Should I renew my A card or directly apply for L card?


My current A card will expire on 15 Oct 2022. I will be completing 5 years of legal residence + work in Belgium on 7 Sep 2022. As per normal procedure, should I initiate renewal of my A card in July/Aug 2022 and then wait till I get a new A card and then subsequently initiate my application for L card? Or would it be better for me to simply wait till 7 Sep 2022, and then directly apply for the L card? The risk here is I may end up without any valid ID card for a couple of months, since I was told the processing time of L card is approx. 5 months. Is there any likelihood that my application for L card may be expedited since my current A card expires on 15 Oct 2022 or would it be wiser to simply apply for the urgent procedure by paying the higher fees?

Any advise on above issue would be highly appreciated, as I did not receive any decent information from my Districthuis.

Thank you

When you apply for L/B card, there is no guarantee they approve your application. Also, there is no guarantee you will get this before 15 Oct.

Best is to start the process to renew your A card.

As such, when you get your B/L card, you need to return your A card. Considering this, you just need to follow normal process.
There are chances that you will have to renew your card A.

You may get card A with 3 years validity. In that case, you can't apply for card B.

You can only apply for L.

If you don't specify at the commune for L, by default they apply for card B and you will get a rejection.

So, renew card A followed by requisition for card L.

A note: you may apply for card L directly. However, for 3-4 months you will end up with carrying Anex as an identity card. This can cause you a problem if you want to travel etc. 
@ashaugustine no, its likely that you will get your L card (if file is valid) after the deadline as the ministry will not try to do it as soon before the deadline (if your application is valid ofcourse, if its not valid then you will get informed sooner for example).

So, best to follow what you can do at the least administrative steps and in the most guaranted result. Then you do not have to worry about the L card.

True. It makes more sense to renew card A and then apply for card L.


1. There is not process to expedite the L type application. The max wait time is 5 months from the time the commune accepts the application and issue you Annexe 16BIS.

2. Even if you apply for L card in the month of SEP, it doesn't legally allow you to continue work after the current WP expiry.

3. I suggest you apply for your WP and also for L card in parallel
Apply for A card renewal in Jul.

Apply for L card in Sep/Oct as you may need time to collect all documents.
Thank you all for your responses. I highly appreciate it.
Technically speaking, you don't have to renew your A card.
Commune will give an annexe 8 or whatever that a process is ongoing, it's foreseen by the law and your stay is still legal (cover by the annexe).

Reality is... do it.
You'll lose money because you'll pay 2 cards in the end, but with your renewed A card you can still travel outside Belgium / vacation / blablabla... while waiting for the approval.

If you've been working for 5 years without interrupt, got more than 1750 after tax per month (that's the case or you wouldn't have receive single permit), you'll get your L card... except if you did any serious crime, but it's unlikely as your resident permit would already be canceled.
And even if they disagree to grant the L card (because of interrupt or whatever), then you'll have the B card as you've been here for 5 years.
But that's administrative stuff that takes time... no need to worry much.
Thank you Alex for your perspective. I appreciate your advice, and as you suggested it probably makes sense to apply for both cards sequentially (A card & then L card) even if the administrative costs will be higher & time will be longer.
Dear All

My situation is also similar but I have to start a different job on 31st October 2022. The city hall told me that I can apply for L card from 2nd October 2022. I am going to start a new postdoc/researcher position in a different university from 31st October 2022. At the moment I have my residence card valid till January 16th as my current hosting agreement lasts till that date. But I am changing jobs before this date. Will this require additional procedure like applying for work permit? Or the residence card is extended directly with the new hosting agreement?

Should I apply for the L card first or extension of residence card based on the new hosting agreement that the new university will provide?

Also is it true that if you change employer within 5 years, even without interruption, then you can only apply for L card after 7 years instead of 5 years?

Really appreciate your help as am in tough decision making situation.

Hi Everyone, Can you apply renewal of A card or should it be done by your employer?


Card is personal, so you must appear in person at town hall of residence to renew. Employer will only renew your work permit.

@Edigj ok thank you