Possible changes by law for obtaining residency in Paraguay.

Hi everybody,

I am curious if somebody could update me on any law changes regarding obtaining residency in Paraguay.

As far as I know, the only official change made is the amount of deposit needed to prove solvency. I think the amount went up. Are there any other changes made? Or are there any possible changes coming up in the near future?

It would be very helpful to know,

Kind regards,

Robin de Jong

Hello.  for now it is a project that is still being processed in Parliament, only when the final law is published will we be able to know its scope, while they are only speculations.

I haven't confirmed it yet, so just a rumor, that a cedula will be given for two years only and not ten years starting 2023....
@Robin de Jong Hello!

Yes, a new bill is being analyzed in congress. It was already approved by both chambers and it is currently awaiting to be approved by the lower chamber regarding some modifications suggested by the Senate, so I believe it is likely to be approved in the next two months.

The bill sets forth a grace period of 6 months before coming into force, during wich the executive branch must issue its ruling.

If approved, changes in the immigration process are going to be significant. For instance, foreign citizens will need to obtain a temporary residence first for two years to be able to apply for the permanent residence. A cedula will also be granted for both temporary and permanent residents, which will last for as long as their residencies last.

Should you have any further queries, my inbox is open.


@al1839 where did you hear this? The bill has a 6 month grace period meaning it should come into force mid-2023, but you are saying you heard that it will come into force in January 2023?

@yourtee1 I too am curious about this law change and when it's supposed to go into effect. Also, where is the official news from the Paraguayan government about this potential future change?

This is the official website for checking the status of new laws and their progress for approval:  http://silpy.congreso.gov.py/expediente/124652
@Sally Romero

I am interested in becoming a resident of Paraguay. Is it possible to contact you by email?
@Aariksu Hello!

Yes, contact me by private message and I will send you my email. The forum's rules does not allow people to put their email addresses here.

Best regards,
What does the 6 months grace period means? If the law gets approved, which it probably will, are we getting f-ed from January or middle of 2023? Just so I know how fast should I be....

@aristidafazendo It means that from the date the bill is approved, it will take 6 months before it is enforced. We cannot talk about a specific date yet or even if the grace period will stay as it is in the bill that is being analyzed in Congress.

@yourtee1 From an immigration consultant... Unconfirmed, again. Keep an eye at the new law updates.