EP Application Status March 2022

Approvals vary case to case basis.


Has yours been approved yet?


@kbrit01 Not yet. Still pending. This is 6th week already

@abhilashothers If you don't mind, could you please tell me your job sector.

My EP applied on 29th Aug, got information from MOM to submit supporting documents on 1st Sep , submitted document to MOM on 2nd Sept. Now the status of application is pending. Any idea if the application will be approved within 3- 4 weeks and any possibility of rejections? Anyone having such experience, please share. Appreciate your response.

@ShBhardwaj The current average processing time is 6 - 8 weeks, with a wide case-by-case variation.

Your approval chances cannot be evaltuated based on the very limited information you gave. Please read the forum to learn what influences it!

@ShBhardwaj You asked both questions (about processing time and about approval chances) in separate posts before - and got good replies. What is the point in posting the same again?

@BIN GO72 IT sector. It has been 7 weeks with "Pending" status

@abhilashothers Thanks for sharing information. I applied for construction sector and it already took 7 weeks. Good luck.


Depends on company also if company status is good takes 7days to approve


Hi Bro, may i know what is the final outcome for ur case?

Hello P Soe,

Welcome to Expat.com 1f601.svg

Are you too in the same situation right now?

Let's hope you can get some feedback soon.

All the best,


Expat.com team


Yes, I got the feedback from MoM stated that 'Your application has not been approved. Please talk to your employer or agent.'

Any news from your employer or agent?

They will definitely know what is happening.

I hope you can get a positive answer soon.

Hi, if the status says pending approval even after 11 days, is it unlikely to get approved? I see most people who get the EP approved get it within several days.

Hi, does the EP gets approved within several days (if approved) and a delay of more than 10 days means it will most likely to be rejected?

Not necessarily everyone's EP got approval in few days. In general, if you are applying very first time then it may take several weeks to month. But renewal time it will be much faster so please have patience as each application can take its own time. Good luck

  1. hi @surya2k if we have the first apply s pass how many month usually get approved ?
  2. why sometimes after 2- 3 month the s pass can be rejected / approved without any additional document?

@Lydia Turtle Please read related forum discussions first, before asking questions that have already been answered many times! In short:

  1. The work pass application process usually takes between two weeks and two months, but special cases can deviate from this.
  2. MoM does not normally disclose the rejection reason. But the wording of the rejection letter can give a hint - and the employer can sometimes find out more by contacting the processing officer.