Education and schooling will be one of your primary concerns if you're looking to move abroad with your family. Like most concerned parents, you're probably pondering on the benefits of international schooling for your children in your host country. International schooling more often than not, comes with a hefty cost. How far are you willing to invest in your children’s education and how convinced are you that they will be able to adapt to the local education system? To help you choose wisely, here is an insight into international school fees around the world according to an ExpatFinder survey.
The survey shows a sharp 19% rise in international fees in 2018 compared to only 2% in 2017. Various criteria account for this rise, including the increasing popularity of some expat destinations, the cost of living, and the quality of education provided. Furthermore, in some countries, affluent parents, including locals, are quite keen to enrol their children in international schools to help them adapt more rapidly to globalisation. In fact, it's so easy nowadays to find both French and English medium international schools in many countries due to the demand, provided you're ready to invest in your children's education.
The costliest destinations

It might sound surprising, but this year, China hosts some of the world's most expensive international schools, followed by Switzerland, Belgium, the United Kingdom, and Singapore. China's rise in international schools fees can be attributed to various factors including the number of affluent Chinese families who prefer the prestige of English-medium international schools to traditional schooling for their children. The high demand has thus led to a 16% rise in yearly fees, especially given the limited availability of seats.
To enrol your child in an international school in China, count an average of US $ 33,591 per year. It's also worth noting that most of the costliest international schools in China are found in Shanghai, a top destination for foreign talent. You should also take into account the fact that it may be quite difficult for a Western expat child to adapt to the Chinese educational system which requires, from the start, a good command of the Chinese language and the ability to adjust to the local culture. If you have just been offered a new job in China, make sure to inquire whether your employer can bear the cost of international schooling for your children.
In some countries like Singapore, companies usually take over the responsibility of the school fees for their expat employees. Therefore, do not be surprised by the 20% rise in international school fees in Singapore over the past year, taking into account the high-quality education provided. As expat parents in the City-State, count an average of US $ 25,758 per year for international school fees.
As you can see, Western international school fees remain incredibly high as evidenced in top expat destinations like Switzerland, Belgium, and the United Kingdom. Count an average of US $ 32,453 per year in Switzerland and some US $ 29,613 in Belgium. In the United Kingdom, yearly international school fees amount to an average of US $ 26,627. The rising cost of international school fees in Europe is explained by not only the high cost of living but also prestigious certificates and diplomas delivered in these countries, such as the International Baccalaureate, the French Baccalaureate, the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE), and the International High School Diploma.
While there's a considerable gap in international school fees in the Eastern and Western countries, it's worth noting that it primarily depends on expat wages in these countries as well as the cost of living. With some research, you can still find more affordable international schools in most of these countries. Make sure to compare offers before enroling your children.
The most affordable destinations

The world's most affordable international schools are also found in Asia, especially in Thailand and India. Annual school fees range from US$ 545 to US$ 1,354 per year, which makes around US$ 6,542 to US$ 16,252 for the full 12-year schooling. Keep in mind, however, that affordable doesn't mean poor quality. A lower cost of living compared to top expat destinations like Singapore, Hong Kong, China, and South Korea, along with lower demand for international education, make Thailand and India the ideal places for international schooling.
In Europe, Leicester, in the UK, seems to be the most affordable city for international schooling along with a couple of cities in France and Luxembourg where annual fees range between US$ 2,507 and US$ 4,614 per year. In the USA, Florida is the most affordable city with yearly international school fees of US $ 5,307.
One of the most attractive Central European destinations for expat families, Luxembourg has a unique education system. International school fees amount to an average of US $ 4,408 per year, which is quite surprising for a country where the cost of living is high. With limited availability of seats and long waiting lists, international schools in Luxembourg can afford to lower their fees since they benefit from a 40% State subsidy for each student.
Choosing the best option

Choosing your children's schooling depends not only on your financial means and the quality of education provided but also on your children's ability to adapt to a new system. Your host country's culture and language are only some of the criteria that you have to take into account to make the right choice. In general, international education is more expensive (US$ 19,907 per year) than French (US$ 9,489 per year) and Dutch education (US$ 7,329). Having English-speaking children probably means that general international education will suit them best, helping them adapt to their new environment and make friends more easily, even though the local education system seems more affordable.