
What would Biden as the new US President mean for expats?

Joe Biden / Matt Smith Photographer
Written byVeedushi Bon 05 November 2020

It can take several days or weeks before the new US president is proclaimed, but Democrat candidate Joe Biden seems to be on his way to the White House. This Thursday, November 5, he had already won 264 electoral votes against 214 for Donald Trump. However, it's still possible that the candidate with the most public votes isn't declared the winner. Especially since Donald Trump is challenging the results. Expats around the world tell us how they feel about this election.

On Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 160 million Americans voted for their new president. The 66.9% turnout for this election is the most surprising one since 1920. On Wednesday, Donald Trump was already confident in his victory, but the night was long. As the gap narrowed in four key states - North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Nevada - Biden already had the majority in Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona and New Hampshire. This gave rise to protest in several major cities in the US.

"Biden's win has restored my faith in democracy, renewed my faith in the American voters to do what's right, and rehabilitated my hope for the nation's future", says Jerry Nelson, an American expatriate in Argentina. He believes that Joe Biden as vice-president during former President Obama's mandate was the right person in the right place. “ Biden was there when the tough decisions were made and when America was up against the wall. Yes, Biden has been in the government for over four decades; he is a “professional politician”. According to him, Trump proved that too many Americans confused celebrity with competency. "Biden's win has restored the hope of many older Argentines who remember America's shameful legacy in the 1970s and 1980s ‘Dirty War' when 30,000 Argentines were killed with the help and complicity of the American government. Many were fearful that Trump's nationalism could make it happen again”. He firmly believes that life as an expat is pleasant once more.

This sentiment is shared by many Americans who agreed to share their views with us, like Harvey, who now lives in Ireland. “I'm sorely disappointed that the race is so close. Even if Biden wins, what kind of country is it that is doesn't roundly reject a president as crazy as Donald Trump? That is a big part of why I am in Ireland. I don't want to be a part of that anymore. ” And he's not the only one. Angelica and Shangrila, two Americans, are looking to move abroad soon. “Too many Americans not only are complacent but are emboldened by Donald Trump. This is no longer my home. I must accept this reality and move forward in finding a safe haven outside of the US ”, says Shangrila.

But for John, an American expat in Thailand, there are different ways of framing this election. “ I keep coming back to this: what could Trump have botched any more than he actually did over the past four years? It's unpleasant that Trump is insulting and annoying, or even sexist and racist, but I'm talking about actual impact. Tarnishing the role of the US as a trade partner and international relations leader covers both, image and function”. For him, Trump's greatest achievement was supporting a tax cut for the wealthy, ballooning national debt, which didn't benefit anyone outside the richest 1%. Even that 1% didn't change fortunes; they didn't need it. John also believes that Trump's greatest failure was spreading misinformation versus actually playing any positive role in the pandemic. "Starting a misguided and pointless trade war with China was significant, with plenty of real economic impact on both sides”. Regarding the voting, "American people vote with their gut, and can't separate real news from media spin (probably at least partly true on both sides). Many, maybe most, fail to recognize their own best interests. Unless media tells them something is a problem they couldn't possibly suspect that it's a problem (like the wage gap, national debt, climate change, etc.). In a sense the country truly deserves to experience four more years of decline, even with a narrow majority voting against Trump," says John.

Hank, an American expatriate in Colombia, also believes that there are several factors to take into account. "Trump may have lost by six million or more when the popular votes are counted. His margin of defeat in the previous election was about half that amount. By comparison, Richard Nixon lost to John F. Kennedy in 1960 by 112,000 votes.” For him, it's hard to beat an incumbent US president. “Presidents have been denied a second four-year term only twice in the past century (Bush the Elder and Carter). It's especially tough to defeat one who exploits the government and the bully pulpit and employs dubious tricks in support of his re-election bid.”

For Frank, who lives in Germany, “This election is one of the best thrillers of this century, with extended suspense whether the evil anti-hero will prevail over his likeable, but clumsy opponent, with everyone hoping an unforeseeable stroke of luck will lead to a happy end. This is an appropriate climax of four years filled with giddying drama and comedy (but nothing based on facts or science).”

Everyday life

I hold a French diploma and worked as a journalist in Mauritius for six years. I have over a decade of experience as a bilingual web editor at, including five years as an editorial assistant.


  • Jean-Jaques
    Jean-Jaques4 years ago(Modified)
    I comment from a Christian perspective. If you don't understand it or don't agree with it, that's fine. My validation comes from my creator, not people. "The Donald" is the only president to have made so much peace between Israel and other ME countries such as UAE and Baharain. People in America do not how historic this truly is. DT defended the innocent unborn babies by standing against taxpayer abortion and put America First. He blocked the CCP in China and demanded that they treat their people better. Also, HE NEVER ONCE DECIDED TO TAKE THE USA TO WAR-- SOMETHING THE SUPPOSED LIBERALS LOVE TO DO!!!! To the rest of the world all of this seems like foolishness and selfishness, but in my opinion DT was one of the last leaders in the entire world to stand up to the godless globalist marxist anti-Christ anti-Israel United Nations and to tyrants around the world who hate humanity. DT stood up to corrupt politicians and defended the men and women keeping the peace. Unfortunately, the youth in American has been brainwashed into thinking that everyone evolved from a rock, and placed their faith in both the religion of evolution (a truly racist eugenics-based theory, just read the *full title* of Charles Darwin's Origin of Species) and the religion of collectivism. Neither make any sense in terms of life having meaning and in terms of defending individual liberties. It amazes me that people do not want individual liberties. Perhaps they will once the oppression hits their lives personally. The USA was an amazing experiment in freedom and the country was strong when the vast majority of its citizens looked to God in reverence. But now it will get exactly what it deserves and will be burned by fire in a single day. It's very sad, but the country's leaders have hardened their hearts and has willfully opposed God. It will not end well for the (former) USA.
  • AgroSurAmerica
    AgroSurAmerica4 years ago(Modified)
    Biden will finish the destruction of the Republic began by Obama and expected to be completed by Hillary. STOPPED by Trump. The transformation of the USA to a Marxist Communist country your homework,
  • WoDi
    WoDi4 years ago(Modified)
    My hope is for the liberty of people all over the world: Trump must win. Look at the fraud of democratic letter votes in Michigan and other US states. Biden is just a dummy for the extreme leftist Kamala Harris.
  • LemSaDipolog
    LemSaDipolog4 years ago(Modified)
    The usual clap trap from those that refuse to accept American exceptionalism and wish to see us dumbed down to their level.
  • shouldwego
    shouldwego4 years ago(Modified)
    The article is very one-sided. You ask most people in Africa, and they love Trump and recognize there is fraud here. Someone commented about the dollar getting pounded and overall, most markets, you can see it. Biden will be bad for trade. I'd rather have a president that is not a professional politician than one who has done NOTHING in 47 years. I'd rather have a president that is abrasive but follows through on promises or one that makes promises and does nothing
  • RickNau
    RickNau4 years ago(Modified)
    What an ignorant anti American article. These people nor the author of this tripe have spent much time within the country to have a clue. America with its faults is still the greatest example of Democracy ever and has more positive influence for Liberty all over the planet. Your vague reference to the difference in the popular votes is a good indicator of your ignorance in how my country was founded. We are not a bully pure democracy. We are a Republic that doesn't ignore the minority like many other democracies. If you do not like America, that is fine. Then keep your ignorance out of my country and go somewhere else.
  • Winston154
    Winston1544 years ago(Modified)
    Democracy is dead and buried we now live under the new world order program it does not matter anymore who you vote for as the corruption is plain to see .
  • Winston154
    Winston1544 years ago(Modified)
    Well that’s the end of democracy, no matter who you vote for the New World order will be ruling the world and those of you who voted for corruption from the Biden , Clinton , Obama , Bush , mafia deserve everything that is coming your way. God is the only one who can save you now.
  • Ddwrbks1
    Ddwrbks14 years ago(Modified)
    Sounds like you only interviewed/ published Perspectives from people who see things they way you do. A few facts regardless of ones personal opinion is offering the reader a balanced perspective. Are you able to accomplish this in your content?
  • Guest
    Guest4 years ago(Modified)
    ? How quick some are to disregard andmake excuses for the 150% increase in the National Debt under the barry and pedo! National debt increased $12T, from $8-20T during those eight years! I firmly agree, we need a more progressive income tax and the tax loopholes "must" end!