
Understanding diploma recognition abroad: What expats need to know

Written byAsaël Häzaqon 10 October 2023

If you're planning to study or work abroad, have you checked whether your diploma or program will be recognized in your target country? Diploma recognition isn't necessarily the first thing that comes to our mind when we plan to move abroad for work or study. However, the non-recognition of your diploma or degree can have a particular impact on your plans.

Diploma recognition in different countries

In France, for example, the baccalauréat is a prerequisite for higher education. Since 1999 and the Bologna agreements signed by the Ministers of Education of 29 European countries, all French diplomas are recognized within the European Higher Education Area. The European Higher Education Area currently includes 49 countries and guarantees the recognition of diplomas held by European citizens. To further strengthen the coherence of the education system, the European Union (EU) has also introduced the LMD (Licence-Master-Doctorate) system. This system, in force since 2002, allows a degree obtained in one EU country to be recognized in all other EU countries in the form of European credits (European Credits Transfer System). The system is reserved for EU member states and has not been extended to other countries.

So, if you're a French citizen planning to move to another European country, you'll have no problem getting your qualifications recognized. Other countries offer an equivalent to the baccalauréat, such as China (gaokao), the USA (high school diploma) or Quebec (diplôme d'études collégiales). However, these equivalents do not necessarily mean that the French or European diploma will be recognized in these countries. Moreover, other forms of baccalauréat (vocational baccalauréat) may not be recognized like the general baccalauréat.

Whether or not your studies and diplomas are recognized depends on your host country. Some, like Canada and Australia, may require certification by an official body. Others may not recognize your diploma at all. For example, the United States does not recognize the baccalaureate or any other European diploma. However, you can have your diploma evaluated to find an American equivalent by contacting Credential Evaluation Services.

Are your qualifications as crucial as your diploma?

The good news is that recognition of your studies/diploma by your host country is not always a foregone conclusion. First, your host country will probably not know your university unless you studied at a world-renowned institution. It might also not be familiar with the title of your program. In the interest of internalization, many institutions have adopted English titles for their courses and degrees. These titles are more "transferable" abroad and allow you to speak more clearly about your degree, although your host country will not necessarily recognize it.

But your work experience can make a difference more than your degree or course. When it comes to work, for example, good work experience speaks louder than a diploma. The United States places a high value on your professional background. Also, remember that certain professions (lawyers, doctors, etc.) are regulated and require specific degrees and qualifications. You'll need to meet your host country's requirements to practice your profession.

Regarding your studies, the authorities will look less at your diploma than your grades. In fact, you'll need to have your transcripts translated. Universities not only want to assess your level of English but also your level in other subjects. So, if your diplomas are not recognized in your host country, you can always explain your course of study to your prospective university, with all the supporting documents you deem necessary (translations of transcripts and diplomas, certificates issued by an accredited body...). The same advice applies to people moving abroad for work with unrecognized diplomas.

What about non-diploma courses?

The growing number of schools and other educational institutions, especially online, has multiplied the number of courses on offer. But not all of them are recognized by your home country, let alone your host country. So be careful before enrolling in one of these programs, especially if you aim to obtain a state-recognized diploma.

Also, non-recognition does not mean that the school's program is not serious. On the contrary, some major institutions (especially in the arts) offer unaccredited education. These schools are more flexible than traditional institutions and focus more on the quality of their courses, giving you the ability to get a good grounding, be skilled in your field, and specialize in a precise sector. So it's up to you to decide what you want to do. If you're a student planning to study abroad, you'll want to start as soon as possible with a school that has an "international vision", or at least that will give you the means to achieve your goals (for example, a partnership between your university and other institutions abroad).

Useful links:

UE: recognition of academic diplomas

ENIC-NARIC: recognition of qualifications overseas

Schools & studies

I'm the holder of a Master's degree in Law - Political Science as well as a diploma from the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) N2, and have worked as a communications officer. I have over 10 years' experience as a web copywriter.


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