport and officer is asking for a fine over and above what is on that circular then we could show them the circular and also ask for a receipt.

A foreigner could try that, but they would need to keep in mind that that's not an official document.

The link posted by the OP and the text copied from that web page is from a commercial website for a Visa agency, not an official government portal.

I'm not saying that the information is incorrect.

But I would look for an official source to show to an official of the government.


It is intentionally kept vague. ***

Moderated by Cheryl 2 years ago
Reason : Unnecessary
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct

In 2019 I overstayed 3 months and went directly to immigration. They charged me 4 million. There is a form online directly from immigration stating the max fee was 4 million for 3 months. But it is so hard to find under all of the site. I would not go to any money sucking corrupt agent, just to immigration pay the fee directly and pay the exit fee, which is 25 if I remember right.


The official are corrupt also,
you are lucky if never heard about "money for Càphê"

wilks2021 wrote:

I overstayed 3 months and went directly to immigration. They charged me 4 million.

Its completely out of the table...(maybe coz in 2019)

But i have to admit, recently for my overstay, the payment matched the table.


@Nz0 Hello,

Wanted to share my recent experience as of June 28th, 2023.

Due to a mistake, I was not able to use my 30 days visa, and the Immigration office advised me to overstay or make a visa run (yes). I couldn't do the visa run so I ended up overstaying.

I overstayed 9 days and paid 1250 VND. Strangely, an other lady overstayed 2 days and paid the same fee. CASH only.

I came super early at the airport in case the paperwork took time, but you can't do anything unless it's WITHIN 3 hours before your flight (when the check-in opens basically).

Hope it helps!


1250VND really?? Somehow I doubt that figure is accurate , even though you have posted exactly the same on TripAdvisor !!

Aidan in HCMC


Seems to be a standard charge for short(ish) overstays.

"One day over-stay penalty was 1,250,000 VND. Because his new eVisa stated his "Entry Point" as Ha Tien (Kampot, Cambodia border crossing), he opted to fly to Phnom Penh, at a cost of 5,850,000 VND." (link)

Also, see this post, further up the thread.


@oasisbarhatien I realised I forgot the k !!!! >< my bad!

I can't edit it anymore but it's 1250 k (1250,000) VND

Aidan in HCMC
1250VND really?? Somehow I doubt that figure is accurate , even though you have posted exactly the same on TripAdvisor !!

LOL! Good catch smile.png


Either way, you can pay the overstay fee and be blacklisted...

They will not tell you if you gonna be blacklisted or not ! 1f611.svg

You will know next time, when you ask for new visa... 2639.svg

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