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Everything you need to know to work abroad
Germany's labor crisis:  What should foreign ...
Germany is grappling with a sluggish economy, declining employee morale, and the fears of foreign workers and prospective expats for political reasons. The outlook includes a GDP barely surpassing 0% and a plummeting birth rate. Nevertheless, the government relies on immigration reform to reverse this trend and attract foreign professionals.
Europe: Where to go for jobs, studies, and retirement
While the United States, Canada, and Australia remain prime destinations for expats, Spain, Portugal, Germany, and Switzerland are also highly appreciated. Other European countries are also drawing in a diverse group of working professionals, students, and retirees. But what do these countries offer, and what are the benefits of relocating there?
Global foreign investment decline and its impact on ...
Since 2022, global foreign investment has consistently declined, a troubling trend that's stifling economic growth and hampering national development. This downturn not only curtails corporate initiatives but also dims the prospects for international work assignments. In response, the UN's Trade and Development Agency urges governments to take decisive action. Below is a detailed analysis of these developments.
How AI, remote work, and digital presence are ...
As we enter an era dominated by artificial intelligence, robust online reputation management, and widespread remote working, we invite you to delve into the evolving landscape of international recruitment. What shifts are unfolding in worker and job seeker expectations? What should individuals anticipate when pursuing employment opportunities abroad?
Moving abroad as a couple: How to manage dual careers
Relocating internationally as a couple introduces dual challenges. It's crucial to collaborate and make decisions together—considering each partner's perspective—while carefully evaluating the benefits and drawbacks of each scenario: whether to resign, continue working, or perhaps live separately for a period. How can you effectively manage each individual's career mobility during this transition?
New global minimum income scales for expats in 2024
Nations around the world are reforming their immigration rules to attract foreign talent, reduce net migration, and promote local employment. Their target: the minimum income, a crucial condition for qualifying for a work visa. Should this threshold be increased or lowered? How do employers view these state reforms? Let's take a closer look at the countries that have recently changed their minimum income scales for expatriates.
Latest job offers abroad
Trinidad and Tobago, South Oropouche
Added on 10/09/2024
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