Marriage in turkey

Hi me and my partner want  to get married in turkey we are travelling with our 3 children but need to witnesses how can we get around it?

There's no workaround for it. But you can just find 2 random people from the city you are going to marry. Make an announcement here, or on facebook or on other expat forums. I bet someone will show up.

If you tell me the cities you are traveling to, I will try to  connect you with some lowers, that will help you with documents.
I have some friends in Izmir and they can help find some one in other cities.

We will be near serigamie, dalaman. Thanku.

It's not till june 2023 but didnt want to book until I knew a definite as tui told us it had to be someone we know.

We have been told we need to no the witnesses names before we even get there?

@sarahcorremember Nope, you don't need witnesses's name before you come here.

Sad, very sad, where is the family, perhaps all are dead, but no friends, no real estate agent even, NO, NO , NO