
Why more and more expats are returning home

man with suitcase at airport
Written byMomentsingon 16 August 2021

While living abroad is a popular desire of many worldwide, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is presenting challenges for current and future expats that they perhaps didn’t foresee. Some may have no choice but to return home due to changed circumstances in their host countries, while others may choose to return home, perhaps even leaving behind their dream destinations and careers.

Expats returning to their home countries and cities is a widely discussed topic at present. Job losses worldwide have caused financial challenges to many expats, and some may have no choice but to return home after losing employment. Others may leave their expat-life due to a variety of reasons. 

The Knight Frank report “Covid-19 sparks expat re-evaluation” from 10 June 2020, following a survey of their “global network”, stated that “64% of expats said the lockdown had influenced their decision to buy a property in their home country”. The Knight Frank report mentioned that “being close to family members” was the primary reason behind expats searching for properties back home, and the second reason was “a new job offer”. The report stated the third and fourth reasons were “a better healthcare system back home” and “children's educational needs”, respectively.

Victoria Garrett, Knight Frank's Head of Residential in Asia Pacific, stated that “For expats with older parents back home or young children heading to boarding school abroad - and the prospect of a potential 8 or 12-hour flight to reach them – the Covid-19 pandemic has meant many are rethinking their long-term plans.”

We are now in the second half of 2021, and many expats who haven't visited their loved ones in a while may increasingly worry about their families as the COVID-19 pandemic continues, in addition to feeling lonely themselves. In unfortunate circumstances, some expats' loved ones may have passed on from the virus, leaving them to grieve, perhaps alone, in their host countries. 

What's in the future for expats returning home?

Expats who choose to return for any reason will have to make some adjustments when settling into their home countries or cities. Depending on the expats' occupations and the economic conditions in their home countries, some might be able to restart their careers or embark on new careers and businesses, while others may face difficulties. Expats such as digital nomads on a more flexible schedule, working and running businesses while travelling, may find it easier to transition to their home countries, for a while at least. 

Additionally, life back home may not be the same as before they left. So, here are a few tips to help in settling back home:

Understand that things may not be completely smooth

The challenges may include managing finances, especially for unemployed returnees with limited money, rekindling connections, and getting used to a new environment, even if it's a familiar one. 

Research your home destination ahead of time and identify things you can do to minimize any challenges you foresee, especially with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. 

Create a close circle of people

There may be old friends you can reconnect with. However, some of your friends may have moved on, or you may not get along anymore, which can happen with time. Hence, be open to making new friends, if possible, within any safety-related restrictions.

Enjoy being back home

If you have returned to your family, remember to treasure the moments because the COVID-19 pandemic has reminded us all how fragile and uncertain life can be. Besides, there may be opportunities to return to expat life again, if you choose to when the pandemic and the restrictions ease. So, try your best to enjoy the time at home. 

Whether returning home is the best choice will depend on each expat's circumstances and requirements, if a choice is available. While the future is to be seen – we hope all expats can get through these challenging times whether they choose to stay in their host countries or return home. 

Everyday life

I am a financial professional turned writer with a keen interest in remote business, finance, and travel.
